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Elena Freeland | Space Fence

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Fuck.... this is the kind of shit that makes me want to give up. Who the hell can fight full spectrum control? And even if you were able to resist... did you see the end of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers? The woman was the last human on earth? Who would want to live like that? Being one of a handful of free humans? That would suck.

"yea... those damn nano-diamonds" -Greg Carlwood

Posted : December 12, 2017 4:48 AM
Posts: 93
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I know right?
But its not about "fighting". Its about our growth and spreading that enlightenment. One soul at a time.
Its a hard path to start but the ability to be brainwashed goes away pretty quickly. Then the tricks don't work on us very well.
I believe releasing the internet to the public was a mistake. They thought more black mirrors (uh I mean screens) and cat vids would lock us down further. Instead too many of us have access to powerful occult knowledge and we can talk with each other over any distance. The information that was reserved for adepts that was dolled out after years of study are now just a few clicks away. If 5G does not turn us into zombies or they send soldiers into the streets to wipe us out we will win this. We just keep moving forward spreading the love and knowledge.

Posted : December 14, 2017 2:40 AM
Posts: 7
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bbow73 wrote: Fuck.... this is the kind of shit that makes me want to give up. Who the hell can fight full spectrum control? And even if you were able to resist... did you see the end of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers? The woman was the last human on earth? Who would want to live like that? Being one of a handful of free humans? That would suck.

Exactly - maybe shes a paid to demoralize - highly irritating....lol

Posted : December 14, 2017 7:29 AM
Posts: 19
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Richard Lighthouse’s second half was also overwhelming to me: CIA USAPs & targeting individuals... fuck.
But, that Clive De whatever & the shamangineer were very encouraging. I like knowing ways to take care of ourselves and little things we can do to unfuck the environment.

"yea... those damn nano-diamonds" -Greg Carlwood

Posted : December 14, 2017 8:23 PM
Posts: 1354
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I loved that episode and listened to it couple times. The part about John Keely made me purchase a book I'm still waiting on about Sympathetic Vibrations. To get back to Full Spectrum Dominance though, I think it's empowering to know the nitty gritty, however dark the agenda seems to be. There's one aspect that she did not really address, and which I pay a good amount of attention to, and that is Solar Activity.
David Wilcock's been making a lot of well-researched episodes on Gaia about cosmic cycles (25,960years) and the flashes that ensues, also called The Event, or Ascension. It's the one thing that's mentioned across all religious texts, from zoroastrians, vedic texts, to buddhist, talmudic, christian and islamic scriptures. It's this concept of a giant flash that occurs from the Sun that coincides with a quantum leap into the next step of evolution.
According to Corey Goode, one of the SSP whisteblowers, these are well-known within the SSP. And I won't get too into details, but basically, this flash is a reset button that will fry all electronics (including AI), and also act as a karmic reset (which is a whole other can of worms that's detailed in The Law Of One series which I'd recommend reading).
How are we able to detect these things concretely? Well for one, there are many researches that corroborate this, a prominent one is from a russian scientist Aleksey Dimitriev's paper (Planeto-Physical State of Earth and Life) but also a lot of NASA (Never-A-Straight-Answer) that confirm that our solar system is entering this energetically denser zone that is affecting not just Earth but all the planets (link1). And make no mistake, the recent increasing # of Earthquakes and volcanic activity, as well as the MSM spreading our consciousness about more coming is, in my opinion, directly related to this. PS: this ties into the whole man-made climate change scam that's been pumped to the masses in recent years. I believe it's a cosmic phenomenon. Not saying we aren't thrashing the Earth though.
I went on a bit of a tangent here, but it's to illustrate my point that, in my optimistic opinion, I think we are being helped by the universe to rebalance the situation, however bleak it seems. I also do think we all play a role as individuals to where we go ahead.

Posted : December 16, 2017 4:42 AM