Dr Dean Radin: Real...
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Dr Dean Radin: Real Magic, Parapsychology & Lab tested results

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Hey there fellow THCs,

I wanted to create this post to collect opinions, and share my enthusiasm for this episode since I've been a follower of Dean Radin and the NOETIC institute for some time now, being one of the few accredited academic institutions focusing on parapsychology. So it was great to have that, I know that Gordon White also had him on the show recently (Didn't listen to it yet) which is great.

I especially enjoyed the discussion on sigil magic and how the quantum cosmogony (I like to use Nassim Haramein's term of holo-fractal universe) ties in to it as well, bridging a gap between occult and science (It's always to get support from someone who's considered a pioneer in the field).

But also the conversation about quantum robots, and how they may end up being levitating monks, as opposed to the Skynet-type destroyer of civilizations, relayed by folks like Elon Musk. While I am worried about the risks of developing such a technology in the hands of military-industrial-complex types (aka Alphabet/Google, Facebook), I think the prospects of them potentially aiding humans and connected to the whole of the Universe is equally possible. Kinda like how John W. Keely had envisioned certain robots to work in harmony with humans through sympathetic vibrations.

One thing I wished was being discussed, and Greg sort of alluded to it with his brainwave headset, was the development (or at least potential) of smartphones in the Psi field. I know for one NOETIC institute is involved in the phantom-ware app called Entanglement developped by Adam Curry. It was meant to be a Global Consciousness Project-type of app that would analyze the app user's effect on a random number generator and then the data collected and quantified to observe how certain events affect the app.
Sadly, the website is now gone which I assume means it's been shelved.
There used to be quite a few interesting apps for Remote Viewing on the app store. But they're all gone now except one by Russel Targ (SRI) called ESP Trainer which didn't captivate me.

Anyhow, that's it for me. All in all another great episode. I'll be posting more about AI and Tech in general since that's something that I'm following.

Posted : April 13, 2018 4:25 AM