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Cory Daniel | Skinwalkers, De-Occulting Ritual Events & Isaac Kappy

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Hope I'm not speaking out turn by starting up this episode thread, since I didn't see on up yet...

But HOOO BOY that episode was doozy! A great show that, for me, hit its climax on the topic of Tracy Twyman. As a relatively new, but frequent lurker, I had no idea about this "Owl" business going on in the forums that Greg alluded to. I'd love some additional perspective from some of the long-time members and folks who were there at the time.

Is there any additional commentary to add around that situation? Or perhaps ways that event affected anyone IRL, as it did Greg?

I'm curious to dig up the thread he referenced, but considering I'm out of my league in de-occulting internet ramblings, maybe it's best to let it be.

Posted : December 19, 2019 8:15 PM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

Thanks for making the thread 🙂

And yeah, I'm still in the middle of it, but pretty good episode, especially in the light of everything that's happening. Not sure what the owl thing refers to though.
Anyhow, the hole gets deep!

Posted : December 21, 2019 9:15 AM
Posts: 7
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That guy seems like a good dude. Always fun to listen to.

Posted : December 23, 2019 4:13 PM
Posts: 16
Eminent Member

I am not exactly sure what it means, but I know the false flag shootings always have pictures of people with one shoe, or shoes laying around in the crime scene after the shooting. It is definitely symbolic to them, whoever they are. Tom Hanks always posting single shoes on the side of the road and stuff is definitely meant to send a signal to someone.

Posted : December 24, 2019 2:44 PM
Posts: 13
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I dont have any information or knowledge related directly to any of the people In this episode or ongoing story.
What I can say, as an observer a listener as well sort of a person who practices some traditional ceremonies as part of my culture...
The symbols, the names, certain o objects being repeated as well messages at certain times... all repeating... this is very similar to how my people practice our traditions and perform our ceremonies. At the same time, with the same objects repeating the same words this all has an affect on our physical world and sends a message to the spiritual world.
To me it's simple as a first nations person and a person who gives thanks every day as a result I receive certain energies that drive my life In a very positive way. Everything I do and say feeds this energy and as a result feeds my life and journey, whatever these people are doing, whatever is happening here with their symbols, objects and warnings hars negative words. This is the opposite of what we practice and feeds the other side as in the negative/bad energy.
There is much more to this just wanted to keep it short, I have many more examples and teachings that would help substantiate what i say I'm sure will come out when is needed at the right time.

Posted : December 29, 2019 4:41 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

Tracy death still under investigation

Posted : January 9, 2020 10:18 AM
Posts: 14
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I suspect Tracy Twyman was murdered and the investigation buried with her.

Posted : November 4, 2021 12:26 AM
Posts: 14
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We plan to invite Cory Daniel to the Phoenix AZ THC Meetup sometime in early 2022.

Posted : November 4, 2021 12:27 AM