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Crrow 777 | Censorship, Solar Lies

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what exactly does Crrow believe? Anything? Every time I hear him, even on his own show, he states everything is a lie, everything. Yet he never gives his viewpoint on what, if anything, he sees as his truth. The moon is a lie, so what is it? The sun is a lie, but no hint as to what it might be. Aliens are a lie, reality is a lie, but he gives no explanation of what is actually his standpoint on anything. The first couple of times I heard him I thought he had something but he just seems to be the most paranoid of the paranoid.

Posted : January 8, 2018 8:38 PM
Posts: 10
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I think it’s okay to not have answers. He’s good at pointing out inconsistencies with current mainstream teachings. It’s a new time to learn. By pointing out inconsistencies it’s starts the conversation and journey to finding the truth. It seems like he doesn’t know yet and doesn’t want to spout shit he may have to retract. It’s just the start of a journey, in time hopefully more people will help eachtoher piece together what this place is.

Posted : January 9, 2018 3:32 AM
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Yeh I guess so, he just seems very quick to say everything is fake, without offering much in the way of explanation of how he comes to that conclusion. Not everything can be fake I’m sure.

Posted : January 9, 2018 4:51 AM
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I subscribe to THC and crrow's podcast. I have been following Crrow since the lunar wave clips first hit YouTube. IMO Crrow does his research and follows his intuition that he has refined throughout his journey. He sometimes has difficulty articulating what he thinks and means. That is why he wisely got Jason to come on board with him on his podcast. I feel he is slow to embrace any idea, but is open to entertain ideas, concepts, philosophies, etc. thus his statement - "belief is the enemy of knowing!" His ultimate objective is to get to the bottom scraping away all the lies and deceit that lies on top to reveal truth worth knowing.

Posted : January 10, 2018 3:32 AM
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I wonder whats in the hair oil he mentioned recieving from the dude that runs the tibet house in san diego.

Posted : January 14, 2018 6:51 PM
Posts: 76
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What turns me off about crrow is, his take on the pizza gate. He framed it in a very strange way, not this recent episode, but the one before. He basically said, it's fear porn. They are only telling people pizza gate is real is to scare people. He then said, without all the news and mind garbage, you would be totally unaware of all the child rapes and molestations, and they are only making it up to mess with people. I really can't get the point he was getting at. It seemed like he was saying "just bury your head in the sand". I do not believe giving pizza gate attention will manifest child predators Into reality, so if I stop thinking about it, it will go away. It only goes away when you choose to ignore it. But it doesn't stop it

Posted : January 19, 2018 8:46 PM
Posts: 64
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naphtha wrote: What turns me off about crrow is, his take on the pizza gate. He framed it in a very strange way, not this recent episode, but the one before. He basically said, it's fear porn. They are only telling people pizza gate is real is to scare people. He then said, without all the news and mind garbage, you would be totally unaware of all the child rapes and molestations, and they are only making it up to mess with people. I really can't get the point he was getting at. It seemed like he was saying "just bury your head in the sand". I do not believe giving pizza gate attention will manifest child predators Into reality, so if I stop thinking about it, it will go away. It only goes away when you choose to ignore it. But it doesn't stop it

I agree with you on his stance with pg. Dealing with the world of conspiracy should open one up to the idea that everything isn't black and white. I think he could have taken a more nuanced approach when it came to that topic.

Posted : January 20, 2018 9:10 PM
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You can be aware of a topic, and try to add your 2 cents now and again, but much like reckless oil spillage and PCB contamination there is very little chance to an average person being able to directly stop it. My wife is a teacher and she has a young girl in her class who was raped age approx 7 while her mom was preoccupied, according to their sanitized version of what took place. The father is not in the picture and it seems like when their power went out they stayed with a local predator. The girl had recovered but when they relocated she started to smell like fish which is a tell tale sign of vaginosis, which 7 year old's don't get without help. All the authorities are aware of this families situation and the changes taking place to the girl.
Nothing ever seems to get done for these kids and their families to end the cycle, and I honestly can't give any simple solution for ending the problem. It's not just elites who predate on kids, I'd wager its on par with the general population. 90+ percent of abusers were abused themselves typically by family members. When I was in grade 7, so 1992, there was a boy in the area whose parents rented him out for sex at their trailer. That was all known by authorities and was eventually stopped I believe. They really took their time though, the behavior was there well before they tried to start a for profit venture.
Maybe overall this energy could be better spent on rebuilding our close personal friendships and community so we can police ourselves and have the capacity to provide a safe loving home for these kids. While were at it creating good jobs for the bread earner of the home so we can afford to have a spare room in our home where an extra kid could sleep. Daycare is not able to provide the one on one time these kids need. Time is also needed to rehabilitate that person in the community if they're ready to move on. Followed up with the peer pressure to make the change necessary to reform and the reward of having their family whole.
Like an infection just cutting off the diseased part is not enough to root out the underlying infection, some sort of cleansing is needed for the whole organism. It's why we ignore its existence for the most part, its too big to cure and its happening a lot closer to home then most of us ever realize. Belief may be the enemy of knowing but it is also paramount to existence. Our belief does create our reality, our belief in cure is a more important factor in recovery then the cure itself. Similarly our belief in disease can sometimes bring about ill health in a "well" person. What if our negative emotions created from knowledge of these abuses just feeds and compels the most malevolent predators to intensify what they're doing to receive more of what they crave from their "food source" ie. people and their emotional response.

Posted : January 21, 2018 3:58 AM
Posts: 93
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I have to sound off. No offense intended. But if it happens I'm ok with that.
The new age happy thoughts and plant a tree to make the world a better place is a high level distractor.
Planting a tree wont stop the next 9/11. Happy thoughts wont stop pizza gate.
We must MUST rise up and say NO.
Until our thoughts, emotions AND our actions are in concert nothing will change.
So, do we not say no to child rape? I mean obviously we all do right?

You know the know. When enough of us move as one. Itll stop.

What do you think the percentage of people think, feel and act as we do? (how many of us do?)

The universe is designed to respond to this trinity. (As we think, so we feel, and we act) It works. Its how the bad guys get away with this stuff. THEY are in unison! And they make damn sure we dont understand this concept.

Posted : February 3, 2018 11:02 PM
Posts: 18
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Crrow believes in his own ability to observe and to reason, and he probably also believes that there are truths that can be known through personal observation and reason. From what I can tell.

Posted : March 13, 2018 4:20 AM