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Lon Strickler & my hometown of northern Lancaster PA

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Hey Friends,

I have lived in Denver Colorado for the past six months, but will be heading back to my hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania in a few shorts weeks. I grew up on a 220 acre farm called Frysville Farms in northern Lancaster that is the resting place of many indian burial grounds. I am considered the tenth generation that has lived on the farm and the original land was bought by the Frys from William and Thomas Penn. My grandfather still has the original deed hanging in his house. Anyway there is a lot of crazy history and paranormal activity on this farm. My dad has tons of ancient indian artifacts hanging on the wall of his basement depicting a time long before my family owned the land. When Lon Strickler mentioned what is going on in northern Lancaster I almost lost my marbles. My brother who works on my parents farm has been talking to me about spirits and sightings that seem quite more frequent then in the past. My brother, cousin, and I have all been listening to THC for a few years now and for me personally it has reignited a desire to study all things conspiracy again (I had put it on the shelf since college). We recently visited an old book collector also in Lancaster county who had tons of information from the area that has never been shared with me such as mystic amish healers and other crazy stuff from the early 1800's and late 1800's. Anyway number one I am just venting, number two if you are ever in Lancaster area and want to snoop around let me know, and number three I need to get a hold of Lon Stickler and talk to him about some of the strange happenings present and past on the farm and invite him out! Who has his email address!?

Last Story...When I was in college one year I was home for spring break saying good bye to my then girlfriend in the driveway of my parents house. It was dark outside, but lights were on in the driveway. As we were standing there hugging I saw a bright light in the sky. It had lights around it as well but not as bright. It was oval shaped and kept coming closer and closer. I was completely sober by the way. I didn't even blaze at that point in life so I was extra sober! I yelled at my girlfriend "what the fuck is that!" It circled around my parents house and was very low in the sky (if I was standing on the roof I could have jumped up at it and almost touched it). It then shot out away from the house and my crazy ass went running down the driveway after it. I immediately called my roommate and told him the story because in one of my then philosophy classes taught by a professor that use to work for NASA, he had mentioned extra terrestrial life, which I had never believed in up till that point. My then girlfriend was freaked out and this was the beginning of my paranormal studies. The synchronicity involved in seeing that when I did was weird. I also find this whole episode synchronistic in relation to what I believe is going on on my family farm. I plan on studying a lot of the old books and stories on the farm when I get home and now after listening to this episode the desire is seared in my brain for sure. Hope you all have a good rest of your day.

PS: I wonder what my success rate would be for conjuring some spirits on my parents farm. I need to finish Gordon White's grimoire course ASAP!

Chris Fry

Posted : September 14, 2017 11:01 PM
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I got his email address after listening to the rest of the episode.

Posted : September 14, 2017 11:15 PM
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fryburner34 wrote: I got his email address after listening to the rest of the episode.

He has a course? I would love to know more about this. Do I need to email him to get access?

Posted : September 15, 2017 5:42 PM
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The best way to learn more is to email him. He put me in contact with an associate of his and when I make my trek from Denver Colorado back to Pennsylvania I will be meeting with him. He wants to tour my family farm and learn more about the phenomenon that has taken place there over the years and see if it correlates with the phenomenon and sightings on the farm discussed in the Lon Strickler episode in northern Lancaster PA. I will be sure to update you all on my research and meetings as it evolves.

Posted : September 16, 2017 4:19 PM
Posts: 10
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Hey, Chris! Wow! How cool that you happen to listen to a podcast that has resulted in a future meeting with Lon Strickler about your family's farm! I look forward to hearing all about it!

Posted : September 29, 2017 9:21 PM