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Angela J. Davis | Policing The Black Man, Arbitrary Justice, & A Broken System

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Post your feedback below as usual 😉

Posted : July 10, 2020 9:13 AM
Posts: 54
Trusted Member

I am a POC, an attorney, and a former prosecutor. I think the word to describe this episode is Embarrassing.

I am embarrassed for Greg. This was a milquetoast kindergarten level rehash of SJW talking points. Greg nodding along saying "How Interesting!! I always KNEW black folks had it bad!!" "Oh my, I don't think anyone actually KNEW that incredibly obvious and well known factoid about our criminal justice system!". I half expected him to regale us with a story about how he just KNEW that the pig was smoking his bag of weed that just got confiscated. And I am embarrassed for myself. For giving money to this podcast, for referring my friends and family to this podcast. I am embarrassed that I thought this show was different, that this was worth my time and energy.

I am not going to write a thesis paper refuting every point made by the good professor, which I could do easily (especially her extremely poor understanding of how prosecutions happen). Instead I will focus on the direct opposition to the show format that this guest represents. Liberal law school professors are one of the easiest examples of tools of the Cabal. It is a well known Marxist Globalist plan to infiltrate law schools and direct legal policy via the demographics of the legal professionals. Listening to this podcast, you wouldn't understand that the vast, VAST majority of lawyers are of the exact same mold of this guest. Yes even those EVIL elected prosecutors. This guest was not a noble truth teller, she was an agent of the same forces this podcast is supposed to fight against. Not only that, she is an idiot! Ask any attorney, if you want to find the worst attorneys of all time look at the head of a law school class.

In the end, the problem is that Greg is in fact an ignorant rich white pothead. His opinions on this are formed by his resentment of society cramping his THC lifestyle. Cops are EVIL because they took his bag. I guess I am embarrassed most of all that it took me this long to understand this fact. Yes, you have "shaved" this plus member. I will be canceling now. And I already know the default response. I won't be missed. Which is the most ironic part of this whole race debate. The most fervent racial provocateurs are always the most privileged and most white people. And when I, as a POC stand up and speak the truth about how they have been manipulated and deceived by higher powers to read a racist agenda into our society, they are more than happy to reject my opinion as a POC and cling to the waves and waves of rich, privileged white kids talking about how bad the black man has it.

Let me clue you into the most hidden of truths in the racial undercurrents in America. The reason you feel the need to fight on behalf of the poor black man is paternalism. You feel that you, as a white, privileged person, are uniquely capable of elevating the poor disadvantaged black man. You are superior. Of COURSE the black man cannot exist in this world without your help, because obviously he is merely an inferior person in need of your divine intervention. Take my final advice to heart. STOP. Stop advocating for people of color, people like myself. Because when you do it, you reinforce your own vision of white supremacy. You put me down at the bottom of society, wholly dependent on your good graces to bail me out. I don't need you. I don't want you. I helped myself, though my own self worth, by my damned bootstraps. Not with the help of white people like you, but in SPITE of white people like you. And all of those folks that DO avail themselves to your generous activism, well, you are a useful idiot to them.

Posted : July 13, 2020 2:32 AM
Posts: 349
Bossman Admin

Wow man. You seem qualified, so what can I say?

Look, I've been doing this show for 10 years. Nobody is going to like every show or every guest. Often times I have a good idea, but can never be sure exactly what a guest is going to say either. I let them speak for themselves. However, you're pretty hash in your criticism of me, over a single episode. No credit for what I've done right? You hate one episode and I'm burnt? How could a person live up to that standard?

I even said in the wrap up, I'm not a fan of BLM as a movement and I understand the frustration with this liberal "coddling" stuff. That has nothing to do with real statistics about black men facing 20% longer sentences for the same crime, does it? Or the school-to-prison pipeline and racial profiling, right?

THC has always been a show about systematic injustice, conspiracy, & roadblocks set up by the elite. Why is it weird or wrong to do an episode that focuses specifically on how those things effect the black community? I have several black friends who appreciated it. I got a ton of feedback saying, "Finally! I always felt like conspiracy culture was a white thing, b/c they never talk about people of color." Etc.

I "feel the need" as you say, to speak on behalf of all people, one microcosmic episode at a time. I think you're taking this way too seriously and way too personally.

Also, I'm not rich, just comfortable.

Posted : July 16, 2020 4:13 AM
Posts: 54
Trusted Member

TheCarlwood wrote:
Also, I'm not rich, just comfortable.

Fair enough, lol. Much respect for replying to my post.

It isn't just this one episode, it is the sprinklings of "peaceful protesters" going back a couple episodes. And you are right I am taking this personally; I am from Minneapolis and when agent provocateurs burn down your block it is a personal experience. And you are right again, my personal insults of you were over the line. Apologies.

Let me give you credit for what you have done right. You get the best guests on and cultivate the best conversations without coloring the guest's output. Gordon, for example, can't stop himself from dominating the conversations on his show. Which is why this single episode stuck out so badly to me. This guest didn't seem so much a guest as a mouthpiece to express the race relations opinions you clearly hold. Where most episodes are a showcase of the guest's work, this seemed to be a showcase of your personal opinions with a hired credential to give them weight. Maybe this was entirely off base, but that is how it came off to me.

I guess it shows the value I put in your show that I got so damned agitated by this episode. The zeitgeist of our culture is filled to the brim with normies being woke, and I just view you as the best source of escapism from the tyranny of the 90%. When you suddenly go normie on a topic that I cannot escape after a traumatic episode of real life, well it got me stirred up. It also hit my personal area of expertise, where I know each and every time the "facts" being presented are straight up crap. It is like my pilot friend when Top Gun comes on TV; he isn't an asshole, but he sure sounds like an asshole every time he explains how jetwash could never cause that crash.

I fully support more minority centered conspiracies. Lincoln's 'back to Africa' attempts, HUD, abortion based genocide, Jesuit abduction of natives, minority organ trafficking; there are tons of things to go into that better fit your audience and abilities, while including some overlooked populations. Or if straight up black lives matter stuff is what you want to cover, get on a guest that can go a level deeper than the establishment talk tracks. Get someone on that knows the police brutality angle AND the Democratic Party's involvement in destroying every community of color. Larry Johnson??? 🙂

In closing, I immediately regret my cancellation as the show that just dropped seems like a good one and I want the second hour. Instant karma got me.

Posted : July 16, 2020 5:04 AM
Posts: 12
Active Member

While there already seems to be a heated debate on this thread... I just wanted to stop by and say that I just finished this episode with Angela J. Davis and feel like there may be another side that needs explored to this argument. I was actually going to suggest you maybe try and get in contact with someone along the lines of Anthony Brian Logan, The Officer Tatum, or maybe even someone as bold as Candice Owens and see if they would come on and debate the flip side to this coin. Do I think there is a balance of justice problem, yes. Do I think there are a ton of other factors at play here, absolutely. I just think we need more context on this subject. While it may not be as conspiracy minded as a lot of us love the show for, I think it is a health discussion and right now is a good time to have it.
I think if you could get one of these other individuals on the show and get there take on the situation and see what they have to say we might get a much more broad picture of this subject.
I unfortunately thought this show was a little too one sided (justifiably so) and that some of the solutions presented were far too simplified. While good to hear, I think a little balance on this topic is in order. Would love to know your thoughts Greg and folks.

Keep up the great work though Greg, love what you do!

Posted : July 23, 2020 10:34 PM
Posts: 54
Trusted Member

Well you did it again Greg. Bravo. You brought on surface level, secondhand knowledge, do nothing professors without a clue, and had them talk about how the brothers feel cold and how the ghetto got so much soul. Kudos to you for sticking to your guns so we can all be confirmed in our opinions of you.

To be 100% fair to you, I turned off the latest SJW love in at fifteen minutes. So if you redeemed yourself later on I apologize. But right off the bat in your intro you proved how little you understand, and probably how much controlled opposition you are. Abortion is the biggest weapon ever devised against the black community. You dismiss it as some sort of divisive tactic, on a show about race relations, in favor of trotting out tired takes from college 101 classrooms. Get with it Greg. Don’t rely on Marxist professors, go find answers. Or don’t because you are compromised. Whatever.

Just to debunk the little I heard. the exoneration statistic is completely misleading. People with good lawyers get off the first time. People with bad ones are wrongly convicted. And there are hundreds of law schools running programs that basically place a bounty on exonerations for black convicts. It doesn’t take a genius to put this together and conclude it isn’t evil clansmen rigging the judicial system against black folks.

of course the retort is that black folks can’t afford attorneys because they are poor and that is because of white racists. Which leads to the end result of the race war. Marxism. The NWO. The end result is the reallocation of capital from the haves to the have nots. Or in reality just eliminating the haves altogether. In 2020 real racism does not exist on a societal level, only within outliers. But that won’t stop the Cabal from using it as the tool to achieve their reorganization of society. We have equality of opportunity in this country. As a POC let me guarantee that to you. Actually, it isn’t true. POC has a BETTER shot at succeeding in life due to affirmative action initiatives. I personally have benefited on a direct level via MLK scholarships to an indirect level where employers wanted to fill a quota and be looked on favorably by the SJW class.

I feel sorry for you Greg. You and a huge population of our country that are just so completely fooled. I will tell you this. When POCs see just how gullible and stupid you white boys act, it is very hard to accept that you are successful by any means other than racism. I don’t think it proves racism, but it definitely shows life ain’t a meritocracy.

Posted : August 8, 2020 7:19 PM
Posts: 1
New Member

Wow ... it appears that the entire troll species has not been wiped out ... Hey Dingus, are you a former or semi-retired troll? In the short time I have been listening to THC I am sure I have heard Greg say at least once (but most likely several times) that he is just a regular guy who has questions and is curious about a wide variety of topics many of which happen to pique the interest of a good number of people and yet are continually ignored, omitted, mistreated/misused, censored and/or out and out lied about by mainstream media. It is my understanding that Greg has never put himself out there as anything but a "regular guy". I have never heard him claim to be an expert on anything either. I have listened to him ask many very thoughtful questions and I have heard him respond thoughtfully to several of his guests (all the ones I have listened to). Another thing I like about the way Greg does his interviews and his commentary portion is that he tends to refrain from being overly opinionated himself and instead focuses on keeping his integrity as an open-minded,inquisitive yet cautious and wary curator of information sources other than those found in the mainstream. I know I care about many of the issues and topics he discusses on the show and I think its really awesome that I can hear opinions and research and thoughts on these topics from people other than the usual mainstream champions since I am pretty sure those people only have making money on their minds and not my or indeed our best interests in mind. Bottom line for me is I will do my best to put my money (what little I have) into that which is created thoughtfully and respectfully by people who do not have the mighty dollar as their bottom line as much as possible whenever possible. Anyhow, I am at this moment shirking my school work in order to write this but I feel like Greg deserves some positive feedback for his much appreciated (by me and many others I am sure) time and effort spent to create THC content and share it with us. I feel it is necessary to point out that while I will generally do my very best to avoid name calling and/or making comments that "attack" the opinions of other forum members I do sometimes find it difficult to keep my feelings to myself when I read carelessly written posts that contain no real constructive criticism or discernible argument outlining why the writer feels upset. If you have something to say then put it together so that it makes sense and if it is your opinion about something you feel strongly about you may want to back it up with some reasons why you feel the way you feel and then what-do-you-know its a discussion! Stop wasting every ones time with your whining about nothing and you feel sorry for people because whatever ... feel sorry for yourself that you have the inability to properly express yourself in a coherent fashion. Thank-you for the very interesting and (for me) well timed show. I was looking for some resources for a friend who I feel was/is being racially profiled in a case that has been brought against him recently and I told him he should fight the charges they are trying to give him because plain and simply he did not do the crimes they are accusing him of and I feel like to say that he intended to do these things cannot be justified either as there was no evidence of that plus I just feel like its really fu*ked up that he feels like just taking the charges is "easier" I mean what kind of ingrained fear of going against a system that is stacked against you and/or inflicted psychological trauma does a person have to be exposed to in order to feel like taking trumped up charges is a better option than saying I didn't do it! Where we live the community of Black folks is not all that big so resources are few to none. I just wondered if you or your recent guests might have some advice for how I can best support my friend or any links to legal advice or advocates resources for black folks in Vancouver Canada. Thanks again! Keep up the good work!

Posted : August 9, 2020 1:20 AM
Posts: 54
Trusted Member

Did you get Mexico to pay for that wall of text? 🙂

I agree with your compliments to Greg and I already shared them in my prior post. He does a great interview. But honestly, you haven’t heard this stuff before? You were just now exposed to these ideas? I find that extremely hard to believe. This IS the mainstream view. This is the opinion you will get from the majority of sources. This and the other SJW episode were completely wasted episodes because they go over nothing new or controversial. And if this is new to you, I guess the audience skews significantly younger than I imagined.

when I want to know how the leading liberal professors are reacting to the race bait of the day, I turn on NPR on the way to work. When I want to know how MAGApedes are doing, I visit 4chan. When I want to get a new insightful view on a topic, I turn to THC. These episodes had nothing new nor insightful. NPR at its finest.

Posted : August 9, 2020 2:12 AM
Posts: 12
Active Member

I tend to agree with dingus on this one.

I am a white man, so would know really nothing on the subject. But as I suggested before, it might be nice to hear a conservative perspective. Or at the very least, maybe a successful black man and how he managed to subvert this entire system of systemic racism that was there to hold him down?

dingus, Greg did do a good job later in this episode by asking a few questions that were not fully aligned with the guests view. The guests were the ones to dodge the question and not fully answer them. Greg asked whether or not the media might feed the idea of systemic racism by only really showing white cops and black men, the guests sort of skirted the idea. Greg did do a good investigative job and asked some controversial questions (he even sort of brings this thread up in the interview). Greg is not fully to blame here by any means, he delivered good content as usual, but the guests seemed to be far more unwilling to entertain bigger questions, or to even see more than one side of any argument. They sound like good people, but also seem a bit narrow minded in their thought process. That being said, I do not think they mean any ill will.

Again though, Greg is not to blame in this. He does a great job as usual, the subject matter is simply where I think the issue lies. I think we need another perspective on this, and maybe Greg can find one, maybe not. Either way he is doing what he does as an interviewer, and is not trying to upset anyone by any means.

Keep doing what you do Greg.

Posted : August 9, 2020 3:51 AM
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

dingus wrote: The most fervent racial provocateurs are always the most privileged and most white people. And when I, as a POC stand up and speak the truth about how they have been manipulated and deceived by higher powers to read a racist agenda into our society, they are more than happy to reject my opinion as a POC and cling to the waves and waves of rich, privileged white kids talking about how bad the black man has it.

Let me clue you into the most hidden of truths in the racial undercurrents in America. The reason you feel the need to fight on behalf of the poor black man is paternalism. You feel that you, as a white, privileged person, are uniquely capable of elevating the poor disadvantaged black man. You are superior. Of COURSE the black man cannot exist in this world without your help, because obviously he is merely an inferior person in need of your divine intervention. Take my final advice to heart. STOP. Stop advocating for people of color, people like myself. Because when you do it, you reinforce your own vision of white supremacy. You put me down at the bottom of society, wholly dependent on your good graces to bail me out. I don't need you. I don't want you. I helped myself, though my own self worth, by my damned bootstraps. Not with the help of white people like you, but in SPITE of white people like you. And all of those folks that DO avail themselves to your generous activism, well, you are a useful idiot to them.

God Bless You! The paternalism of so many white folks must be EXHAUSTING for black people. I'm multi-racial myself, and have dealt with racism from BOTH whites & non-whites--although FAR MORESO from non-whites.

Greg, for all the good he does & the awesome show he produces (which I'm still glad to pay for), has a disappointingly predictable view on race. I won't call him a self-hating white man, but he certainly seems to have a guilt-trip about being white.

I really wish he would do a show on the ACTUAL VIOLENT racism that white people face in places like South Africa & Zimbabwe. Shit, even in America white people face INSTITUTIONAL RACISM (codified in law due to the Civil Rights Act) w/many govt. & non-govt. institutions giving preference to non-whites simply based on skin-color/race.


Posted : August 9, 2020 7:29 PM
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

TheCarlwood wrote: Wow man. You seem qualified, so what can I say?

Look, I've been doing this show for 10 years. Nobody is going to like every show or every guest. Often times I have a good idea, but can never be sure exactly what a guest is going to say either. I let them speak for themselves. However, you're pretty hash in your criticism of me, over a single episode. No credit for what I've done right? You hate one episode and I'm burnt? How could a person live up to that standard?

I even said in the wrap up, I'm not a fan of BLM as a movement and I understand the frustration with this liberal "coddling" stuff. That has nothing to do with real statistics about black men facing 20% longer sentences for the same crime, does it? Or the school-to-prison pipeline and racial profiling, right?

THC has always been a show about systematic injustice, conspiracy, & roadblocks set up by the elite. Why is it weird or wrong to do an episode that focuses specifically on how those things effect the black community? I have several black friends who appreciated it. I got a ton of feedback saying, "Finally! I always felt like conspiracy culture was a white thing, b/c they never talk about people of color." Etc.

I "feel the need" as you say, to speak on behalf of all people, one microcosmic episode at a time. I think you're taking this way too seriously and way too personally.

Also, I'm not rich, just comfortable.

Black men face longer sentences because they're far more likely to have committed prior crimes (as well as being less likely to be able to afford a decent lawyer). Profiling makes perfect sense if you're capable of recognizing the FACT that young black men are far more likely to commit crimes (esp. violent crime) than other demographic groups.

The harsh truth is that the 'black community' is failing largely as a result of its own actions--fatherless homes, poor ethics/morality, lack of work ethic, lack of interest in education/self-improvement, etc. Yes, there are things that the system has done to screw them--mostly the paternalistic attitude/policies of white liberals--but you're not being honest to simply focus on what "the man" has done to blacks.

Why don't you do an episode on what white minorities are facing in South Africa & Zimbabwe (under white rule these were the best countries in Africa) under black rule?

Pampered, guilt-ridden whites like yourself REALLY need to pull their heads out of their asses & recognize the possibility that we all just can't get along.


Posted : August 9, 2020 7:38 PM
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

dingus wrote: Abortion is the biggest weapon ever devised against the black community.

I feel sorry for you Greg. You and a huge population of our country that are just so completely fooled. I will tell you this. When POCs see just how gullible and stupid you white boys act, it is very hard to accept that you are successful by any means other than racism. I don’t think it proves racism, but it definitely shows life ain’t a meritocracy.

Outstanding...I don't think Greg is controlled-op or anything like that...just a typically guilt-ridden & naive Millenial white boy who is a product of his time & of the massive amount of propaganda directed against white folks in the area of race relations.

If/when whites find themselves a small minority in the countries their ancestors founded, they will learn a harsh lesson about the reality/importance of race/ethnicity...and will also learn that non-white racial/ethnic groups will not hesitate to use political power to crush the gullible whites who were stupid enough to allow their nations to be invaded by 10's of MILLIONS of foreigners.


Posted : August 9, 2020 7:49 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

hisich wrote: Black men face longer sentences because they're far more likely to have committed prior crimes. Profiling makes perfect sense if you're capable of recognizing the FACT that young black men are far more likely to commit crimes (esp. violent crime) than other demographic groups.

The harsh truth is that the 'black community' is failing largely as a result of its own actions--fatherless homes, poor ethics/morality, lack of work ethic, lack of interest in education/self-improvement, etc. Yes, there are things that the system has done to screw them--mostly the paternalistic attitude/policies of white liberals--but you're not being honest to simply focus on what "the man" has done to blacks.

Why don't you do an episode on what white minorities are facing in South Africa & Zimbabwe (under white rule these were the best countries in Africa) under black rule?

Pampered, guilt-ridden whites like yourself REALLY need to pull their heads out of their asses & recognize the possibility that we all just can't get along.

Posted : August 9, 2020 7:50 PM
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

shamangineer wrote:

Oh look, another self-appointed white savior of the black race...


Posted : August 9, 2020 8:25 PM
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

shamangineer wrote:

Again, the only institutionalized racism is directed against white folks. There are laws/policies that specifically & explicitly favor non-whites over whites.


Posted : August 9, 2020 8:37 PM