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Flat Earth theory / Eric Dubay.

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There is also a theory that the windows of airplanes are made in such a way to show a curvature to the horizon.

Posted : May 24, 2015 10:22 PM
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

No matter what, and as a previous poster stated, this episode made me think. Matter of fact, I listened to it the day it was posted and have been thinking about it since. Perhaps the Earth is truly flat - maybe it's round. What seems to be important about the topic is the idea we've all been lied to since childhood. I'm 34,& I'd never for 1 second considered the Earth wasn't round. We know NASA is a joke. We know the powers that should not be lie to us about everything under the Sun (no pun..wait...maybe?). We know they stage major events meant to traumatize our minds.
Once one realizes our supposed reality is a sham, flat-Earth really isn't that big of a jump. I'm personally still on the fence, but my eyes were opened to a new set of rules after the truth of 9/11 fell on me like acid rain. Those rules say, "We're not required to tell you the truth about anything. So sit back; have some of these corn products..they only have a little cancer in 'em. Have a nice, cool glass of water..it only has enough prozac in it to make you half-stupid. Oh,and hey, here's some aluminum we've been spraying on the entire world for about 20 years now. Sit back, STFU, do what you're told,& only believe what we tell you. The Earth is round because we say so."

Cmon, my THC friends, I'm not for flat-earth and I'm not for globe-earth. I'm for the truth, & we're all trying to find it (except for that cat from Far Sight Institute..He's trying to sell DVDs 😉 )
Peace & love, Friends -

Posted : June 18, 2015 6:00 AM
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Very interesting show. I wondered how he would explain the edges and having Antarctica around the edge of a disc makes an intriguing story. Most of his evidence can be explained by common sense Newtonian physics that we experience everyday. Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion and bodies at rest tend to stay at rest. This is inertia. This is how a baseball pitcher can throw a ball at 90 mph.The fly on your dashboard has inertia from your car's motion and the same thing happens with a helicopter having inertia motion from the earth's rotation. We don't detect uniform motion in our bodies, we detect acceleration and deceleration which is what happens in elevators and cars too.

Other points puzzled me afterward but on reflection I figured out that they can be explained by Einstien's theorys. These are not things that we experience directly. I have an open mind and I am going through a process of questioning everything that started a couple of months ago. I have not come across any information to refute Einstein but I am open to it. I am not defending Einstein here, only offering the information.

According to Einstein, large masses like the earth bend space and this is what causes gravity. see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoaOHvy5AcA
Airplanes by their instruments and their pilots' experience are indeed flying in a straight line but they are flying through space that is curved by the earths mass. The earth's mass will also bend light rays because the light is traveling through curved space. This would explain why we can see lighthouses that we shouldn't able to see. The light from them travels through curved space.

Posted : October 18, 2015 6:16 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Okay Flat Earthers, if the Earth were a disk why is there the Coriolis Effect? I saw one website say it was due to the northern and southern celestial heavens grinding like gears - That's not an explanation, it raises more questions than it answers.

Coriolis Effect

Posted : December 5, 2015 3:24 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

"Doing independent research into ballistic trajectories (e.g. bullets fired from guns, mortars from launchers, arrows from long bows) leads to the truth of the matter."

Snipers have to correct for Coriolis Effect, you have not elaborated one bit on my question. The fact that you then quoted 4 posts of unrelated material from your "book" answers nothing regarding this matter.

Posted : December 9, 2015 12:45 AM
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Snipers correct for the Coriolis effect? Really?

I do quite a bit of rifle shooting. Daily. I do not daily take 500m - 1 km shots, but really, not many snipers do either.

The rotations that riflemen do have to account for is the rotation of the projectile relative to the wind. This is because depending or the rotation of the projectile, clock or counter clock, it will want to either climb up or down against the wind.

I have never, and I really mean never, heard talk of a person firing a projectile at over 3000 feet per second over a distance of around 1 km taking earth rotation 'whip effect', or Coriolis effect into account.

Wouldn't you also have to take into account the direction you were firing in?

I really have given up caring wether the Earth is a sphere, flat or a tube,( because that really has no bearing on me groking the game or working out how to reliably get out of it at will.) but your rifleman comment intrigued me.


Posted : December 9, 2015 10:43 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member


The above applies to the northern hemisphere.

Posted : December 10, 2015 12:37 AM
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Damn. Now I am going to have to go and get setup for a little bit of long range recon! Lucky I live in the middle of nowhere.

Not that I don't trust him, but I prefer hard experience before making a call.... a true wizard gets his hands dirty. 🙂

Thanks for posting this, Sharmangineer.


P.S. A true Flaty would counter that the 'holographic matrix' has 'effects' programed into it to fool you, but I won't open that can of worms... 😉

Posted : December 10, 2015 1:48 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Similar effects are Focault Pendulum rotation in opposite directions in Northern and Southern Hemispheres, as well as the way the toilet flushes changes at the equator (thats an easy experiment the next time you cross the equator). If it were a solid spinning disk this would not be possible.

As far as "that can of worms" it is basically saying "reality is unknowable" at which point there is little point in pursuing the conversation further isn't there since nobody can know anything, even what was just said. Just sayin'. . . These sorts of arguments are posited by those who want you to have faith in something without quantitative or qualitative evidence whether that evidence be objective or subjective.

Posted : December 11, 2015 12:16 AM
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Yeah. I have really been trying to get away from "belief" as much as possible.

I either know, or I don't know. It seem like it's all about being happy with the " I don't know" bit! 🙂

Posted : December 13, 2015 3:20 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Okay then, tell me how this flat motionless disk accounts for the below listed effects:

Bullet trajectory rise & drop (as shown in the above video)

Opposite rotation of Focault pendulums and toilets in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

The fact that you seem to find it unfathomable that a person at the North pole and Equator would be spinning at different rates (why not? - you say the answer is easily determined then leave it hanging. . . ). All you say is think about it, but you give no indication how you thought about it, or any supplementary information to determine what YOUR rationale (which obviously differs from others) actually is for thinking about what gives rise to the above observations.

Posted : December 26, 2015 3:32 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member


I hear troll whistles, anybody else hear that? I guess asking a logical series of questions got the book thrown at me again.

Posted : March 5, 2016 2:23 PM
Posts: 14
Active Member

This isnpretty interesting.

Watch "US Navy Missile Instructor confirms FLAT EARTH - SW21" on YouTube

Posted : May 25, 2016 11:35 PM
Posts: 14
Active Member

Im still up in the air about flat earth. Dubay makes some compelling arguments. I'm going to make some observations myself and see if it jives with what Daubay said. I just purchased a telescope and will be travelling soon. It should be interesting. Check this out.


Posted : May 25, 2016 11:40 PM
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Wow flat earth seems to be the hot topic here.

Just listened to part of the Dubay interview and had to turn it off. The lack of critical thinking and understanding of basic physics was appalling. Trains going uphill and then downhill due to curvature? Wtf?

Spiritual warrior trolled this thread earlier with a lot more nonsense. The first example was an argument based on flight path from Taiwan to LA. And he had a straight line drawn on a Mercator projection. A straight line on a Mercator projection is not the shortest distance between two points on the globe unless the two points are on the equator or due north/south. Get an actual globe out and draw the shortest distance between two points and then trace the same path on a Mercator projection and you'll have an arc.

Come on people, the earth is round. There's a lot of conspiracies about but this isn't one. Or rather it might be a conspiracy to discredit alternative truthers by putting this out there to see who will bite. Get someone to make a public comment in support of flat earth and that person is instantly subject to scorn and discredited. Sounds plausible.

Posted : June 4, 2016 3:56 AM
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