Nick Hinton (and ot...
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Nick Hinton (and other recent guests related to Gnosticism)

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First of all I want to give a shout out to Mr. Carlwood and his staff, good 'mix-up'/'mash' of some of the cover songs you guys are doing at the epilogues as well..
Cool you're such a creative and spiritual lefty, Greg (i myself am ambidextrous, favoring the right, but i eat left-handed, can naturally write ok lefty, and several other things)

I'm a musician of 20 years or so, im 33 now.. here's my music website if you want

Anyways- good recent episode with guest Nick Hinton- i wanted to follow up on some of the guests who seem at least moderately knowledgeable in gnosticism..

if you read texts in the nag hammadi, in addition to other gnostic texts like pistis sophia and even coptic christian texts like discourse on abbaton, and some of their apocryphal poems and martyrdom accounts.. you'll see that often 'uriel' and even 'michael'(esp in some enoch translations) are interchanged with a certain 'ezrael or azrael' and Abbaton or 'abaddon/apollyon'.. this was an angel 'of wrath' sent by specifically the holy spirit to 'assist' the Father (of Christos.. the Logos) , the father, who is known as Sabaoth, Adonai Sabaoth, and even 'Zeus' in the gnostic christian pistis sophia.. he 'rose above' a firmament above the 'DEMIURGE' Yaldabaoth..the demiurge 'engendered' Death itself, etc. along with his 'archons' 'lying' with Eve who was the physical shell or 'physical sleeve' if u wish, of the holy spirit Pistis Sophia, the last aeon of 'Barbelo'... this is evident from texts On the origin of the world, Hypostasis of the archons and Apocryphon of John... he , the father, was over VENUS and the PORTION OF THE LION.. now whether or not the proverbial 'Lucifer' is the same as satan and the devil, is in question b/c other than thru the prophet Isaiah's testimony, its the only time when 'morning star' translation is ever mentioned.. it is quite possible Lucifer is the OT God of the 'prophets' or 'warrior prophets' whom they call a certain Adonaios Sabaoth, over 'yah' or Yahweh, etc...

Hope this helps !!

Keep up the good work !!

-brian aka B-Don...

Posted : April 14, 2021 4:41 PM
Posts: 232
Reputable Member

Lucifer is the OT God of the 'prophets' or 'warrior prophets' whom they call a certain Adonaios Sabaoth, over 'yah' or Yahweh, etc...

Could you clarify this last bit please. Are you saying Yahweh is/could be another name for Lucifer?


Posted : April 14, 2021 6:27 PM
Posts: 8
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smaddy wrote:
Lucifer is the OT God of the 'prophets' or 'warrior prophets' whom they call a certain Adonaios Sabaoth, over 'yah' or Yahweh, etc...

Could you clarify this last bit please. Are you saying Yahweh is/could be another name for Lucifer?


""And those who were appointed over all of these are: Zathoth, Armas, Kalila, Jabel, (Sabaoth, Cain, Abel)."

""And the chief archon seduced her and he begot in her two sons; the first and the second (are) Eloim and Yave. Eloim has a bear-face and Yave has a cat-face. The one is righteous but the other is unrighteous. (Yave is righteous but Eloim is unrighteous.) Yave he set over the fire and the wind, and Eloim he set over the water and the earth. And these he called with the names Cain and Abel with a view to deceive."

- Cain and Abel were 'demigods' over elements around the time of eden which was kinda of a 'middle ground' between the firmaments of the heavens...

if you see, there were 7 primary archonic gods from the demiurge (material creator.. he who essentially fell from darkness, which fell from light.. darkness begot matter)..

one was elevated to 'the pleroma' which is like an all powerful lightrealm which 'emanates' forth - this is adonaios sabaoth..

alot of times in certain scholars translations, names are interchanged...

apocalypse of peter ethiopic--

"And soul and spirit shall the great Uriel give them at the commandment of God; for him hath God set over the rising again of the dead at the day of judgement."

"Ezrael the angel of God shall bring them forth out of this fire and establish a judgement of decision. This then is their judgement. A river of fire shall flow and all judgement (they that are judged) shall be drawn down into the middle of the river. And Uriel shall set them there."

etc. etc.

hope this helps

YHWH is often attributed to Lord of Hosts.. but there were two Gods back then vying for power.. many deem them Enki and Enlil in regards to the Sumerian Anunnaki

Posted : April 14, 2021 6:36 PM
Posts: 35
Trusted Member

Is that the app they were talking about? The name is a little different but I couldn't find another one

Posted : June 16, 2021 9:42 PM