Michael Joseph - Schism 206

I absolutely love the Michael Joseph episodes. The breakdown of the JFK assassination is brilliant and coherent. The guy is clearly intelligent, and very knowledgeable about occult science, so of course I click over to the Schism 206 YT and give it a sub. I started with the occult philosophy and the occult science series going back and forth between them. I've watched about 8 hours of it at this point and I was utterly shocked at most of it. Spoiler alert--- this guy is a devout Catholic, and very critical of occult philosophy and magickal thinking. I did not expect that at all. He starts his series with disclaimers about how he's not down on anyone else's beliefs, and isn't attacking anyone. But then he continues by outright mocking Theosophy, Gnosticism, and most of the authors who wrote about these things, like Blavatsky, Pike, and so on. He's even critical of a vegan/vegetarian diet because of the Hindu connection. It really seems like he's pushing a Catholic agenda and I'm not sure how to feel about that. Have any of you guys watched his stuff? I'm hoping that I'm taking it the wrong way. Can you guys give me some insight?

Yeah I've been watching the new series and think it's a natural progression from Occult Science. At the end of that series, he outright says he rejects the NWO belief system and supports more traditional/"profane" beliefs, so that should come as no surprise. Now he's laying out what those beliefs are, but I can see how it would come as a shock if you've mostly heard his conspiracy content where he generally keeps his personal beliefs to himself and sticks to the material. I like his new stuff though, it's interesting to see him open up about his personal views. He makes valid points about the pitfalls of the esoteric doctrines, plus he's critical enough of the Vatican I don't think he's in on any agendas.

ls369 wrote: Yeah I've been watching the new series and think it's a natural progression from Occult Science. At the end of that series, he outright says he rejects the NWO belief system and supports more traditional/"profane" beliefs, so that should come as no surprise. Now he's laying out what those beliefs are, but I can see how it would come as a shock if you've mostly heard his conspiracy content where he generally keeps his personal beliefs to himself and sticks to the material. I like his new stuff though, it's interesting to see him open up about his personal views. He makes valid points about the pitfalls of the esoteric doctrines, plus he's critical enough of the Vatican I don't think he's in on any agendas.
Right on. Thanks for a straight forward response. I'm still questioning why someone who's so critical of esoteric doctrine is also very knowledgeable about Tarot, astrology and so on. For some someone who dislikes Blavatsky, he's sure reads and quotes it a lot. Would a Baptist preacher read Crowley just to be sure? Seems like a strange approach. I disagree with his link between the NWO doctrine and esoteric beliefs. For instance, the Ramyana is esoteric but also very old. Not exactly NWO. And there are several examples. But my bottom line is that I feel tricked. The only reason that I subbed and watched his content is because I heard him on THC discussing Tarot and Kabbalah. But then I watch his channel and it's basically him bashing it, and using irreducible complexity to discredit it, which I find crass. I'm also disappointed with his disclaimers. He started by saying that he's not attacking anyone's beliefs, then he very much attacked esoteric doctrine. I would have continued to listen to him if his approach wasn't so mocking. I'm not Catholic, and I don't want religion pushed on me, especially Christianity, period. But thanks again for your reply.
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