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Flat Earth theory / Eric Dubay.

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shamangineer wrote: I would like to see how flat earthers explain why perspective of the moon is opposite in the northern and southern hemispheres if they are both located on the same side of a flat plane. No rocket science required.

http://www.worldmoonproject.org/attachments/article/82/Southern_Northern Hemisphere Observations.pdf

So, you got a ceiling light in the center of a room of your place? Shapie a few dots on it. Go to the south side of the room and look at the dots on the light. Now go look from the north wall of the room. You'll see the dots are the same and you are seeing it from different angles. " laws of perspective".

It's not a psy-op, a cover up, or conspiracy. You can't verify the curvature math.
People like crrow, are proving everything official about the moon. Exposing the construct.

Most flat earthers come off as idiots. They see something important and don't know what it means. They read genesis and case closed. No body really knows. I just know nasa is full of shit and 90% of everything we were taught was intentionally wrong.

Posted : August 23, 2018 2:25 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

While a trite concept - it doesn't hold any water, the moons phase would be different in the northern and southern hemispheres rather than mirrored. There are also the stars motions being mirrored, which a firmament as stipulated by flat earthers would not account for or the fact that there are different stars shown in the two hemispheres.

What I was speaking of was the perspective of the observer. How the "law of perspective" used by flat earthers to explain the horizon as a linear perspective point of diminished size would account for the moon phase inversion isn't as self-evident as you would suggest.

Posted : August 24, 2018 6:44 AM
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Idk. I have no answers, only more questions. I'm just not buying NASA story anymore. I was drinking the NASA look aid for 27 years. I'm convinced it's all fake. Construct life. That's just this humble stoners researched, observed, verified opinion.

Posted : August 24, 2018 3:22 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

thunderchicken wrote: Idk. I have no answers, only more questions. I'm just not buying NASA story anymore. I was drinking the NASA look aid for 27 years. I'm convinced it's all fake. Construct life. That's just this humble stoners researched, observed, verified opinion.

That's the crux of the situation.

There are big problems with NASA & the gravitational model & the uniformitarian model of the solar system maybe some problems with standard physics but and it is a big BUT, none of these means the world is flat.

To take that massive leap from "there's discrepancies with the evidence" to were living on a flat plane hanging who knows where, is similar to the massive leap needed to believe in the official 9/11 narrative, you have to disbelieve and dismiss huge amounts of evidence and laws of physics to accept what other people tell you to believe.

Posted : August 25, 2018 3:05 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member


Posted : February 28, 2019 5:47 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

sacroff wrote: Had a few drinks on the weekend,and while merry I thought I’d write something here that is bugging me. I’m sure some scientist has an equation for it somewhere that only Einstein could understand.

How can the gravity of the earth hold on to its atmosphere and all the water on its surface in a perfect (close to perfect) globe, whilst the suns gravity is pulling planets weighing trillions of tonnes around in perfectly regular orbits, whilst orbiting around black holes trillions of light years away. All this while a butterfly can take off and land at will no problems.

How can a butterfly break the pull of gravity so easily when a planet weighing fuck knows how much is held in a perfect orbit for billions of years. Why isn’t the motion of the planet breaking the pull of gravity easily. Why over a billion years isn’t the atmosphere being ripped to fucking shreds.

I’m sure there’s an equation, but I can’t get my head around the logic.

And now I’ll get back to sitting in a hotel bar in CA and drink my Pinot noir.

Thanks all.

Gravitational model doesn't work mathematically, so they invented dark matter to make it work mathematically.

Look into electric universe theory.

Posted : March 1, 2019 3:22 AM
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