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Anthony Patch Sep 15, 2017 | Akimondo's Rant

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"I'm not trying to scare the hell out of people, but I am trying to scare the hell out of people."

-Anthony Patch, 2017 (@69:30)

There are so many things wrong with what Mr. Patch says, I barely know where to start or how to prevent this post from reaching biblical proportions. The man is a fear porn peddler and a 21st-century snake oil salesman that makes me think of L. Ron Hubbard. He has essentially created his own crazy techno-doom branch of Christianity, containing concepts that don't really mix with the original religion. Personally, I couldn't care less what he does to his religion, but when the science turns into science fiction meant to frighten people, I feel the need to add to the conversation.

Posted : September 28, 2017 11:38 PM
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1) Human memory is stored as the quantum spin of fermions.

1.1) Saying "fermions" in this context is way too unspecific. Fermions include all quarks, leptons, and baryons as well as many atoms and nuclei. Further on, a fermion can be an elementary particle, like the electron, or it can be a composite particle, like the proton.

1.2) Mr. Patch's theory would mean that if someone remembers "A" as happening, then, when they realize they were wrong, that it was in fact "B," fermion spin would change. But this simply isn't the case. Quantum spin isn't decided by mental activity. It's one of four quantum numbers that, in electrons, cannot all be the same in one orbital. It cannot be changed arbitrarily by human thought.

1.3) Quantum spin can be changed, but this requires applying a magnetic field and an electromagnetic pulse at the right polarization and frequency. Such fields and EM pulses are not something that happens naturally, or that has ever been detected as happening in the human brain.

2) The human brain is a quantum computer.

2.1) If the human mind runs on 1s and 0s as Mr. Patch stated previously, then this is a complete contradiction. That's the definition of a binary system, and an ordinary, non-quantum computer.

2.2) Quantum spin is talked about as going up or down (although it's not actual physical spinning). A quantum computer runs on 1s, 0s, and "both," so which of the two spins represent the third, quantum, state?

2.3) Why does a quantum computer require nearly absolute zero temperature (0.015 Kelvin)? If the human brain is capable of such processes at body-temperature? The low temperature is used to slow the particles down; to counteract quantum decoherence, which can be thought of as a loss of data. It's quite absurd to claim the human brain is a quantum computer, and then not address this issue.

3) 5G and nanoparticles are going to allow perfect mind control.

3.1) What is the targeting system behind this? If, as Mr. Patch claims, thoughts are made up of quantum spin, how can anyone target a fermion? Which fermion should be targeted? How many? In a binary system, how many fermions must change to make someone misremember a color? How would "they" know which ones turn, say, red to green? What kind of scanner can determine this level of information?

3.1.1) Think about a CAT scan, how long it takes, how much energy it uses, and how much data it gives. Also keep in mind that it requires you to lay still inside the actual scanner, which is a huge machine. Now, go ahead and "guesstimate" the required machine capable of "CAT scanning" you down to the sub-atomic level, from a distance, while you move around! I bet you come up with something pretty big and heavy. But, nah, they're totally doing that via wifi now. If you believe Mr. Patch. And I think it's becoming clear that you shouldn't do that. (To see what a microscope capable of viewing atoms looks like, see the link under sources below, and remember that it watches only the topmost layer in a carefully placed and immobile object at incredibly close range!)

3.1.2) But, while you think about the scanner required to target quantum particles, DO NOT think about quantum uncertainty or fermions in a wave-state. Because then you'll understand the whole thing is complete and utter nonsense. Also, don't think about the number of neurons in a human brain, or how many atoms are in each neuron. The number looks something like 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, and that's just the atoms, that all have many electrons, each of which is a fermion. That's a septillion (or quadrillion) particles that would need to be scanned and labeled in order to make specific changes to a human mind. Does it seem likely? I hope not.

3.2) And how are "they" going to target a fermion deep inside the brain, without messing up all the ones before that one? If you beam enough energy to change the spin of one fermion, first of all, the person must hold still (probably to the point where they stop the blood flow in their brain), then, you change the first fermion that's hit (on the person's skin). To go to the center of the brain you need more energy, which results in more fermion changes on the way. A cancer cannon? Sure. But what Mr. Patch is saying? Nope. To think that specific quantum-level changes can be beamed at people through wifi is bafflingly ignorant for an "expert researcher."

3.2.1) But, Mr. Patch might say, the nanoparticles! That's how you get to the fermions deep inside the brain. Right? Not really. Nanoparticles are real, and research indicates they can damage DNA and cause cancer. But, and it's a big but, nanoparticles are NOT nanomachines. And, to do what Mr. Patch suggests, you'd need nanomachines capable of movement, perception and generating the required magnetic field and specific electromagnetic pulse at varying polarization and frequency. And those nanomachines are still very much science fiction.

3.2.2) But wait, Mr. Patch might object once more, deep state secret technology! That's the answer. They have the nanomachines, I just misspoke. That works, right? Technically, yes, but it makes no sense. Hiding technology only makes sense when the technology is good for the masses or bad for "them." If "they" have the ridiculous technological capabilities presented by Mr. Patch, they'd use them. There's nothing to wait for. So, either the tech we see is current, and the threat is in the future; or, the tech is old and "they" are idiots. There is no point following a logical technological evolution if you have perfect mind control capability. If "they" could have rolled out 5G instead of dial-up, they would have.

4) Data can turn into physical matter.

4.1) Now, Mr. Patch refers to this both as something that happens to a hologram and something that happens spontaneously. But, either is utterly preposterous and nonsensical! The granularity of data isn't some strange technical term; it's literally just the amount of information. Normally it's spoken of as coarse or fine, but Mr. Patch goes with "dense" which has to correspond to "fine" (more detailed data). Adding a column containing "Adress" to an Excel sheet containing your employees is what it means to make data denser. So, how many Excel sheets before we get physical matter, Mr. Patch?

4.2) But the hologram, surely there's some way to turn that into matter? Nope. Turning energy into matter requires a high-energy collider, and even then it's just particles. And, of course, that has nothing to do with data density whatsoever.

4.3) Mr. Patch says "Now there's a whole particle physics discussion that's behind that." (@83:10) In his normal presumptuous and condescending way, as he is, after all, talking to what he calls "Average-Joe-bag-of-doughnuts" here. The worst time was when (@42:30) Mr. Patch told Greg that even he, with all his THC experience, couldn't digest "the quick and superficial facts" that were being presented. Well, even if it's technically correct that the particle physics discussion exists, it's also blatantly obvious, and highly ironic, that Mr. Patch has utterly failed to understand it.

Posted : September 28, 2017 11:42 PM
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5) The Infomercial.

5.1) Mr. Patch mentioned the conference six times, the radio show 2, the books 2, and finally the magazine six times. And that doesn't count the plug Greg asked him to make at the end. Also, since the show, he's doubled the price of the conference to $40.00 for two days, after being outraged (@94:00) that someone charged $89.00 for three days. I couldn't find the conference he was bashing, but I can think of about a gazillion legitimate reasons why one conference is priced at 150% the cost of another. Also, to say that the cost of an online event "just covers the technology cost," is nonsense as the upper limit of the number of participants isn't limited by physical constraints.

6) So. Many. Errors.

6.1) A few "honorable mentions" that I don't have the energy to give timestamps for. The D-wave system isn' t technically a real quantum computer. It uses "quantum annealing." Meaning the creators don't have control of the qubits but use the fact that all physical systems tend toward minimum energy states to predict their behavior (and consequently they write their quantum algorithms as "energy minimization problems").

6.2) The Sentient World Simulation isn't an AI of the sort that wants to debate the meaning of life and then eradicate humanity. It can simulate down the regional level, not that of an individual. So the nodes that represent people don't contain all their data.

6.3) Mr. Patch defines the key to the abyss as an encoded message that can only be broken by a quantum computer. He then goes into RSA and Shor's algorithm. The question is why? Those are man-made encryption methods. Who encoded the key to the abyss? Humans? After the invention of RSA encryption? Anyway, he then has his facts wrong, again. You need 4096 qubits to break a 2046-bit encryption and 8192 qubits to break a 4096-bit encryption.

6.4) The satellites, the silly, silly satellites. How high up are they? How many are they? How big are they?How many of them do you need to cover the surface of the whole Earth? To think that they can generate enough energy to cover the whole Earth in dangerous radiation. Allow me to laugh. Are they satellites or nuclear power plants? They're in low Earth orbit, 485 miles or 781 km away from you; they weigh 1,519 lb or 689 kg, and they run on batteries and solar panels. If one of them concentrated all its energy into a focused beam, it couldn't even get your morning toast crispy. There are 72 iridium satellites, and the surface of the Earth is 196.9 million mi² or 510.1 million km². That means each satellite is covering around 2.7 mi² or 7 million km². Can you fathom the energy consumption of generating a field of that size, from such a distance? Mr. Patch certainly can't! Also, to put their distance in perspective, the Chernobyl exclusion zone, right after the accident, had a radius of 18.6 mi or 30 km. But Mr. Patch wants us to believe that satellite wifi, at a distance 26 times that of the CEZ, is still dangerous!

8) Mr. Patch says he isn't a prophet, but luckily I am. Prepare for the prophecy! Here it is:
The rapture will not happen in your lifetime.
5G will not turn you into a wifi-zombie, although it very well might elevate your risk of cancer.
No matter how long you live, you will die without having developed a third strand of DNA.
If any of these statements are not true, I will eat my hat, so there!

Posted : September 28, 2017 11:43 PM
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1) (@24:30) "When you change the spin, or angular momentum, of quantum particles in the brain, you're actually changing the memories that are contained. Because the quantum particles, these fermions, are where zeroes and ones, binary information, actually is imprinted on fermions."


2) (@25:40) "...the quantum computer known as our brain."

2.3) ,

3) (@22:15) "...also implanting thoughts on a continuous basis, not just memories." (@78:15) "What we see in the public domain is the tip of the iceberg of technology that may be as much as 50 years, perhaps even more, 50 years in advance. We're being shown the old technology."

3.1.1) <-Atom-viewing Microscope
3.2.1) ,

4) (@82:50) " produces a hologram, that produces solid objects..." (@83:10) "...they have the ability to take data, which is zeroes and ones, and convert that to matter. The spontaneous conversion of data, converting ones and zeroes, to solid matter. Now there's a whole particle physics discussion that's behind that." (@83:30) "With the computing power they have now, they can produce a reality that's physically tangible, that you can physically interact with." (@84:00) "That's the granularity of data. You reach a point in which the data is so dense, and you used the proper term, you already did, the density of the data results in the data becoming physical matter."


5) "I know this sounds like I'm doing an infomercial..."

5.1) You WERE doing an infomercial, Mr. Patch.

6) No time stamps here, sorry.

6.2) world simulation
6.3) r's_algorithm

Posted : September 28, 2017 11:45 PM
Posts: 31
Eminent Member

Wow great break down.

I only came on here to say his voice in the interview sounded like it was a computer generated voice. Was Greg interviewing a D wave computer? How deep does it go? 😛

Posted : October 1, 2017 10:51 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Akimondo asked for my feedback on this post.

1) Human memory is stored as the quantum spin of fermions.

Dunno, maybe. There does seem to be evidence for a holographic memory store beyond the human body.

1.1) Saying "fermions" in this context is way too unspecific. Fermions include all quarks, leptons, and baryons as well as many atoms and nuclei. Further on, a fermion can be an elementary particle, like the electron, or it can be a composite particle, like the proton.

I think all elementary "particles" are composed of etheric flows that when integrated into a larger aggregations (protons, neutrons, electrons) become stable.

1.2) Mr. Patch's theory would mean that if someone remembers "A" as happening, then, when they realize they were wrong, that it was in fact "B," fermion spin would change. But this simply isn't the case. Quantum spin isn't decided by mental activity. It's one of four quantum numbers that, in electrons, cannot all be the same in one orbital. It cannot be changed arbitrarily by human thought.

I think organisms generate scalar/orgone/longitudinal/torsion/chi energy at the cellular level in the microtubules which seem to act as a quantum nervous system for cellular activity (see 1.3). Above this are the unconscious/superconscious minds (male/female aspects in the limbic system/brain stem) which act as the being/knowing minds. Above that is the conscious/subconscious minds (male/female aspects in the left/right halves of the brain) which functionally acts as the thinking / feeling minds. I will go over this in further detail in the mind episode. For now you can learn about Hameroff and Penrose's Orch OR model of consciousness which forms the foundational basis of this concept:

1.3) Quantum spin can be changed, but this requires applying a magnetic field and an electromagnetic pulse at the right polarization and frequency. Such fields and EM pulses are not something that happens naturally, or that has ever been detected as happening in the human brain.

What if you have a pulsed spinning electromagnetic wave as in scalar/orgone/longitudinal/torsion/chi energy? This seems to meet the criteria. . .

2) The human brain is a quantum computer.

I would say at a base level there is a quantum signal being processed by cellular activity being filtered through the organ structure they are integrated into which passes information to the limbic system which feeds into the conscious aspects of mind.

2.1) If the human mind runs on 1s and 0s as Mr. Patch stated previously, then this is a complete contradiction. That's the definition of a binary system, and an ordinary, non-quantum computer.

What if the male aspects of mind are serial processing and female aspects are parallel processing?

2.2) Quantum spin is talked about as going up or down (although it's not actual physical spinning). A quantum computer runs on 1s, 0s, and "both," so which of the two spins represent the third, quantum, state?

Perhaps the one that resonates most closely with the observer's quantum state. . .

2.3) Why does a quantum computer require nearly absolute zero temperature (0.015 Kelvin)? If the human brain is capable of such processes at body-temperature? The low temperature is used to slow the particles down; to counteract quantum decoherence, which can be thought of as a loss of data. It's quite absurd to claim the human brain is a quantum computer, and then not address this issue.


I don't know, I would be interested in hearing the proposed mechanism. So far all I can really tell that the cellphone signals do is transmit data and scramble your cells electromagnetic field - which has cancer effects, ect. There may be subharmonic waves that are embedded in the signal which couple to nano-particles and desiccated blood cells released as a part of aerosol spraying as they self-assemble into different structures (perhaps this is picking up interference or malfunctioning in Morgellons).

One theory I have heard proposed regarding all of the toxins, radiation, and nanotechnology is that they are trying to disrupt the human aura and essentially turn us into soulless husks for posession by demonic entities (more the interdimensional asshole variety than pitchforks and cloven hoofs). (mountians of salt- but it also fits a wide array of supplemental information)


This talk by Sophia Smallstorm discusses the tech I think he is referencing (scary shit - don't know for sure how accurate this is as it is based on private research, but it makes a lot of sense to me):


Matter and energy have an equivalence, with energy a more diffuse structure than matter in the form of etheric/spatial motion, then information or acting in the Aetheric/quantum realm could be said to be the governing current of the motion.

The price looks the same to me. Dude's gotta make a living, I won't begrudge some plugging, it's not like guests get paid. I just want to share my perspective and research to those with an open mind, but I don't have anything to plug.

6 etc.)

He completely lost me here, I have no reference to anything he is talking about.

Posted : October 3, 2017 2:51 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

P.S. Ever play Earthbound? They don't really discuss it in this video, but there are also strong transhumanism, genetic engineering (which is supposed to disrupt the aura), and mind control aspects which relate to the Morgellans research. It has underground adventures, aliens, cryptids, high weirdness, strong themes and plot, and humor. Highly recommended for all Higherside Chatters.

Posted : October 3, 2017 3:20 AM
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I was hoping for a few lines, about your general thoughts on the episode, Shamangineer. But this was way better. Big thanks!

1) Human memory is stored as the quantum spin of fermions.

Dunno, maybe. There does seem to be evidence for a holographic memory store beyond the human body.

My understanding of what Karl Pribram is saying here isn't that memory is stored at a quantum level. But rather that brain functions on a neuron-level have been mapped with math that has later turned up in quantum physics. Very interesting, but not something that I think supports Mr. Patch's claims.

1.1) Saying "fermions" in this context is way too unspecific. Fermions include all quarks, leptons, and baryons as well as many atoms and nuclei. Further on, a fermion can be an elementary particle, like the electron, or it can be a composite particle, like the proton.

I think all elementary "particles" are composed of etheric flows that when integrated into a larger aggregations (protons, neutrons, electrons) become stable.

I'm still gathering data, but at this point, I'm onboard with ether theory. Mr. Patch never mentioned it, however, and therefore it doesn't help his case in my opinion.

1.2) Mr. Patch's theory would mean that if someone remembers "A" as happening, then, when they realize they were wrong, that it was in fact "B," fermion spin would change. But this simply isn't the case. Quantum spin isn't decided by mental activity. It's one of four quantum numbers that, in electrons, cannot all be the same in one orbital. It cannot be changed arbitrarily by human thought.

I think organisms generate scalar/orgone/longitudinal/torsion/chi energy at the cellular level in the microtubules which seem to act as a quantum nervous system for cellular activity (see 1.3). Above this are the unconscious/superconscious minds (male/female aspects in the limbic system/brain stem) which act as the being/knowing minds. Above that is the conscious/subconscious minds (male/female aspects in the left/right halves of the brain) which functionally acts as the thinking / feeling minds. I will go over this in further detail in the mind episode. For now you can learn about Hameroff and Penrose's Orch OR model of consciousness which forms the foundational basis of this concept:

That interview is very, very, interesting, I watched it twice and then followed it up with Hameroff clarifying the tubulin bit/qubit and defending the Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR Model:

I will definitely look further into the Orch OR-model and I'm really looking forward to the mind episode! In my opinion, Mr. Patch doesn't get that much support here, though. Hameroff says that topological qubits can be a particular pathway rather than states of specific units. And states that Penrose has suggested topological qubits in microtubules.

For those who don't want to look things up a microtubule essentially looks like corn on the cob, and each individual piece of corn is made of tubulin protein. So the idea is that instead of individual pieces being in a superposition, to store data, it is the flow pathway through several pieces that stores data. This is superior because the pattern helps fight quantum decoherence and allows at least 4 states (where computer qubits have 3).

Also, Hameroff says that according to his model, AI is never going to be self-aware, but rather it will be a philosophical zombie, no matter how hyperintelligent it's made (as he doesn't believe awareness is an emergent phenomenon from complexity like most transhumanists seem to). Something that seems to be contrary to what Mr. Patch was saying.

1.3) Quantum spin can be changed, but this requires applying a magnetic field and an electromagnetic pulse at the right polarization and frequency. Such fields and EM pulses are not something that happens naturally, or that has ever been detected as happening in the human brain.

What if you have a pulsed spinning electromagnetic wave as in scalar/orgone/longitudinal/torsion/chi energy? This seems to meet the criteria. . .

I can't say no, but this far I think the microtubule qubit theory is a much stronger candidate than Mr. Patch's fermion spin theory.

Posted : October 5, 2017 12:02 AM
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2) The human brain is a quantum computer.

I would say at a base level there is a quantum signal being processed by cellular activity being filtered through the organ structure they are integrated into which passes information to the limbic system which feeds into the conscious aspects of mind.

2.1) If the human mind runs on 1s and 0s as Mr. Patch stated previously, then this is a complete contradiction. That's the definition of a binary system, and an ordinary, non-quantum computer.

What if the male aspects of mind are serial processing and female aspects are parallel processing?

Another very interesting video! (I've heard someone, possibly David Icke, refer to Jill Bolte Taylor, but without using her name) Sure, I see no reason to object to that idea and I'm very much looking forward to hearing you elaborate on these concepts in future THC episodes.

2.2) Quantum spin is talked about as going up or down (although it's not actual physical spinning). A quantum computer runs on 1s, 0s, and "both," so which of the two spins represent the third, quantum, state?

Perhaps the one that resonates most closely with the observer's quantum state. . .

I don't quite follow your comment. But, of course, the spin itself can be in a quantum state. Although, then, I don't understand how memories are going to be changed, or how they're stored. Mr. Patch says it's either 1 or 0 depending on the direction of the spin, ergo a change in spin is a change in memory. But, if that's the case, and memories are in a quantum "both" state, of one and zero, superimposed, how is setting someone's memory to one or the other going to change anything?

2.3) Why does a quantum computer require nearly absolute zero temperature (0.015 Kelvin)? If the human brain is capable of such processes at body-temperature? The low temperature is used to slow the particles down; to counteract quantum decoherence, which can be thought of as a loss of data. It's quite absurd to claim the human brain is a quantum computer, and then not address this issue.

You really know how to dig up the good stuff. Great article and it's interesting how it talks about excitons getting trapped in the photosynthetic chain, but that environmental noise can shake them loose without destroying their coherence. That combined with what Hameroff says about how heat can actually improve quantum coherence pretty much nullifies my objection. I do, however, still think that Mr. Patch should have addressed the issue when he made the claim.


I don't know, I would be interested in hearing the proposed mechanism. So far all I can really tell that the cellphone signals do is transmit data and scramble your cells electromagnetic field - which has cancer effects, ect. There may be subharmonic waves that are embedded in the signal which couple to nano-particles and desiccated blood cells released as a part of aerosol spraying as they self-assemble into different structures (perhaps this is picking up interference or malfunctioning in Morgellons).

I'll agree to it being possible to cause cancer, pain, unconsciousness, disorientation, depression, nausea, anxiety, panic, rage, vertigo, confusion, and potentially even to boil people's brain like an egg. But still not the specific changes Mr. Patch described.

One theory I have heard proposed regarding all of the toxins, radiation, and nanotechnology is that they are trying to disrupt the human aura and essentially turn us into soulless husks for posession by demonic entities (more the interdimensional asshole variety than pitchforks and cloven hoofs). (mountians of salt- but it also fits a wide array of supplemental information)

Interesting, I can see how that's a narrative that would be easy to stitch together, and how it would make sense. Let's hope it's not true!


This talk by Sophia Smallstorm discusses the tech I think he is referencing (scary shit - don't know for sure how accurate this is as it is based on private research, but it makes a lot of sense to me):

Very scary shit. I guess my only point of contention here would be the dosage. Animal studies have shown that breathing nanoparticles can cause pulmonary effects including inflammation, granulomas, and pulmonary fibrosis. So, if everyone was breathing that stuff all the time, and "they" just kept dumping more and more of it on us, eventually there would be an epidemic of health failures; the majority of which would be lung related. Then when you think about elderly people who, in general, have breathed in more particles and have decreased resistance, and how they're not experiencing lung problems en masse, that's at least one thing that speaks against this theory.


Matter and energy have an equivalence, with energy a more diffuse structure than matter in the form of etheric/spatial motion, then information or acting in the Aetheric/quantum realm could be said to be the governing current of the motion.

More fascinating videos! I will definitely look at more of Mr. Pond's channel, and Maxwell's new quantum demon is food for thought, no doubt. But I don't think it helps Mr. Patch, but perhaps you should contact him and convert him to the ether side of the force. He could come across as much more believable that way!


The price looks the same to me. Dude's gotta make a living, I won't begrudge some plugging, it's not like guests get paid. I just want to share my perspective and research to those with an open mind, but I don't have anything to plug.

I fully agree, and I don't mind guests plugging their books and things (I've bought several THC guests' books). He did, however, say $10/day, push himself as a I-just-want-to-get the-information-out-there kind of guy, while bashing someone else's conference. And that annoyed me. But, yes, in retrospect I could have ignored that part.

6 etc.)

He completely lost me here, I have no reference to anything he is talking about.

Which, biased as I am, I'm going to see as not in Mr. Patch's favor.

Thanks again!

Posted : October 5, 2017 12:03 AM
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No, I haven't played Earthbound, it seems cool though.

But since I've recently managed to stop playing Hearthstone, I'll stay away from EB, for now 🙂

Posted : October 5, 2017 12:13 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

If the universe were a holographic dimensional projection from a larger dimensional space, the signature of this holographic information encoding would be embedded in the information processing structure of the universe itself.

"neurophysiologist John Eccles described how a wave could be generated at the branching ends of pre-synaptic axons. Multiple of these waves could create interference patterns. Soon after, Emmett Leith was successful in storing visual images through the interference patterns of laser beams, inspired by Gabor's previous use of Fourier transformations to store information within a hologram.[17] After studying the work of Eccles and that of Leith,[16] Pribram put forward the hypothesis that memory might take the form of interference patterns that resemble laser-produced holograms.[18] Physicist David Bohm presented his ideas of holomovement and implicate and explicate order.[19] Pribram became aware of Bohm's work in 1975[20] and realized that, since a hologram could store information within patterns of interference and then recreate that information when activated, it could serve as a strong metaphor for brain function.[16] Pribram was further encouraged in this line of speculation by the fact that DeValois and DeValois[21] established "the spatial frequency encoding displayed by cells of the visual cortex was best described as a Fourier transform of the input pattern."[22]"

Turn on captions:

Burkhard Heim was regarded by some German intellectuals during the 20th century as Germany’s Hawking, he died the in 2002. His story is quite interesting itself as he suffered terrible injuries during WWII after an explosion during an experiment which remains undisclosed. He was blinded, left mostly deaf, and had both hands amputated significantly below the wrist. A radical surgery was performed to split the arm-bones cover them in skin grafts and have the arm-muscles re-attached to form fleshy pincers allowing him to retain sensation and have some degree of motor function.

One thing of note with regard to the "imagining the 10th dimension" video and Burkhard Heim's theory is that Heim said that while it is possible to mathematically calculate dimensional transformations below the 9th dimension, beyond that point lies "the mind of God" and that the structure of higher dimensional space above this limit cannot be determined with certainty.

Posted : October 7, 2017 3:23 PM
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If the universe were a holographic dimensional projection from a larger dimensional space, the signature of this holographic information encoding would be embedded in the information processing structure of the universe itself.

I feel we're getting quite off-topic here, having left Mr. Patch quite far behind. But I also think that's a good thing!

"neurophysiologist John Eccles described how a wave could be generated at the branching ends of pre-synaptic axons. Multiple of these waves could create interference patterns. Soon after, Emmett Leith was successful in storing visual images through the interference patterns of laser beams, inspired by Gabor's previous use of Fourier transformations to store information within a hologram.[17] After studying the work of Eccles and that of Leith,[16] Pribram put forward the hypothesis that memory might take the form of interference patterns that resemble laser-produced holograms.[18] Physicist David Bohm presented his ideas of holomovement and implicate and explicate order.[19] Pribram became aware of Bohm's work in 1975[20] and realized that, since a hologram could store information within patterns of interference and then recreate that information when activated, it could serve as a strong metaphor for brain function.[16] Pribram was further encouraged in this line of speculation by the fact that DeValois and DeValois[21] established "the spatial frequency encoding displayed by cells of the visual cortex was best described as a Fourier transform of the input pattern."[22]"

I still think it's worth pointing out that the text says "it could serve as a strong metaphor," just so people don't instantly jump to the conclusion that the mind is a hologram. And Michael Talbot also says in the interview that "'s compelling evidence that the universe is a kind of hologram. Not that it's literally a hologram, but that's a good metaphor, a way of understanding the universe..." I'm not trying to be nitpicky or annoying, I just think what David Chalmers jokingly called "the law of minimization of mysteries" needs to be avoided (It's mentioned by Hameroff in the Singularity 1on1 interview). Correct observations don't automatically lead to correct explanations. That said, I definitely think this is an interesting area of research and that the theory could turn out to be true.

There definitely seems to be something here, especially considering what happened with the mice who had parts of their brains cut out (but still remembered how to escape a maze, mentioned by Talbot in the interview). That indeed seems very hologram-like.

How to imagine the tenth dimension.

You've posted this somewhere else, I'm pretty sure because I'd already watched it and taken notes on it (because it's good stuff). It's very interesting, and I enjoy thought experiments like this, but I think it's wrong. I don't think time is to be considered a dimension in the sense that space is. And I don't think it can be bent the way the video suggests. The way I see it, time only has one direction, and any time-travel would have to be to the future only. But that's based on nothing but personal opinion, so I'm not really arguing that I'm right, I'm simply giving my opinion.

Turn on captions:

Die 12-dimensionale Welt des Burkhard Heim

The captions are quite confusing at times, so I've transcribed and translated the video below for anyone who found the captions hard to follow.

Burkhard Heim was regarded by some German intellectuals during the 20th century as Germany’s Hawking, he died the in 2002. His story is quite interesting itself as he suffered terrible injuries during WWII after an explosion during an experiment which remains undisclosed.

If your research ever indicates what the undisclosed experiment was, please share!

He was blinded, left mostly deaf, and had both hands amputated significantly below the wrist. A radical surgery was performed to split the arm-bones cover them in skin grafts and have the arm-muscles re-attached to form fleshy pincers allowing him to retain sensation and have some degree of motor function.

If anyone is interested it's called the Krukenberg procedure (sensitive people may want to stay away from an image search).

One thing of note with regard to the "imagining the 10th dimension" video and Burkhard Heim's theory is that Heim said that while it is possible to mathematically calculate dimensional transformations below the 9th dimension, beyond that point lies "the mind of God" and that the structure of higher dimensional space above this limit cannot be determined with certainty.

Interesting. He doesn't seem to have used the perspective from the 10th dimension video, however, as X5 to X12 are all beyond time and space.

Quote from the article:
"in 2007, however, Reed changed his opinion. Working with Fortran code that Heim helped develop later that was not published, he says that he can derive particle masses without the use of that A matrix."

Very interesting! And it sure adds to the possibility that there's more to Heim's theory.

Michael Talbot - Part 1 Complete- Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe - Thinking Allowed

Another interesting video. I actually own Talbot's book about the holographic universe, but it's been many years since I read it. I did like it, however.

Thanks for adding more interesting information!

Posted : October 12, 2017 10:09 PM
Posts: 37
Eminent Member
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The 12-dimensional world of Burkhard Heim

"At the end of the last century, someone found a way to make eternity scientifically tangible. The physicist Burkhard Heim developed a theory that allowed him to describe the whole world and all its processes, both material and immaterial. In a 12-dimensional worldview, he succeeded, not only philosophically but mathematically, to unite the two aspects of life that have been dogmatically separated for centuries, matter and spirit.

This model is, really, more for people who are already coming from the sciences, and that, really, also appreciate the scientific method. That you don’t turn to speculations and simply tie those together. But rather that you allow your beliefs to be influenced by that which can be measured and confirmed. So, you can be certain of the things you know. (This paragraph is a comment by the astrophysicist Illobrand von Ludwiger)

But how can you imagine a 12-dimensional world? Suppose that life as we know it is taking place in a computer. In it, we’re all characters in a virtual three-dimensional reality, like a computer game. And everything that surrounds us, colors, shapes, and objects are three-dimensional.

All processes and changes are programmed into one timeline. As long as we don’t interrupt the game, time passes linearly and we can know reality. This virtual environment, with four simultaneous dimensions, is what Einstein called the time-space continuum. It is the world that we experience through our consciousness. Burkhard Heim placed all these dimensions together in one space, “R4.”

Remember, we’re still talking about a computer, and in order to make it do anything at all, we first need an operating system that is the basis to get any program to start. The operating system is called “structure-space,” it is made up of two dimensions labeled X5 and X6, and in it, time and space no longer matter.

Now, everyone would agree that a computer with only an operating system is of no use. We would still not be in a position to play our game or live our virtual lives. To do that, the computer needs additional data, the executable program itself, and countless files. All into which the appearance and laws of our world have been preprogrammed, and by which they are determined.

All this information is available at any time, in directories of the operating system, and in Heim’s model they make up “information-space,” consisting of the dimensions X7 and X8.

Finally, the computer itself needs to be located somewhere. It, in turn, encompasses the dimensions X9 to X12. In our model, this space is called “G4,” and it belongs to the creator, the all-encompassing higher consciousness."

Posted : October 12, 2017 10:10 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

I don't know what the experiment was that Heim was working on when injured, but the fact that it is classified would tend to indicate it isn't anything one might expect to learn about in a university.

With regard to the 5G signals, while I have not heard about any specific way that these 5G signals are being used to control people's minds - there is the technological feasibility that it could be employed in such a way - just not any firm evidence I am aware of. The intelligence services of several major world powers have access to microwave weapons which make it possible to entrain thoughts, feelings, and voices in the brains of others or limit brain function.

Posted : October 13, 2017 1:19 PM
Posts: 37
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Those articles actually contradict each other. And the second one only looks good if you skim it.

Article one:

“While rumors of Soviet, then Russian psychotronic weapons have surfaced repeatedly for decades, not one has been able to produce a working psychotronic gun, or even explain what mystery rays would allow its owner to control other people’s brains.”

Even I think there’s more to mind control technologies than this. General changes like sensations of pain, unconsciousness, disorientation, depression, nausea, anxiety, panic, rage, vertigo, and confusion are all things that seem within the realm of reason, in my opinion. Although continually blasting someone to achieve these effects would probably have the “side effect” of causing them cancer.

Article two:

I take it you didn't look up the author, Tim Rifat. And you really, really should have.

You can go from the link in the previous post: to by clicking the author’s last name at the top. And then to by clicking “Psychotronic Generators” at the bottom of the index, where you will find this:

Seven psycrystals to tap into the seven realms of psychic space, to exploit this biophysical energy for luck, money, health, RV psychic powers, psychic protection and anti-ageing.”

Unfortunately, the link on that page is broken but you can find the seven "psycrystals" here: timrifat-dot-ru. Link disabled as Google warns that this site may contain malware. But, since I only noticed that after I had visited the page, this is what you find there:

Now, people are free to their opinions. If anyone wants to believe that these "psycrystals" actually do what they’re said to do and that they’re worth $335, that’s fine. But I’m also free to my opinion that such a person is a moron, and that Tim Rifat is a conman. Also, as everyone can see his company is called “Psi-Lord Ltd,” and that’s because he’s selling everything needed to become a “Psi-Lord." Allegedly that is.

If you look up what’s written about psi-lords, it’s a bunch of mutated Castanedaism packaged to make it seem like you can be a superhero for $1,000. Oh, wait, that wasn't quite true. That buys you "Psi-Master." To be an actual Lord you need an upgrade.

Further searches revealed that he is also selling "services" on another site, "psychic warfare" (click at your own peril). Such as the "Katy Perry Service" with the "Cat Fight Upgrade" for $600. You can also get the "Nazi Jedi Service," or simply get all your services-needs catered to in a one-time payment of $250, 000.

For me, that’s enough to completely disregard anything ever written by Tim Rifat, but I'll still point out a few things below.

Posted : October 17, 2017 12:38 AM
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