Dr. Joseph P. Farrell | Election Fraud, Covert COVID Agendas & Nephilim Corpses

Wow. This comment is late, so it is likely that no one ever reads it. Nonetheless, I encourage all of you to take a step back. Almost all of you are intelligent and thoughtful people. So why is there so much fussing and fighting over which weapon of mass distraction and division is the evil of two lessers???

m_m wrote: Wow. This comment is late, so it is likely that no one ever reads it. Nonetheless, I encourage all of you to take a step back. Almost all of you are intelligent and thoughtful people. So why is there so much fussing and fighting over which weapon of mass distraction and division is the evil of two lessers???
Why does evidence matter? Why does the basis of government matter? Does it make sense to align ourselves with Nazis and white supremacists to avoid division? I mean obviously everything is a lie and I can't be bothered to develop a new philosophy so. . . Unify in Nihilism, all glory to the troll alliance! Pathology, ambivalence and disruption over evidence, distinction, and harmony. . .but with unity, you know? Kumbay-fuckin-ya motherfuckers!
I suppose it's just time for everyone to just get over that time months of grift and lies almost plunged us into a gaslit authoritarian hellhole. What would ever analyzing such a thing accomplish? Why would we ever want to hold those responsible FOR A FASCIST COUP accountable?
Many people live in De Nile and never even stepped foot in Egypt.

It seems that far-right militias are shifting their messaging to reform themselves publicly in the wake of the recent insurrection. Part of this PR campaign is to ally themselves publicly with BLM and Antifa in order to foment unrest in the hidden hopes of sparking a civil war.

Wow this thread is wild. What will sexually frustrated liberals do without their boogeyman?
I didn't vote Trump either time, because I am a Libertarian, which would put me in Le Ebil Alt Right according to the fashionably left. The absolutely hilarious thing about Trump is that he did everything to favor supposedly leftist ideals. He promoted free speech, freedom of association, gay rights, black rights, hell he even lobbied to get more H1B visas in than any other President. And on the other side of the coin, he expanded the central economy like even FDR wouldn't dream of, he straight up banned bump stocks, which was a far greater affront to the 2A than Obama ever did...
I find it straight up hilarious that the less cerebrally inclined leftists hated Trump so much when he was, when you look at actual policies, their ideal candidate. If you put a gun to my head and made me choose Biden/Hillary vs what Trump actually did, I vote against Trump ALL DAY LONG because Hillary/Biden are far more conservative in their policies. I can count on Biden to not run trillions in debt to feed jobless wonders with $2000 checks for doing exactly nothing but being a leech on society. I can also count on Biden to protect the 2A, because he really needs that NRA money unlike Trump.

dingus wrote: Wow this thread is wild. What will sexually frustrated liberals do without their boogeyman?
I didn't vote Trump either time, because I am a Libertarian, which would put me in Le Ebil Alt Right according to the fashionably left. The absolutely hilarious thing about Trump is that he did everything to favor supposedly leftist ideals. He promoted free speech, freedom of association, gay rights, black rights, hell he even lobbied to get more H1B visas in than any other President. And on the other side of the coin, he expanded the central economy like even FDR wouldn't dream of, he straight up banned bump stocks, which was a far greater affront to the 2A than Obama ever did...
I find it straight up hilarious that the less cerebrally inclined leftists hated Trump so much when he was, when you look at actual policies, their ideal candidate. If you put a gun to my head and made me choose Biden/Hillary vs what Trump actually did, I vote against Trump ALL DAY LONG because Hillary/Biden are far more conservative in their policies. I can count on Biden to not run trillions in debt to feed jobless wonders with $2000 checks for doing exactly nothing but being a leech on society. I can also count on Biden to protect the 2A, because he really needs that NRA money unlike Trump.
Trump really was just another in a long line of modern Republican/Conservative frauds going back to Reagan in 1980--these types always talk a good game but essentially they govern like New Deal/Progressive Democrats. Biden/Harris (and Obama), ironically, were more guilty of the sins the Left accused Trump of than Trump himself was. I was a long-time libertarian who still likes much of the philosophy, but have grown skeptical of free-speech, free-trade, & open-borders/immigration.

hisich wrote: grown skeptical of free-speech, free-trade, & open-borders/immigration.
That is pretty sad. How can you lose faith in freedom? That just means you have no faith in yourself.
To pick out the immigration part, it seems like many "libertarians" are breaking hard right on the issue of immigration, away from the traditional "let them all in and have the market sort them out" philosophy. I agree there are problems with how immigration is carried out by the government, but to say you are against open borders is just silly. Organic movement of peoples is a great thing and a human right. Why would you want to prevent the industrious global population from trying their hand at succeeding in our domestic market? The real issue is when our government takes groups of people without any cultural congruity, mass imports a diaspora into an area, forces the local population to provide infrastructure and safety net, forces the diaspora into public schools where the curriculum must be tailored to the diaspora in the disfavor of the pre-existing children, and uses government housing subsidies to guarantee the diaspora never integrates. The root problem here is government, not immigration.

dingus wrote: That is pretty sad. How can you lose faith in freedom? That just means you have no faith in yourself.
To pick out the immigration part, it seems like many "libertarians" are breaking hard right on the issue of immigration, away from the traditional "let them all in and have the market sort them out" philosophy. I agree there are problems with how immigration is carried out by the government, but to say you are against open borders is just silly. Organic movement of peoples is a great thing and a human right. Why would you want to prevent the industrious global population from trying their hand at succeeding in our domestic market? The real issue is when our government takes groups of people without any cultural congruity, mass imports a diaspora into an area, forces the local population to provide infrastructure and safety net, forces the diaspora into public schools where the curriculum must be tailored to the diaspora in the disfavor of the pre-existing children, and uses government housing subsidies to guarantee the diaspora never integrates. The root problem here is government, not immigration.
I used to buy into all of that, but have realized over the last several years that borders/nations exist for a reason--mass-immigration is essentially an unarmed invasion. Foreign peoples DO NOT hold the same values that we do, and they tend to organize based on race/ethnicity to advance their own interests--not to mention the upward pressure they put on private/public resources of all kinds while putting downward pressure on wages. Having lived/grown-up in SoCal(ish) my entire life I've seen the disastrous results of mass-immigration--the link between the rising Mexican demographic & increased socialism in California govt. (which went from solidly Republican to overwhelmingly Democrat w/i my own lifetime) is undeniable. I'm beginning to feel like a foreigner in my own land.
Sadly, most people just WON'T leave each other alone in peace, and it seems Blasphemy Laws of one kind or another will exist--witness the mass-nuking of people engaging in WrongThink today. Speaking out against the insanity of Transgenderism, unchecked immigration, and even pointing out the disproportionate power of Jewish people can literally get you fired from your job. Witness the violence perpetrated by the likes of Antifa & BLM against people who simply disagree w/their political views.
Libertarians act as if all the welfare programs & bad govt. policy, etc., either don't exist or will somehow go away...total naivete, esp. considering that the immigrant hordes tend to LOVE getting 'free' shit. Mixing a bunch of incompatible foreign tribes together is absolutely idiotic. Do you think there is no link between the dramatic demographic changes and the decline of America since the 1965 Immigration Act?

All that said, in no way do I blame libertarians for any of it, because they have always had zero political power & almost no influence on policy. I see a strange thing today where some people on both sides of the political divide simultaneously mock libertarians for "being irrelevant" while also blaming their free-oriented ideas for ever ill that plagues our society.

So I’m sure you rail against the Irish and Italians as well right? Damn St. Patrick’s day!!
The only way I would see demographic change as an “invasion” is if a certain political persuasion was imported and propagated in order to change the government of the host. In the case of Mexicans I cannot support your characterization. You bringing up Mexicans is actually humorous because that demographic is at the brink of full integration. If you didn’t notice, the LatinX vote was more Republican than ever this cycle, mainly because they now have money they don’t want the government to take. The Big Machine was already starting to ramp up the “blame Mexicans for Trump” angles before Biden pulled off the steal. Mexicans are very nearly a part of the majority culture, passing through the same phases of integration that every European diaspora experienced before them. Dare I say Mexicans have even MORE traditionally American values than most white people.
On a larger scale, how do you feel knowing that I do not share your values? I don’t share the same values of 90% of society, and I am willing to bet most people would say they can relate to about half. We are not a congruent society. I view anyone outside of my half acre as foreign to me. I view anyone outside my city as especially foreign. Your view of national borders are meaningless to me because my borders encompass only me any mine. If I held your views on foreigners I would have a very isolated experience.

dingus wrote: So I’m sure you rail against the Irish and Italians as well right? Damn St. Patrick’s day!!
The only way I would see demographic change as an “invasion” is if a certain political persuasion was imported and propagated in order to change the government of the host. In the case of Mexicans I cannot support your characterization. You bringing up Mexicans is actually humorous because that demographic is at the brink of full integration. If you didn’t notice, the LatinX vote was more Republican than ever this cycle, mainly because they now have money they don’t want the government to take. The Big Machine was already starting to ramp up the “blame Mexicans for Trump” angles before Biden pulled off the steal. Mexicans are very nearly a part of the majority culture, passing through the same phases of integration that every European diaspora experienced before them. Dare I say Mexicans have even MORE traditionally American values than most white people.
On a larger scale, how do you feel knowing that I do not share your values? I don’t share the same values of 90% of society, and I am willing to bet most people would say they can relate to about half. We are not a congruent society. I view anyone outside of my half acre as foreign to me. I view anyone outside my city as especially foreign. Your view of national borders are meaningless to me because my borders encompass only me any mine. If I held your views on foreigners I would have a very isolated experience.
I say all of this as a mixed-race person w/both Mexican blood & Irish blood--ironically I've often been mistaken for Italian, heheheh.
As I said, I used to hold some ridiculous libertarian views fairly recently myself (but still wholeheartedly agree about the nature of The State), so I can't criticize you too much. You'll either grow out of them or you won't.
As someone who lives in an area that has had a large influx of Mexicans over the last 30+ years, I find your assertion of them being 'on the brink of full integration' quite humorous indeed. I guess you didn't catch my prior comment about California becoming far more socialist as the demographic change occurred, either.
Doesn't bother me that you don't share my values, whatever you assume those to be, neither of us have the ability to alter the immigrant-invasion engineered by The Big Machine. Eventually the realization that mixing foreign/incompatible cultures/peoples together is an awful idea will become obvious to even the most naive libertarians & communists.

Where are the pro border people talking about the actual reason most immigrants are coming here? You know, the century of our military and commercial interests decimating their homes and creating wastelands for banana/coffee/chocolate/beef/etc.. traders to extract wealth from?
Central Americans aren't fleeing Guatemala because they just want a shot at being a pop star. Their culture and land has been explicitly and systematically destroyed, and the us gov has had the hand on that rudder for the last 150 years. Stop turning functional autonomous nations into broken narco states for private profit and maybe their citizenry will stop fleeing en masse.

personman wrote: Their culture and land has been explicitly and systematically destroyed, and the us gov has had the hand on that rudder for the last 150 years. Stop turning functional autonomous nations into broken narco states for private profit and maybe their citizenry will stop fleeing en masse.
Yes, we should leave them alone to be ruled by a successful government just like........... When the hell has the world ever witnessed a government that made anyone's life better? There is no such thing as a "broken" state, they are broken by nature.
Does the United States government make life worse for everyone outside of the club? Yes. Does every single government make life worse for everyone outside the club? Yes. Government in general is the problem, not just the US government.
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