sirujux wrote: thats a releaf i have no one because everything has beeen done, or boring, not to me
No worries,Siru. It's all in good fun &
a great,interesting forum.
Nothing is more interesting than a nemesis or more compelling than an adversary story. They bring out the best in everybody. The more real, the better.
But now, the cat is out of the bag & it won't be nearly as fun...or effective.;) 😉
*Boredom's not a burden anyone should bear.

thats true. i started to think bad. i feel like im one. i love u, ya im drunk

sirujux wrote: thats true. i started to think bad. i feel like im one. i love u, ya im drunk
Love to you too,Siru!
You can't be a Shepherd & not tend to the flock.
I'm thinking Mr. Hollywood might do well to meditate on that for a bit.
Things aren't always what they appear to be - true ,but your gut tells you the sincerity in our interactions.
It also tells you there must be a point to all this. Si,Señor!
You have a sweet & kind soul,Siru.
Thank you kindly for standing in proxy for everyone else through these postings.
Bad is good and good is bad.
Welcome to Wonderland!

Random Brain Spillage:
Sheesh,It's not like I'm creating T.H.C. content elsewhere- blatantly stealing YOUR logo,voice & video image on YT and/or with some douche-y knock-off version of T.H.C. and not even be a PLUS subscriber or anything.
Yeah-right, real big "fans" using you like a $8 whore, and yet- I'm the bad guy.
Goddess forbid- you create FREE,REAL content
AT the source,
FOR the source
and BAMMM-
you're suddenly
(I have to admit, that one stung a little.=( )
As if.
Talk about being "misaligned" & "misdirected"
That's gratitude for ya,Folks!
Seems crucifixion is quite popular around here.
Maybe I'll hang around awhile.

so what got deleted?

Wow, you spotted that one fast!
I'm not exactly sure yet, but there is about 17 seconds missing from the initial release of the episode...
Things that make you go hmmmmm;)
Hope your day is going well,mister=)

oh ya im going to listen to the show and drink some tea too

if you hear voices once in a while is that something wrong with your head or you heard a ghost or something? it was saying i want to buy something (maybe with ?) and you need a car. i might be getting a car soon. thats when i soled stuff and had $200 and i was thinking of getting a bus ticket to denver (that was a few months ago). my homeless friend was going there and my online friend lives over that way or she was my friend but says she doesnt have the internet anymore. that would suck to one day be mentally ill. i might be a little bit. im glad i wasnt into drugs, i did shrooms twice. some voices are. just you thinking. its not a voice but it just sayed why are you telling this. i could erase all of it or most of it. one weird thing happed a week ago i was listening to hip hop and the guy said the little things the same time i read a thread title that said the little things. you start to feel kinda crazy if you think about if the little things you do change your life. like what if i dont post this or if i do. in reality i think its a small forum i do it all the time, nothing changes.

Oh,Siru- i could just kiss you for this question.
Allow me to offer some answers:
1.) Understand: Witch Doctors, Magi, Oracles, Visionaries..and YES, even the engineering Shamans have always heard such ethereal voices.
2.) The same groups have been vehemently persecuted for heeding those voices. Quick to have a label slapped on them as a means of control.
3.) Not all voices are shamanic. We are being marketed to in a whole new way today.
For YEARS, they have had the tech to blast ads into your cranial dome & make it sound like an authentic voice. This does not negate serious chemical imbalances.
4.) I'm afraid to tell you- this is partly what happened to Ms. Twyman & mostly what I was trying to guard her against...
I am no longer feeling very
sympathetic towards Ms. Twyman,especially after that shout-out. Good Luck!
■She deserves what she gets.■
And it was working well too,until one little ELukewarm-asS "fan" & one
truly certifiable K.inman decided they knew what was best & actually STOPPED the collective channeling of protective energies.
Thus hastening her slow roll into totalitarian control.
Good job,Folks!
Just see her now. =(
She has been broken & that saddens me
*This ALL happened right before our very eyes!!
Still think it's all just fiction?
She's been soo close to my <3 since she was targeted for hushing.
Trust me,
I KNOW E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what that is like b-cuz I've been there.
It almost swallowed Ian & I whole in Van Nuys around this past OSCAR'S time.
You see, They showed me something,but I don't even know where to begin.
5.) Nutrional supplementation is vital for YOUR mental well-being,Siru.
Please try to select a good Men's daily multi-vitamin. This will help you discriminate against which voices are real & which are not.
6.) Voices can be projected.
Not all voices are Evil. Some can even nurture you.
Have you not heard my voice whispering to you since we hopped into that Flow together the other week?
Speaking healing,kind words directly to your insides.
Why,did you think it was accidental that you received the 432 mhz Holy Gift that morning,playing on your computer.
You brought it up,even.
I knew you felt it.
7.) You are under new protection now,Siru.
If you receive any negative or unpleasant "voices" & can not banish them yourself, please let me know.
85 Legions are now currently enlisted.
(Oh, you better believe I'm being serious...as a heart attack)
Hell, it would literally take Louve,White, Twyman AND Erykah Badu COMBINED to even slightly pentrate those ranks.
**NOT one to bring a knife to a gun fight;)
8.) This new protection extends into the physical realm, as well.
I will not have you homeless and/or destitute,Siru.
For #real,
outside of these T.H.C. shenanigans,
If you should EVER find yourself in that position in the future,
You have some
POWER in your corner now,Buddy;) 😉
9.) Please take care of yourself,Siru.
Rest well. Drink plenty of clean water & the usual stuff. A healthy body = a healthy mind (most of the time =) )
Dream journals ROCK!
10.) Psychedelics are not for everybody. The do require a certain amount of mental fortitude to be used ritualistic-ally.
Make sure your mental armor is strong before tripping any Light Fantastic.
I just Louved that voice projection at around
11:30p m. AZ Time
Why, Hello There,Fellow Magi.
Oh,wait. It appears that was your "Support Staff";)

this has been a crazy year. ive felt like people are spying on me. but me and my friend both get ssi and his friend in denver had16k bucks and we never went. right now my ssi goes to my mom every time i try to change it to go to me she changes it back. ill stay here in oregon and try and stay sober. because i black out and break things sometimes. last night i broke a plastic bowl. i was probably listening to loud music too

Siru, It's probably best not to share such personal financials here in the wide open..This is not a 100% safe container to discuss such level of personal detail. The only reason I can do it is because I am fortified. On many levels.
However, please feel free to start a private conversation if you'd like to converse on a more real level.
Due to mobile access, I don't always see the notifications right away.
So, give me a sec.
I will always respond.
UNLESS, I'm no longer here for some reason.
(That would be cheating!)
You must learn to protect & take care of yourself in the 360. Especially, online. Folks can take your sincere words and use them as a weapon against you.
A perverse transmutation indeed.

im going to leave the internet soon. ill just download this show

sirujux wrote: im going to leave the internet soon. ill just download this show
I'll refrain from posting my outside websites here, however, I can tell you to check my profile here for ways to communicate.
From there,
you will find analogue
ways to keep in touch.
Especially if you
are Off-the-grid.
We're not gonna survive unless we all get a little bit crazy &
start giving a shit about somebody besides just ourselves.
Peace on you& your mind,Siru.

now that i think of it nothing he said was very original. two hours could have been shortened to two min, well not that short. but id rather hear you or maybe i could talk about cities because thats pretty much all i talk about. the chatting higherside show was better then then thisl show imo. i learned a lot

sirujux wrote: now that i think of it nothing he said was very original. two hours could have been shortened to two min, well not that short. but id rather hear you or maybe i could talk about cities because thats pretty much all i talk about. the chatting higherside show was better then then thisl show imo. i learned a lot
Thanks,Siru. That's sweet to say, but, honestly- I felt my stomach contract tightly when I read that
The Sewing Circles already conspire to label me "the Parallel" to Our Beloved Podcaster
INSTEAD OF "the MIRROR" that I really am.
I have no ambition or desire to be the next anybody.
Okay, so let's talk about cities:
Will you clarify exactly what you mean?
Are we talking SimCity here or are we talking actual urban planning? Or maybe both.
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