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Tech opportunity for Greg. Holiday gift temp. subscriptions.

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After listening to Tuohy's sports' fixing episode tonight, I had this strong impulse to gift the podcast to many an uncle and step-father who would struggle through, but love this show.

(By they by, Greg, the last couple months of programming have been really top notch. Your reading list is improving, and so is mine.)

Someone, (Greg? Are you that guy?) has to build the web infrastructure with paypal and all that, whereby we can send that episode as a gift to our errant relative come this Thanksgiving, that is, [as surreal as it is] the FIRST THANKSGIVING of LORD TRUMP. Perhaps you are able to also sell the whole month as a package? Or an annual fee... (if you think you're uncle isn't gonna be a douche in the forums.) ? Are you sure he won't be like Skankhunt42? But the best would be: if your errant uncle were to completely listen to the podcast, then and only then, would he be invited to listen to another episode of his choosing. So he has to go all the way to a climax point in the show when the invitation is made, or emailed to him after. And then within the gift options, you could tailor that. It would be like a family playlist curation in a friendly folk-style bout of mutual mind control operation, but completely at the consensual pursuit of the giftee. That is, 'I'll enjoy my relative's puzzle, until I've reached my conspiracy limit, or decided to buy my own subscription,' because they're jonesing for it.

We live in the age of the unveiling. This is all that 'apocalypse' means. Unveiling. Revelation - reveal-ation, the effect of revealing. The chance to look behind the curtain. Well, we have suffered through many a-decade now of hidden agency. Seven decades to be precise. 2017 will be the 70th return after 1947. And it will be in this year, that the true cartoon president has arrived. We are entering the Platinum Sapphire Jubilee, the Smoky Quartz Anniversary. We are witnessing Pinnochio writ large, the fictional boy, finally come to life, and learns how to be ethical for the first time. He has to learn NOT to lie.

The age has come, for so many through so much shock and trauma in this century, that we finally get to reward ourselves with the cleansing of attachments. Surrealism has replaced realism. This is not for nefarious reasons. It is because we have arrived at a consenting age. The governed, non-coastal TV and Internet Public did not consent to being shamed for who they were, in part because of PC persecution, and they stood up for themselves. And for good reason - The world we live in has rotted to the core, so say the feedback loops. Whether you prefer Clinton or Trump, the other is 'pure evil,' to any partisan mind. (If we could only know how Bernie would have performed opposed to Trump... Alas, even the minatour in the labyrinth must choose left from right, and wonder what might have happened down the other warren, but never know.)

And yet all that is required to redeem it(!) ...are two voices, telling stories. Greg Carlwood and whomever is lucky enough to find common ground to stand on.

...At least, that's what I'll tell my recalcitrant uncle. just so that he gets the impression that 'I'm not being cavalier' in my mere $5 gift.

What'ya say, entrepreneurs?! It's the gift that keeps on giving, the widget that sells itself! Get on it! Don't give me credit, just let me know it exists. Please.


Posted : November 21, 2016 2:20 AM
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

"'Your' uncle isn't going to be a douche," not "you're." Pardon me.

Posted : November 21, 2016 2:27 AM