Richard Dolan | The UFO Disclosure Drip, Alien Contact, & The National Security State

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Though I still have about 30 mins left, I've enjoyed this conversation, despite the differences in opinions with Dolan.
Greg's done great as usual to navigate between the cartesian worldview espoused by Dolan and a more ethereal or dare I say, panpsychist view that includes altered states of consciousness, magick, entities from different dimensions/densities.
I came across Dolan early-on in my research, and really liked what he was writing about. And although I still consider him to be a great researcher in the realm of the "tangible physical world", as in history, research on false-flags and coverups, and so on. Where I hit the wall, lies in his frame of analysis that's inherently grounded on a cartesian "physical is real" model, or you could say boots on the ground.
And frankly, there's nothing wrong with that. If anything, it makes his research consistent, and valuable within that framework. Unfortunately, I'm biased to put my eggs in the basket of the physical as being more dream-like, and the worldview that subjective-objective are tightly intertwined (or co-creative). And Greg made a great case mentioning shamanism and indigenous perspectives into the discussion.
All in all though, I perceive, still, so many chasms not just outside, but within "conspiracy culture" and researchers. I was surprised that at one point in the discussion, Greg admitted to avoiding interviewing David Wilcock and/or Corey Goode (at least in the past), and was puzzled by this unusual admission, although I guess, can understand why.
I think we all have to gain from a diversity of thoughts and perceptions, and as David Icke says, it's up to each one individually to decide what rings true and right to ourselves.
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