George Wiseman | Brown’s Gas, AquaCure, & Suppressed Science

enjoypolo wrote:
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**To get a whopping $500 (20%) off an AquaCure device use the coupon code: higherside @ Link:
George Wiseman is President of Eagle-Research and AquaCure. George does research in Automotive Engineering, Biochemistry and Aquaculture. He builds and optimizes efficient and practical water electrolyzers for specific applications; like combustion enhancement, Fueling Torches and Brown’s Gas for health. Brown’s Gas electrolyzers generate a unique mixture of gasses that are astonishingly useful, particularly due to the ExW component. Electrically Expanded Water (ExW) is a negative plasma form of water, which give the Brown’s Gas a greater efficacy in its applications. A negative plasma has excess electrons, which give energy to the process. In the case of the AquaCure, a bio-available energ

I've always believed that anarchism begins with water and food. We have a high degree of control over those things so far and keeping food & water, especially water, in high quality helps to subvert a lot of harm the govt-corp-complex is doing.
Thanks for the discount. I'm waiting for my unit. I've already purchased a water distiller to mix up the electrolyte solution.
I've seen George Wiseman's videos and the 2019 Water Conference video, and I'm familiar with his water torches from being in the jewelry business for 30 years, but hearing him speak to someone like me, an audience like us, was what made my decision to pull the trigger on the AquaCure.
Comparatively, hearing Dr. Greer on THC helped my perspective in another way. I mean, the question was legit: If these benevolent entities see a civilization suffering so profoundly that the entire planet is supposedly at risk of annihilation, then why do they have to wait for an invitation to help like some kind of vampire?
Cheers, yo.

I was really impressed by this talk, and following it, did more research, read some medical articles, and just now purchased George's AC-50 machine! I don't usually purchase 'alternative health' products, but the medical research backs it up. I have very annoying & persistent airborne allergies, and some stomach issues, so I'm hoping this will reduce inflammation & those issues. I'll report back after I've used it for a while!

Thanks for the update on turn-over. I figured they were swamped over there and didn't want to bother them with an email asking for order updates.
Greg, man. Don't despair. The volume of orders after the show isn't entirely indicative of your audience's poor health.
Pandemic forced me to terminate my self-employment and the new job is physically demanding. I'm healthy and strong, but I'm gonna turn 50 next month and I'm looking at another 15 years of this without the time to take care of myself like I was able to before. At 65 I plan on getting back on the road -if traveling vendor venues are still a thing - and I want to be healthy enough to do that. Longevity isn't the issue, it's quality. I don't want to live to be 90 if the last ten years suck.
So at least in my case, I'm in it for the maintenance and not to fix something that medicine couldn't. I hope that's the case for more of us than not.

wpilgrim wrote:
Thanks for the update on turn-over. I figured they were swamped over there and didn't want to bother them with an email asking for order updates.Greg, man. Don't despair. The volume of orders after the show isn't entirely indicative of your audience's poor health.
Pandemic forced me to terminate my self-employment and the new job is physically demanding. I'm healthy and strong, but I'm gonna turn 50 next month and I'm looking at another 15 years of this without the time to take care of myself like I was able to before. At 65 I plan on getting back on the road -if traveling vendor venues are still a thing - and I want to be healthy enough to do that. Longevity isn't the issue, it's quality. I don't want to live to be 90 if the last ten years suck.
So at least in my case, I'm in it for the maintenance and not to fix something that medicine couldn't. I hope that's the case for more of us than not.
What kind of job did you take?
I’m in a similar situation. Took a job at 49 as a veggie gardener for the wealthy. I’m so exhausted.... I don’t have time to take care of myself like I used to.

chawkhawktomahawk wrote:
I took the plunge on one of these machines, thanks for the coupon code! Anyone who uses one please keep us updated on results. I’m looking for some relief for my partner for rheumatoid arthritis as well as paralysis from guillain-barre syndrome (autoimmune problems). A lot to ask, but if we see any relief at all this will be a miracle. Rockefeller medicine has no answers and has been killing us lately. Hope we see a lot of positive results from these machines!
Hi. I took the plunge and so far the results have been excellent. I’m a former runner...years of putting in at least 30 miles a week took its toll. The effects are subtle. But! Also cumulative! As George makes a point of saying in the guide that accompanies the machine: make a list or take note of your current general ailments when you begin. I also have floaters in my eyes that nothing I tried before could diminish. The AquaCure is definitely helping. Yeah I look like the Aaron kid in the Key & Peele ‘Substitute Teacher’ skit & my husband laughs but it’s worth it.

I've been working with it for about a month now. I have floaters in my eyes as well. They're not gone, but they seem to be improving. I feel like its providing DEEP hydration of the tissues as George says. To make an analogy it feels like some parts of my body were like a dried up sponge (without my even being aware of it). Working with the AquaCure has begun to rehydrate those areas. I've noticed improvement in sleep, HRV and recovery as well.

One week into AquaCure:
Been drinking 32-48 oz of the water daily for the week. Not going to breathe the gas unless I have actual damage to repair.
One effect that's obvious - and of course I didn't think to photograph anything because it's totally unexpected - is the bags under my eyes caused by laser surgery are smoothing out.
The effect I'm hoping for is a subsiding of tinnitus. The many years of punk rock basement shows taking their toll would be nice to reverse.
I'll check in again in a month or so.

Finally received my machine this week… Maybe it's the placebo effect but after 3 days of breathing/drinking the water I went for a run and destroyed my personal record without even trying.
Otherwise I don't really feel different in every day life stuff…
Before (a pretty usual time for me):

Whoa! 5 minuted difference? Incredible. Congratulations!!

Hi, does anyone know if brown's gas is useful for reducing tumors? I just relistened to this episdode (after receiving some unexpected news recently!) but didnt hear any specific mention of tumors in it. Would be interested in tying something like this if there were cases where it has worked in the past.
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