Flat Earth theory /...
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Flat Earth theory / Eric Dubay.

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Had a few drinks on the weekend,and while merry I thought I’d write something here that is bugging me. I’m sure some scientist has an equation for it somewhere that only Einstein could understand.

How can the gravity of the earth hold on to its atmosphere and all the water on its surface in a perfect (close to perfect) globe, whilst the suns gravity is pulling planets weighing trillions of tonnes around in perfectly regular orbits, whilst orbiting around black holes trillions of light years away. All this while a butterfly can take off and land at will no problems.

How can a butterfly break the pull of gravity so easily when a planet weighing fuck knows how much is held in a perfect orbit for billions of years. Why isn’t the motion of the planet breaking the pull of gravity easily. Why over a billion years isn’t the atmosphere being ripped to fucking shreds.

I’m sure there’s an equation, but I can’t get my head around the logic.

And now I’ll get back to sitting in a hotel bar in CA and drink my Pinot noir.

Thanks all.

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Posted : March 11, 2018 2:39 AM
Posts: 64
Trusted Member

Has anyone seen this? Any thoughts?


Posted : March 12, 2018 4:55 AM
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

sacroff wrote: Had a few drinks on the weekend,and while merry I thought I’d write something here that is bugging me. I’m sure some scientist has an equation for it somewhere that only Einstein could understand.

How can the gravity of the earth hold on to its atmosphere and all the water on its surface in a perfect (close to perfect) globe, whilst the suns gravity is pulling planets weighing trillions of tonnes around in perfectly regular orbits, whilst orbiting around black holes trillions of light years away. All this while a butterfly can take off and land at will no problems.

How can a butterfly break the pull of gravity so easily when a planet weighing fuck knows how much is held in a perfect orbit for billions of years. Why isn’t the motion of the planet breaking the pull of gravity easily. Why over a billion years isn’t the atmosphere being ripped to fucking shreds.

I’m sure there’s an equation, but I can’t get my head around the logic.

And now I’ll get back to sitting in a hotel bar in CA and drink my Pinot noir.

Thanks all.

No need to appeal to Einstein... it is a very simple equation that even a high school physics student can understand.


Posted : March 14, 2018 2:07 PM
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

chukobyte wrote: Has anyone seen this? Any thoughts?


No special materials are required. After a few months and years the UV rays will destroy the paint job and all the plastics, but you'll be left with a car-shaped hunk of steel.

The video in question shows the fairing opening up. That only happens once. If it happened twice during a live feed then they clearly replayed it. I saw nothing to indicate the event was fake. And IMO, Musk's comments about it looking fake were him teasing/toying with the flat-earthers. I probably would do the same if I were him. 🙂

Posted : March 14, 2018 2:19 PM
Posts: 64
Trusted Member

hurmanetar wrote: No special materials are required. After a few months and years the UV rays will destroy the paint job and all the plastics, but you'll be left with a car-shaped hunk of steel.

The video in question shows the fairing opening up. That only happens once. If it happened twice during a live feed then they clearly replayed it. I saw nothing to indicate the event was fake. And IMO, Musk's comments about it looking fake were him teasing/toying with the flat-earthers. I probably would do the same if I were him. 🙂

The fairings are referring to nose cone at the end of the spacecraft that contained the car correct? Is so, the video doesn't appears to display the car when the fairings where opening unless it was edited. This clip isn't from the beginning of the live stream feed, am I missing something @hurmanetar?

Posted : March 14, 2018 11:36 PM
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

chukobyte wrote:

The fairings are referring to nose cone at the end of the spacecraft that contained the car correct? Is so, the video doesn't appears to display the car when the fairings where opening unless it was edited. This clip isn't from the beginning of the live stream feed, am I missing something @hurmanetar?

Here is the full live broadcast:
At bottom you will see the timeline and it is marked where the fairing deploys. This occurs at 25:48.
At 33:30, the commentators sign off for the live broadcast and then they replay the fairing deploy and starman in the Tesla for 30 seconds.
At 34:00, they once again play the fairing deploy.

So the video you linked above has clipped out 33:51 to 34:10 where the fairing deploy was looped. This is after the commentators had signed off from the live broadcast. The video creator (Eric Dubay) is being completely dishonest here. He either enjoys fucking with people or he is a psyop disinfo agent. IMO, he's too good at being deceptive and spinning out BS to just be an idiot who actually believes what he puts out.

Posted : March 15, 2018 9:26 PM
Posts: 64
Trusted Member

hurmanetar wrote: Here is the full live broadcast:
At bottom you will see the timeline and it is marked where the fairing deploys. This occurs at 25:48.
At 33:30, the commentators sign off for the live broadcast and then they replay the fairing deploy and starman in the Tesla for 30 seconds.
At 34:00, they once again play the fairing deploy.

So the video you linked above has clipped out 33:51 to 34:10 where the fairing deploy was looped. This is after the commentators had signed off from the live broadcast. The video creator (Eric Dubay) is being completely dishonest here. He either enjoys fucking with people or he is a psyop disinfo agent. IMO, he's too good at being deceptive and spinning out BS to just be an idiot who actually believes what he puts out.

Wow, thanks for debunking this for me. There is another thread about the case for flat earth being a psyop and this seems like this is evidence to support that. I also agree with your thoughts about Eric, I think it is possible that he is some sort of disinfo agent.

Posted : March 16, 2018 12:51 PM
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

chukobyte wrote: Wow, thanks for debunking this for me. There is another thread about the case for flat earth being a psyop and this seems like this is evidence to support that. I also agree with your thoughts about Eric, I think it is possible that he is some sort of disinfo agent.

No problem. 🙂 And for the record, I don't trust NASA or SPACEX or anyone else to always give us the whole truth, but the earth is definitely not flat!

And regarding SPACEX and Musk... there's a lot of criticism of the government subsidies, and if I looked into that, I'd probably have an issue with it, but as an engineer myself I find what they have accomplished truly impressive. Watching both Falcon 9 boosters do a U-turn and return to the launch site and land upright was really impressive!

I thought this was an especially interesting video on the boosters landing as it has 3D audio, so put in your headphones and check it out.

Posted : March 16, 2018 10:57 PM
Posts: 5
Active Member

Fake X , just sayin, there are better Majic shows on Americas got talent from teenage magicians

Crrow777 show or ep 048 of his does good job discussing Fake X

Posted : April 1, 2018 8:00 PM
Posts: 632
Honorable Member

Mr. Dubay's body language in his videos have always struck me as....well, revealing. Every time I hear him say "Flat Earth", I usually scream outloud , "INFINITE PLANE" 😉

Posted : April 14, 2018 5:22 PM
Posts: 2
New Member

Okay ... I am new to this Site, and I listened to one of the Flat Earth podcasts, and I just found this Forum discussion.

I had never seen this topic discussed before on any other Site that I visit, though I was loosely aware of people believing in a Flat Earth. Since listening to the podcast here, I have now also gone out and listened to various other podcasts on both sides the debate.

I have to say ... this one is really easy for me. I have degrees in Physics and Philosophy, where most of the early philosophers were also the top scientists or physicists of their day - Aristotle and Kant for example. I have studied science and philosophy as it evolved over thousands of years. These guys were also mathematicians by necessity.

The development of our Cosmological understanding is perhaps the purest form of the application of the scientific method. You come up with a theory and then you test it and see if the results can be repeated and have predictive value. We're basically talking about Newton's Laws of motion here. Our understanding of the Universe all comports with tested and established laws of motion and the rigors of the scientific method. So much of the scientific proofs that exist are all about math. If you don't have an advanced education in mathematics - a lot of this is going to be difficult. First ... you have to have a working understanding of the gravitational formula, which has held up to enormous testing, in order to address a lot of these questions raised about helium balloons and butterflies etc... None of these supposed problems raised by flat-earth proponents are inconsistent with the gravitational force.

Most importantly ... none any of this has anything to do with NASA. All of the current cosmology was worked out before NASA ever existed, and none of it relies upon NASA photos, much of which have been thoroughly discredited. It is very curious that debates on this subject always seem to start with NASA, which for me lends support to the notion that it is Psy-Op - meant to discredit those who would challenge NASA.

And another point ... the Flat - Earthers should really stay away from Science and focus upon Religion, which seems to be absolutely necessary to their belief system. If the Earth is like a table top - what's underneath it? What's the bottom of the table? What are the edges of the table? Moreover, how do you develop a scientific explanation for however you answer those questions?

Do the flat-earthers also deny the existence of the atom and sub-atomic particles? You can't see them, and so??? The idea that we should just trust our eyes is really to go backwards thousands of years, it seems to me anyway.

Posted : August 6, 2018 5:56 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

topguni wrote: Okay ... I am new to this Site, and I listened to one of the Flat Earth podcasts, and I just found this Forum discussion.

I had never seen this topic discussed before on any other Site that I visit, though I was loosely aware of people believing in a Flat Earth. Since listening to the podcast here, I have now also gone out and listened to various other podcasts on both sides the debate.

I have to say ... this one is really easy for me. I have degrees in Physics and Philosophy, where most of the early philosophers were also the top scientists or physicists of their day - Aristotle and Kant for example. I have studied science and philosophy as it evolved over thousands of years. These guys were also mathematicians by necessity.

The development of our Cosmological understanding is perhaps the purest form of the application of the scientific method. You come up with a theory and then you test it and see if the results can be repeated and have predictive value. We're basically talking about Newton's Laws of motion here. Our understanding of the Universe all comports with tested and established laws of motion and the rigors of the scientific method. So much of the scientific proofs that exist are all about math. If you don't have an advanced education in mathematics - a lot of this is going to be difficult. First ... you have to have a working understanding of the gravitational formula, which has held up to enormous testing, in order to address a lot of these questions raised about helium balloons and butterflies etc... None of these supposed problems raised by flat-earth proponents are inconsistent with the gravitational force.

Most importantly ... none any of this has anything to do with NASA. All of the current cosmology was worked out before NASA ever existed, and none of it relies upon NASA photos, much of which have been thoroughly discredited. It is very curious that debates on this subject always seem to start with NASA, which for me lends support to the notion that it is Psy-Op - meant to discredit those who would challenge NASA.

And another point ... the Flat - Earthers should really stay away from Science and focus upon Religion, which seems to be absolutely necessary to their belief system. If the Earth is like a table top - what's underneath it? What's the bottom of the table? What are the edges of the table? Moreover, how do you develop a scientific explanation for however you answer those questions?

Do the flat-earthers also deny the existence of the atom and sub-atomic particles? You can't see them, and so??? The idea that we should just trust our eyes is really to go backwards thousands of years, it seems to me anyway.

Well put - but there is now a theory that the flat plane is either inside the globe earth or in another planet like Saturn.

All FE so called proofs seem to me to be just anomalies in the observer effect, The concave back of the eye ball looking at a big ball is gonna bend light all over the place.
and numerous other red herrings in for good measure

Posted : August 7, 2018 5:21 AM
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Ah yes the mother of all conspiracy... 3 years later, still can't find the curve. I'll be reading this thread for a while to catch up. Here's my view to make sense of it. Flat dimensional plane of material existence. I listen to the Tracy Twyman episodes in a sense of childhood awe and wonder. That's the missing link I think. I loved star wars too but I see it for what it is now, Imagination. Just walking my path...

Posted : August 15, 2018 11:29 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

thunderchicken wrote: Ah yes the mother of all conspiracy... 3 years later, still can't find the curve. I'll be reading this thread for a while to catch up. Here's my view to make sense of it. Flat dimensional plane of material existence. I listen to the Tracy Twyman episodes in a sense of childhood awe and wonder. That's the missing link I think. I loved star wars too but I see it for what it is now, Imagination. Just walking my path...

I was wondering the other day that the flat earth thing is a psyop to measure the spread of information of extra-ordinary info, a bit like the radio show War of the Worlds - some people took it as real and fled in their cars to the mountains. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(radio_drama)#Public_reaction

So what huge earth change could they be covering for or foreshadowing? Axial Tilt !?

There's sufficient evidence - on the balance of probabilities - that the earth shifted from a upright polar axis to its current 23.5 degree tilt. and recently people have noticed a wobble. https://axischange.wordpress.com/

Posted : August 16, 2018 9:43 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

I would like to see how flat earthers explain why perspective of the moon is opposite in the northern and southern hemispheres if they are both located on the same side of a flat plane. No rocket science required.

http://www.worldmoonproject.org/attachments/article/82/Southern_Northern Hemisphere Observations.pdf

Posted : August 17, 2018 4:18 PM
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