Ryan Zimmerman | Pizzagate 2.0: International Child Trafficking & The Elite

For all the listeners out there I wanted to give some updates on topics that were discussed on the show:
Cerberus and CBS
Cerberus Capital Management does *not* own CBS. They have acquired several local CBS stations, but do not themselves own the corporate entity, CBS: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cbs-corporation-completes-sale-of-local-tv-stations-to-cerberus-56881062.html
Steganographic data embedded in Podesta attachments
I did do some personal investigating of the allegedly steganographic images bit since I felt my answers to you were unsatisfyingly vague. So far I have tried a program called StegExpose which is one of the few open-source steg-detection programs that works with PNGs. In controlled tests compared w/ known embedded images and an assortment of clean images, the known embedded images would always be positive. The clean images, Podesta's attachment in the "puttanesca" email and the images of Antarctica, however, all came up negative.
That doesn't mean I have conclusively disproven the existence of steganography, but it does make me even more skeptical of the alleged, yet-to-be-reproduced "decryption".
Podesta's connection to Scalia's death
It turns out that John Podesta received several emails on the day of Scalia's death regarding potential replacement justices, one being received by George Soros' Open Society Foundations just a few hours after he was found dead. John Podesta in particular seemed to have a highly vested interest in the death of Justice Scalia.
Thank you all so much, and I love this show and the community of free-thinkers it fosters!

Thanks for adding this post, being on the show and most of all the work you're putting in to make this information available to the public!

Thanks for the update RebelSkum...It's refreshing to see someone actually following up on information and clarifying points which may be unclear or have new counter-evidence available. Keep up the great work.

Appreciate the grunt-work on this Han... this is some trench warfare shit and the species is at stake
May The Force be with you!

Some information on DynCorp's ties to Herr Trump:
[From Gordon Whyte's Rune Soup Newsletter "The All Red Line"]
The White House (ie Bannon) is apparently planning a review of the intelligence agencies and the top pick for this job is a hedge fund manager who is chummy with Trump’s son in law.
Stephen Feinberg runs a New York based hedge fund. So this might all sound like the usual Trump regime bad idea –which it is- but the lead investor in Feinberg’s hedge fund is the military industrial contractor, Dyncorp.
Thanks RebelSkum awesome ep.

Is there a link to the population of the USA 2013 and 2025? Was it DynCorp? or some other contractor?

kingrichard wrote: Is there a link to the population of the USA 2013 and 2025? Was it DynCorp? or some other contractor?
Sources: US Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, World Bank and European Union.

diogenesofsinope wrote: Some information on DynCorp's ties to Herr Trump:
[From Gordon Whyte's Rune Soup Newsletter "The All Red Line"]
The White House (ie Bannon) is apparently planning a review of the intelligence agencies and the top pick for this job is a hedge fund manager who is chummy with Trump’s son in law.
Stephen Feinberg runs a New York based hedge fund. So this might all sound like the usual Trump regime bad idea –which it is- but the lead investor in Feinberg’s hedge fund is the military industrial contractor, Dyncorp.
Thanks RebelSkum awesome ep.
Steve Feinberg, owner of Cerberus Capital Management who owns DynCorp, also on NY Times getting the job:

diogenesofsinope wrote: Some information on DynCorp's ties to Herr Trump:
[From Gordon Whyte's Rune Soup Newsletter "The All Red Line"]
The White House (ie Bannon) is apparently planning a review of the intelligence agencies and the top pick for this job is a hedge fund manager who is chummy with Trump’s son in law.
Stephen Feinberg runs a New York based hedge fund. So this might all sound like the usual Trump regime bad idea –which it is- but the lead investor in Feinberg’s hedge fund is the military industrial contractor, Dyncorp.
Thanks RebelSkum awesome ep.
RebelSkum wrote: Steve Feinberg, owner of Cerberus Capital Management who owns DynCorp, also on NY Times getting the job:
I'm in two minds on this. Could be that Trump is a dishonest crook like the rest of them. Or could be that Feinburg knows a sinking ship when he sees it and has made his services available to the new "new world order" (the trump/brexit/marine Le pen/etc uprising)

thegdolla wrote: I'm in two minds on this. Could be that Trump is a dishonest crook like the rest of them. Or could be that Feinburg knows a sinking ship when he sees it and has made his services available to the new "new world order" (the trump/brexit/marine Le pen/etc uprising)
Evidence indicates the man oversees a human trafficking network. Trump, by hiring this scumbag, is flashing his true colors. Just like he has by hiring the ExxonMobile exec. Or Blackwater Pence. The list is long.

diogenesofsinope wrote: Evidence indicates the man oversees a human trafficking network. Trump, by hiring this scumbag, is flashing his true colors. Just like he has by hiring the ExxonMobile exec. Or Blackwater Pence. The list is long.
Still could go either way though right?
I mean how would you bring down a system this big without some defectors? Occam's razor says you are probably right. But only time will tell.

thegdolla wrote: Still could go either way though right?
I mean how would you bring down a system this big without some defectors? Occam's razor says you are probably right. But only time will tell.
I hate to admit I've had my moments of optimism about Trump, but the above reasons along with his Dakota Access Pipeline support have killed it. Unless the "holy spirit" changes his heart no good will come from him IMO.
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