Show Notes
A board-certified OB/GYN physician, Dr. Northrup graduated from Dartmouth Medical School and completed her residency at Tufts New England Medical Center in Boston. She was also an assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN at Maine Medical Center for 20 years.
Dr. Northrup’s work has been featured on Super Soul Sunday on OWN, The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, Rachael Ray, Good Morning America, 20/20, and The Dr. Oz Show, among many others. In 2013, Reader’s Digest named her one of “The 100 Most Trusted People in America.” In 2016, she was named one of Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul 100, a group of leaders who are using their voices and talent to awaken humanity. In 2018, Dr. Northrup received the first Mind/Body Healing award, a special category within the New Thought Walden Awards, honoring those who use empowering spiritual ideas and philosophies to change lives and make the planet a better place. In 2020 and again in 2021, Watkins Magazine named Dr. Northrup on their “Watkins Spiritual 100 List” as one of their 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People – spiritual teachers, activist, authors, and thinkers that change the world.
A multiple New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Northrup put her own personal truth on paper in 1994, with the first edition of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. She has since written several other books such as: The Wisdom of Menopause, Mother-Daughter Wisdom, Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality and Wellbeing, & Dodging Energy Vampires: An Empath’s Guide To Evading Relationships That Drain You And Restoring Your Health And Power
Dr. Northrup has been very critical of the COVID agenda, the shot solution, & all that’s happened since March 2020. She stays in touch with her large and growing tribe worldwide through her Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, and Instagram, her biweekly e-Newsletter, and her website www.drnorthrup.com.
She’s also earned the badge of honor of being named one of The Disinformation Dozen as well.

Just got done listening. Good episode.
I was very happy with Greg's end recap. He seems to be in the right headspace for this or headed that way.
I liked Dr. Northrup's "litmus test"--you either think the state should be able to dictate what you inject into your body, or you don't. In that case she is clearly an ally and her heart is in the right place. But I do think some of her points were not based in the facts. It's a smorgasbord of info out there, so always do your own homework and don't rely on anyone's credentials/authority as the sole means of assessing their statemetns, even if they are saying things that jive with your own ideas (maybe be especially careful there).
Even taking all of the mainline worldview for granted, this jab is brand new technology, the trials were rushed and they did all the tricks in the book to rig them, and they are promoting it at scales which the facts of the disease do not justify--it is a recipe for a clusterfuck, but the notion that this will be a depopulation bomb or turn into a zombie apocalypse or that it is a tracking mechanism is just not likely at all. It is far more likely (and has already occurred) that there will be "stochastic" adverse events which seriously hurt people who would have otherwise caught a cold and potential for much larger scale side-effects long-term, which we can't know about. And that they will now fast-track this mRNA technology to other applications, and bungle all the safety testing for those too, compounding any bad effects.
I like the what Greg got at in the end--believe your lying eyes -- most people who have gotten the jab have been okay so far, just like almost everyone you probably know who caught the virus just had a cold if they knew they had anything at all. While noone knows what the future holds and everyone should determine for themselves what goes into their body, don't fall into the reverse trap of the covid crazies and believe the world is already falling apart when "you look out the window and all that's there is crickets".

I enjoyed this episode but was disappointed over the lack of pushback on the iron particles and the biogel which is supposedly in the vaccines. Where is this information coming from because I was unable to find it on my own.
I'm open to new info, but I'm leaning towards all of this just being another market to exploit and mass death would be bad for business since capitalism is conditioned upon infinite growth for it to even "work." Vaccines and boosters as just another market to exploit.

animistspark wrote:
I enjoyed this episode but was disappointed over the lack of pushback on the iron particles and the biogel which is supposedly in the vaccines. Where is this information coming from because I was unable to find it on my own.I'm open to new info, but I'm leaning towards all of this just being another market to exploit and mass death would be bad for business since capitalism is conditioned upon infinite growth for it to even "work." Vaccines and boosters as just another market to exploit.
Yeah, my overall opinion on mRNA tech is that it has been a solution in search of a problem--they've wanted to use the stuff for decades, but could never justify it under normal circumstances; "never let a good crisis go to waste". Now they are going to hope to use the fact they were able to get around the normal regulatory hurtles because of the "pandemic" to be able to push the stuff through into all sorts of other applications. All sorts of new "therapies" will pop up, be under-researched before going to market, and potentially hurt millions of people or just waste a lot of money while they send their statistics hit squads and operate smear campaigns against anyone asking questions and lobby for more mandates and money. They will start using mRNA tech to "treat" all sorts of shit, and if it doesn't work or hurts anyone, they'll just label any doctor with the spine to point that out an "anti-vaxxer".
Or maybe it's a miracle drug and all diseases will be turned into unicorn farts, and it was just a big coincidence that they had this technology sitting around for decades and were never able to cure anything with it until the perfect fit virus happened to come along and in a weekend the sequenced a perfect solution and they saved the world...sure...

jh1517 wrote:
Yeah, my overall opinion on mRNA tech is that it has been a solution in search of a problem--they've wanted to use the stuff for decades, but could never justify it under normal circumstances; "never let a good crisis go to waste". Now they are going to hope to use the fact they were able to get around the normal regulatory hurtles because of the "pandemic" to be able to push the stuff through into all sorts of other applications. All sorts of new "therapies" will pop up, be under-researched before going to market, and potentially hurt millions of people or just waste a lot of money while they send their statistics hit squads and operate smear campaigns against anyone asking questions and lobby for more mandates and money. They will start using mRNA tech to "treat" all sorts of shit, and if it doesn't work or hurts anyone, they'll just label any doctor with the spine to point that out an "anti-vaxxer".Or maybe it's a miracle drug and all diseases will be turned into unicorn farts, and it was just a big coincidence that they had this technology sitting around for decades and were never able to cure anything with it until the perfect fit virus happened to come along and they saved the world...sure...
A boring dystopia.
If it were a miracle drug, a peasant wouldn't have access to it. We're "lesser than" after all. As much as I appreciate the perspectives offered here sometimes a materialist analysis is fitting.
No nefarious plots needed. We're in late capitalism. A period of decay. Overall rate of profit is down so we need new markets. Oh, what's this? A novel virus? Ah well, the initial shot is free of charge of course, but the boosters? That's gonna cost you. Variants, don't you know. Even Pfizer itself has boasted about securing new revenue streams with booster shots. Too bad so sad that they are now required for participation in employment and commerce.

jh1517 wrote:
...but the notion that this will be a depopulation bomb or turn into a zombie apocalypse or that it is a tracking mechanism is just not likely at all.
I think you may have stated before - in another thread - that something like RFID sensors in the jabs as a tracking beacon is not likely because the technology isn't there yet.
I remember being creeped out at a tech conference a decade ago by a talk given by Penny Pritzker (?!) and a representative from the World Bank (whose name escapes me but I believe he was from India) regarding the use of GIS and biometric data as a method of tracking vaccine distribution in third world countries. At the time, they were considering iris scans. This talk was given to about 11,000 nerds whose profession in some way involved putting lots of data on a map. So I know that at least the motivation for some sort of geographic tracking of vaccines IS there.
I don't mean real-time tracking via Starlink, I mean tracking by the same technology that stops shoplifters, and throw a set of coordinates on it (sensors are stationary).
All you said was that it is impossible. Can you explain why you have that conclusion? Because I would certainly not mind having it as well.

Havne't finished this episode yet, but I like her depth/breadth of inquiry.
A good person to interview regarding the technical parts of mRNA technology would be Elana Freeland. Her last book , Under An Ionized Sky explains in great detail how the Space Fence will be able to track almost every imaginable thing on the planet, including the use of SQUIDs to detect our minds/thoughts & potentially fuck around with them.
If I'm not mistaken, she's been working on a book focused about the biology side of this transhuman agenda, and what a perfect timing with covid/mrna.
I don't pretend to know what mRNA is/can do. What I do know however, is that whatever DARPA is working on is at least 20-30 years ahead of commercial release. No exceptions: whether it's the internet with ARPA/cybernetics research that started in the late 50's specifically to fight counter-insurgencies, to Virtual Reality, to autonomous robot. I think mRNA is connected to the transhuman agenda to turn us into a hybrid species that will co-exist with silicon-nanotech (and may somehow connect with Elon's Neuralink). Whether it will work is up to God's willing, but that's my suspicion.
What's interesting is that clues supporting this evidence is spread out. I recently read France is recalling masks due to potential contamination with toxic particles inside them. Turns out to be graphene. Graphene is a carbon material and by-product of charcoal, which is great at detoxifying poisons. Curiously, it's also the next-big thing in nano-tech due to its super-conductivity, and will sooner or later replace our current oudated silicon chips. Again, Military-industrial complex has known about graphene for decades, and I'm willing to entertain some exotic uses of it.
Anyways, done with my ramblings, I'm enjoying this episode, but would love to learn more about mRNA and its history, especially in the black projects 🙂

orchid20 wrote:
I think you may have stated before - in another thread - that something like RFID sensors in the jabs as a tracking beacon is not likely because the technology isn't there yet.I remember being creeped out at a tech conference a decade ago by a talk given by Penny Pritzker (?!) and a representative from the World Bank (whose name escapes me but I believe he was from India) regarding the use of GIS and biometric data as a method of tracking vaccine distribution in third world countries. At the time, they were considering iris scans. This talk was given to about 11,000 nerds whose profession in some way involved putting lots of data on a map. So I know that at least the motivation for some sort of geographic tracking of vaccines IS there.
I don't mean real-time tracking via Starlink, I mean tracking by the same technology that stops shoplifters, and throw a set of coordinates on it (sensors are stationary).
All you said was that it is impossible. Can you explain why you have that conclusion? Because I would certainly not mind having it as well.
A lot of what they say in these conferences or on these globalist white papers is aspirational or outright salesmanship--kind of like early video game trailers that are pre-rendered and not actual gamplay. There's a lot of elbow grease or engineering problems that need to be solved to get it from where it actually is to where the Ted Talk speakers/white paper writers imagine it will be immanently.
I intentionally said "not likely", or some other qualified statement, not impossible, and I think that is an important difference, so I am not misunderstood [if I did say impossible, I was incorrect and I apologize]. I cannot say such tech is theoretically excluded from possibility, but actually taking the theory from is often a much bigger and more difficult if not impossible process in reality. I think back a few weeks ago when Greg and Alex were talking about how many of the "alternative technologies" that people try to sell are not what they are presented as. Alex mentioned "scalability" as being an issue and I think that is underemphasized -- yes, maybe somebody can engineer something that works in a laboratory environment, but does it scale? Can it actually be deployed in the numbers at which it really is an effective influence on our world?
Say it is theoretically possible, and we were able to get a working prototype operating in the lab. That's only 95% of the way there, and the last 5% is the hardest and often where things fail. As far as I can see, there aren't any strong reports of the second step being accomplished with regard to injectable tracking technology, let alone the final one. [
So if the question is "do the global elites want to get adults used to taking vaccines regularly in part because they think it would be an excellent thing to integrate micro-tracking technology with the vaccines if that technology is soon developed, and that obviously regular vaccinations are a vector by which they could be deployed"--I believe the answer is absolutely yes.
But if the question is do these Pfizer/Moderna Covid-19 mRNA jabs currently being deployed integrate some kind of radio frequency based tracking technology? Well, then I can concede that the motive and opportunity are there, but I just don't see the practical means by which it would be accomplished. And if they are hyper-competent enough to develop this technology and integrate and deploy it in secret... well, why bother? 25-50% of people aren't taking the vaccine but something like 97% of people already own a tracking device they willingly carry almost all of the time (their phone). So it seems like it is mostly speculation, which is fine in itself, but I don't think the evidence is there that it is currently happening and so that people should focus their attention in that particular direction--especially if it ends up with them getting themselves worked up into a state of fear that has no actionable resolution.

jdaneway wrote:
I agree. CDC has already started hyping a "serious" RSV outbreak among children in the Southern States. This just happens to coincide with Moderna developing a new RSV mRNA vaccine. Moderna is in bed with CDC and government agencies at the moment - last round it was Gilead and Merk. RSV has been around for years now. It is essentially a cold. Any virus can have serious consequences occaisionally in all people - healthy or not. When working in the hospital, I met a healthy elementary school teacher woman whose kidneys were destroyed by the regular flu virus. She's on lifetime dialysis. I also reviewed clinical trials for vaccine studies and there are serious disincentives to track or report real adverse events. Most AEs are chalked up to underlying disease. Who doesn't have something in their medical history that can be blamed instead of the vaccines? Both viruses and vaccines can harm the healthy and unhealthy alike. COVID is no exception. My healthy 20 yo niece went blind from the virus, while I only had a nasty cough from the virus but got an anaphylactic response to the vaccine. IDK - there's no answer. The drug companies are in it for the profit though - that is their major motivation.
This has been one of the most frustrating points of all of this. Viruses often cause all sorts of issues for people -- an influenza virus caused an auto-immune disease in one of my previous coworkers years ago--she now will get episodes where she requires Plasmapheresis. My grandfather died on a ventilator due to secondary bacterial pneumonia after getting some kind of viral infection. These things have happened with viruses and other infections forever, they are serious medical issues that need attention, but to treat it as unprecedented and panic the population and institute soft-marshal law in response?--just criminal.
If SARS-CoV-2 itself were a treated like a vaccine in the way they push off anything bad that happens with it by blaming underlying conditions or coincidence, there would probably be people on the FDA committee saying they should approve it for it's ability to suppress influenza transmission.

jh1517 wrote:
Yeah, my overall opinion on mRNA tech is that it has been a solution in search of a problem--they've wanted to use the stuff for decades, but could never justify it under normal circumstances; "never let a good crisis go to waste". Now they are going to hope to use the fact they were able to get around the normal regulatory hurtles because of the "pandemic" to be able to push the stuff through into all sorts of other applications. All sorts of new "therapies" will pop up, be under-researched before going to market, and potentially hurt millions of people or just waste a lot of money while they send their statistics hit squads and operate smear campaigns against anyone asking questions and lobby for more mandates and money. They will start using mRNA tech to "treat" all sorts of shit, and if it doesn't work or hurts anyone, they'll just label any doctor with the spine to point that out an "anti-vaxxer".Or maybe it's a miracle drug and all diseases will be turned into unicorn farts, and it was just a big coincidence that they had this technology sitting around for decades and were never able to cure anything with it until the perfect fit virus happened to come along and in a weekend the sequenced a perfect solution and they saved the world...sure...
So what you're saying is I should buy Moderna stock now? 😛

tacosalad wrote:
So what you're saying is I should buy Moderna stock now? :p
I day trade and don't invest in anything long term, but... I mean... yeah probably
[Not a licenced financial adviser. This is not financial advice :)]

tacosalad wrote:
So what you're saying is I should buy Moderna stock now? :p
Ha ha! I suck at stock investing. Nothing makes sense right now. It used to be that when corruption came out, companies' stock would go down in a big way. Now they just say fine me, and move on as if nothing happened.

I think what’s undeniably fishy with the vaccination is the collection of personal data, and who will be in charge of handling that data (and for what purposes).

enjoypolo wrote:
https://www.rt.com/uk/527132-vaccine-passport-national-id-entrust/I think what’s undeniably fishy with the vaccination is the collection of personal data, and who will be in charge of handling that data (and for what purposes).
Yeah, bear in mind all of the semi-optimism with regard to this stuff I am saying only applies to the US. What's happening in Anglosphere outside of the USA is terrifying

animistspark wrote:
I enjoyed this episode but was disappointed over the lack of pushback on the iron particles and the biogel which is supposedly in the vaccines. Where is this information coming from because I was unable to find it on my own.I'm open to new info, but I'm leaning towards all of this just being another market to exploit and mass death would be bad for business since capitalism is conditioned upon infinite growth for it to even "work." Vaccines and boosters as just another market to exploit.
Posted in PubMed 2002: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11857068/ also see this article and references below: https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007%2F978-1-4939-0410-5_12 Im not sure this would have enough oomph to make magnets stick to someone, or used in the covid vaccines, but it is an actual thing
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