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Scott Santens: Universal Basic Income

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hisich wrote: Emotionally-maniupalitive garbage...

I would say that quote applies more to your arguments than to Enjoypolos heartfelt plea for civility.

Posted : March 1, 2019 1:48 AM
Posts: 474
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hisich wrote: I have some compassion for ignorant/dumb people who make bad decisions (like loading up on student loan debt to pay for an overpriced/unproductive degree) based on bad advice (mostly from Leftists)...however, I have more compassion for the people who are forced to bailout these ignorant/dumb people.

This is the problem w/'compassionate' Leftists: they only see one side of the equation & are so into Victimhood Culture that they often fail to hold individuals accountable for their own acts.

Is taxing an already-stretched-thin middle-income earner in order to pay for the mistakes of others an act of 'compassion'...?

In this very thread we have the college edumacated shamangineer--who bragged that he makes 3X as much as I (who chose to go into the work force after high school) do--whining about his student loan debt...and yet, despite making 3X as much as me, this massive turd thinks I should pay for his education.


Compassion, like love is unconditional.

Anything else is a degraded copy and/or learnt behaviour, acted out by a pseudo-self.

Yesterday I failed badly and said unkind words to stop their words peeling the scab off my deep wounds, upon reflection what I thought was clever banter was actually treating them with contempt.

It's hard not to listen to the - I'm not good enough - thoughtform when I'm carrying my parents shadows.

Posted : March 1, 2019 3:18 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

hisich wrote: I have some compassion for ignorant/dumb people who make bad decisions (like loading up on student loan debt to pay for an overpriced/unproductive degree) based on bad advice (mostly from Leftists)...however, I have more compassion for the people who are forced to bailout these ignorant/dumb people.

This is the problem w/'compassionate' Leftists: they only see one side of the equation & are so into Victimhood Culture that they often fail to hold individuals accountable for their own acts.

Is taxing an already-stretched-thin middle-income earner in order to pay for the mistakes of others an act of 'compassion'...?

In this very thread we have the college edumacated shamangineer--who bragged that he makes 3X as much as I (who chose to go into the work force after high school) do--whining about his student loan debt...and yet, despite making 3X as much as me, this massive turd thinks I should pay for his education.


Money isn't everything, if I thought I found someplace better in my sphere I would probably leave for a fraction of what I am making now. I'm just saying even making that I haven't managed to pay my loans of yet, though the prospect is what keeps me putting up with what I do for the moment in order to eliminate this liability. These are the kind of choices people are forced to make when they have to take on onerous debt to finance a career.

Posted : March 1, 2019 3:28 AM
Posts: 1026
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Why the Libertarian ideals related to freedom is not enough to ensure individual liberty:

Posted : March 1, 2019 11:34 PM
Posts: 1026
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On loans and wages:

Posted : March 4, 2019 1:57 PM
Posts: 93
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I took out a 6k $ loan as a teenager for tech school. It was NOT explained that this loan would NEVER be paid off unless I came up with a lump sum outside of the payments. By the time I made enough to do that the amount grew too high. I am over 50 now and this had haunted me my entire life.

then you see this . snippet below.

Records from the State Department Office of Protocol, whose budget covers state dinners, show they can cost taxpayers in excess of half a million dollars per event.

In response to a Freedom of Information request to which it took the State Department 13 months to respond, CBS News has obtained the Office of Protocol’s expense calculations for the first five state dinners of the Obama presidency.

  1. Nov. 24, 2009 – State dinner for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India. $572,187.36
  2. May 19, 2010 – State dinner for President Felipe Calderon of Mexico. $563,479.92
  3. Jan. 19, 2011 – State dinner for President Hu Jintao of China. $412,329.73.
  4. June 7, 2011 – State dinner for Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. $215,883.36
  5. Oct. 13, 2011 – State dinner for President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea. $203,053.34
Posted : March 5, 2019 8:46 PM
Posts: 1026
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metalegs wrote: I took out a 6k $ loan as a teenager for tech school. It was NOT explained that this loan would NEVER be paid off unless I came up with a lump sum outside of the payments. By the time I made enough to do that the amount grew too high. I am over 50 now and this had haunted me my entire life.

Sounds horribly profitable.

metalegs wrote:
then you see this . snippet below.

Records from the State Department Office of Protocol, whose budget covers state dinners, show they can cost taxpayers in excess of half a million dollars per event.

In response to a Freedom of Information request to which it took the State Department 13 months to respond, CBS News has obtained the Office of Protocol’s expense calculations for the first five state dinners of the Obama presidency.

  1. Nov. 24, 2009 – State dinner for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India. $572,187.36
  2. May 19, 2010 – State dinner for President Felipe Calderon of Mexico. $563,479.92
  3. Jan. 19, 2011 – State dinner for President Hu Jintao of China. $412,329.73.
  4. June 7, 2011 – State dinner for Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. $215,883.36
  5. Oct. 13, 2011 – State dinner for President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea. $203,053.34

You're right, the money is there to prevent such things. There is one place most of it goes and they have some goofy accountants working there.

Posted : March 6, 2019 2:01 AM
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metalegs wrote: I took out a 6k $ loan as a teenager for tech school. It was NOT explained that this loan would NEVER be paid off unless I came up with a lump sum outside of the payments. By the time I made enough to do that the amount grew too high. I am over 50 now and this had haunted me my entire life.

Tinfoil Hat Podcast with Sam Tripoli had a great episode last week with doctor Yared Vasquez, explaining the vicious cycle of how med-students are so deep in debt by the time they graduate, that their anxiety levels are through the roof, not to mention the suicide rate is double to the general population.
It's not a surprise, then, that the whole medical establishment is corrupted, not because doctors are inherently nefarious, but because it's structured that way.

Posted : March 6, 2019 3:51 AM
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An article published yesterday, about the consequences of the Ontario pilot BI experiment that was unexpectedly cancelled without justification, even though lifted up the community (or perhaps, because of it..)

The article also mentioned Food Security, and reminded me that Canadian FS researchers also pointed to a BI as the best candidate to address poverty and malnutrition.

Posted : March 6, 2019 11:53 PM
Posts: 1026
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enjoypolo wrote: Tinfoil Hat Podcast with Sam Tripoli had a great episode last week with doctor Yared Vasquez, explaining the vicious cycle of how med-students are so deep in debt by the time they graduate, that their anxiety levels are through the roof, not to mention the suicide rate is double to the general population.
It's not a surprise, then, that the whole medical establishment is corrupted, not because doctors are inherently nefarious, but because it's structured that way.

I am pretty sure that professionals are subjected to such high workloads (especially in the medical profession) during school to ensure that all they can study related to their field is a certain flavor of information and to leave them in an exhausted slightly hypnogogic state during a large part of their studies. You know, the sort of stuff you might read in the Kubark manual (which was developed based on Korean brainwashing techniques).

Posted : March 7, 2019 3:32 AM
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Reading the report of the Ontario experiment compiled by BICN yields important insights.
Of the 10% (424 out of 4,500) participants enrolled who filled the questionnaire after the pilot had been cancelled, here are the highlights below (bold/italics are mine):

The negatives are even more crucial:

This is a great insight into the complexity of the effects, and why it's impossible to describe all the impacts (including the negative ones) of a UBI. Having said that, the positives clearly seem to outweigh the negatives, and should be noted.
I am always surprised to learn of the new results.

EDIT: The negatives shed an even more important insight: That should a UBI be instituted, it should not be at the whims of our "masters", but instead, a constitutionally guaranteed right, that only a through a citizen referendum could make changes.
Otherwise, I suspect it could end up being used as a "blackmail" ("Do this, or UBI will be gone") or other forms of shenanigens. At least, that's my first reaction.

Posted : March 7, 2019 3:45 AM
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Andrew Yang at SXSW 2019 on Automation of labour and UBI

So it's official, Andrew Yang has reached the required 65,000 individual donations to make it on the debate stage. Wow.

I was more of a Tulsi Gabbard person, seeing that she has her eyes on the MIC (and she had the balls, as Yang did, to go on the JRE).
I just don't know her clear goals on how to achieve that de-militarization, as opposed to Yang who has three, clearly outlined policies that focus on fixing the bigger puzzle (macro).

I get asked sometimes, why I care about US politics so much although I'm not a resident, nor a citizen, and there are many reasons, but I think it boils down to 1) Influence on the worldwide ripple-effect. 2) I hate to say it, but it still feels like freedom country (though for how long I do not know..) with huge caveats.

Yang 2020 Policies:

Posted : March 12, 2019 4:28 PM
Posts: 162
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From where I sit here’s what I see in this volley of convictions. On one side is the guy that is so bent on demonizing government that he not only fails to acknowledge that the very big big corporations are responsible for standardizing corruption in government, he champions for them. My guess from listening to others with similar convictions is they defend corporations (and now corrupt capitalism) out of their own hopes for the American Dream. To criticize any business seems counterintuitive to personal aspirations. Therefore, all blame for non-achievement is laid upon the government alone. Also noted is he makes a point of how well he lives in our first world country. This is to show an absense of class envy which could be construed as criticism of business.

On the other hand are the UBI supporters who remind me of the ideologists of the ‘60’s. They talk about everything that’s right about UBI and how it can cure the destitution of the poor and narrow the economic gap. They explain that the money will come from our proxy robots but fail to aknowledge the pitfalls of UBI under the control of corrupt mega corporations and government.

I think "pitfalls" is a gross understatement. There is no way in hell corporations are going to glibly give up profits made from the payroll windfall. They must protect their stockholders after all. And there won’t be enough jobs for people to extract the taxes needed to support UBI.

There’s no doubt that full automation is coming. Good bye American Dream. Hello Agenda 21. My predictions, if you will.

  • With a drastically reduced population, UBI will be sustainable; substantially more cost effective than the current costs of payroll. They’ve likely already figured out how much to stipend out in order to support consumerism. UBI will bring contentment to the people while there will still be enough social issues to maintain polarization.

  • Entepreneurship will be dead, at least to the extent of it creating new millionaires. I’m sure the old money families are not happy about the self-creation of Bill Gates, Bezos, and more recently, that facebook kid, what’s his name. They have no sense of decor nor manners, very uppity, don’t you know.

  • Small businesses will fail. New start ups will be few. Automation will be too expenive to purchase and they won’t be able to compete without it and/or there will be the lack of a competently trained work force simply due to the reduced population.

I wish I could be more optimistic. Hopefully 3rd generation UBI’s (with faded memories) will live in relative contentment and child trafficking will be much harder to pull off. Hopefully the UBI system will be the chosen option when one imagines what could happen instead. Think AI.

The good news: Absolutely nothing is permanent.

Posted : July 23, 2019 5:34 AM
Posts: 638
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I don't know how agenda 21 would work since everyone knows that the us is falling apart and if all the sudden something happens where everything is ok then that would seem very suspicious. then maybe there will be two types of people in the people that are not apart of the system and the people who are. its not impossible to make communities that are off grid.

Posted : July 23, 2019 2:23 PM
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While I agree you concerns are valid, You can’t have a topic on UBI without mentionong Andrew Yang, the US 2020 candidate. He’s brought more attention in one (two?) years of campaigning for UBI as his platform, than all the research and experiments combined.

He also has a detailed plan on how to introduce it, calling it the Freedom Dividend. Will it work? Only time will tell.

Posted : July 23, 2019 5:13 PM
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