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Scott Santens: Universal Basic Income

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sirujux wrote: I don't know how agenda 21 would work since everyone knows that the us is falling apart and if all the sudden something happens where everything is ok then that would seem very suspicious. then maybe there will be two types of people in the people that are not apart of the system and the people who are. its not impossible to make communities that are off grid.

With Agenda 21 nothing will be ok so no worries about suspicions. The survivors will know what happened but probably not the truth of how or why.

There’s one thing you need to be aware of regarding Agenda 21. If all goes as planned, the population will be relegated to live within the confines of densely populated designated areas. They’ve already launched their efforts on acclimating the public to this aspect of the plan via "sustainable cities", presenting them as the solution to urban sprawl. Although it’s not yet on most people’s radar, the current trend for tiny houses comes to mind. Some areas will be completely off limits and the use of the rest of the land will be strictly controlled. I can’t imagine anyone being allowed to go off grid. I’ve heard of pockets of communities where local government has made generating one’s own electricity illegal. But I haven’t researched this so consider it hearsay. But I do know there are corporations already intending to take control of water, saying it’s not a basic right. Nestlé is in the forefront of this campaign.

Posted : July 24, 2019 7:26 AM
Posts: 162
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enjoypolo wrote: While I agree you concerns are valid, You can’t have a topic on UBI without mentionong Andrew Yang, the US 2020 candidate. He’s brought more attention in one (two?) years of campaigning for UBI as his platform, than all the research and experiments combined.

He also has a detailed plan on how to introduce it, calling it the Freedom Dividend. Will it work? Only time will tell.

That’s all well and good but this still doesn’t address how can it possibly be implemented in it’s intended form within the current corrupt system? Whether he knows it or not, it’s possible Mr. Yang is being used as the front man to sell UBI to the public and then what actually gets rolled out has very little to do with freedom. In fact, calling it the Freedom Dividend gives me a chill in light of the fact that the names of bills presented to Congress are usually a complete contradiction what’s actually in the bill, ie., The Patriot Act which is Constitutionally illegal.

I’m not arguing against UBI in and of itself. What I’m saying is we won’t get the product we’re sold. It’s a bait and switch game, just like Obama Care. What I think we’ll end up with is basically those at poverty level will be pulled up to a better standard, the rest of us will be pulled down, and the well paying jobs will go to the children of the wealthy who can afford college.

And then the social polarization will be about how everyone got screwed by the poor who now have it so good while ignoring that UBI as it should have been got castrated instead. As usual, the powerful won’t be held accountable.

Posted : July 24, 2019 7:04 PM
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rjens57 wrote: In fact, calling it the Freedom Dividend gives me a chill in light of the fact that the names of bills presented to Congress are usually a complete contradiction what’s actually in the bill, ie., The Patriot Act which is Constitutionally illegal.

Very much so. I think its perceptive to use the precautionary principle especially when dealing with politics.

I’m not arguing against UBI in and of itself. What I’m saying is we won’t get the product we’re sold. It’s a bait and switch game, just like Obama Care. What I think we’ll end up with is basically those at poverty level will be pulled up to a better standard, the rest of us will be pulled down, and the well paying jobs will go to the children of the wealthy who can afford college.

And then the social polarization will be about how everyone got screwed by the poor who now have it so good while ignoring that UBI as it should have been got castrated instead. As usual, the powerful won’t be held accountable.

One of the biggest worry for me, is like you said, the wolves in sheep’s clothing will try to sell us a tasty-smelling pumpkin pie, while sneaking poison hemlock in it, as they so often do.
For instance selling the people a “universal” basic income that retards, rather than develops society and the economy. French (unelected) president Macron was recently proposing just such a plan. Thank God it was obvious enough that no-one drank the kool aid.

An example would be a conditional income (aka Welfare) where only certain people would have access to as you pointed out. Which defeats the whole purpose of UBI in the first place.
Another example would be lowering the UBI amount too low, that its not enough to make real changes ($500 vs $1,000 UBI. Big difference.)

My biggest shift in thinking regarding UBI’s effectiveness is this: Mindset.
I don’t care how much you get, if your mindset is stuck to reductionism, materialist and competiton/survival-of-the-fittest perception, that money will do no good to you, nor the community, nor the environment.

I think the real game-changer is a shift in people’s perception of their place on this Planet.
What are we here for? Are we really distinct from Nature as we’ve been conditioned to think?
Or are we all playing a part in this cosmic play, where real added-value comes from synergy and working with, rather than against the people/environment.

And economically, that means shifting from linear “savage”-materialistic capitalism production models to regenerative holistic capitalism, one where free-market still exists but works within a synergistic framework of putting people and environment before profits, where co-operation instead of competition is the rule of the game, so that we can live off the interests of Nature’s bounty.
It seems cliché or maybe even impossible to achieve, but actually, more and more people are already involved in this new “underground” economy (the other thread on Blue Economy is a testament to this).

Once, and only once, we’ll have achieved this degree of shift in perception, where people would find motivation to collaborate, then I believe we can propose a UBI-like framework to kickstart the creativity process, not as an end, but as a “bridge” to get from here to there.

That’s my two-cents and reflection on UBI. I used to be gung-ho about it, thinking the changes in perception will follow upon implementation. I was wrong.
Having said that, my views on the logistics and feasibility remain unchanged. That’s probably the least of the concerns for this program. I get my tax returns every year by direct deposit on my bank, I don’t see why a similar automated system cant be implemented.

As for the greenbacks, I like Yang’s idea of using savings made from cutting welfare bureaucracy costs, as well as imposing a value-added tax on GAFAs (Google-Apple-Facebook-Amazons) that not only routinely evade paying local taxes, but also are the ones profiting the most from automation and AI.
I would suggest further, by taxing weapons manufacturers, and energy sector that’s crippling Earth ecology, to would be funnelled towards a UBI. If you really wanna be bold, fund the UBI with non-fiat, government issued greenbacks and saying no to Federal Reserve private debt money.
Where there is will, there is a way.

Posted : July 24, 2019 8:51 PM
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

enjoypolo wrote: And economically, that means shifting from linear “savage”-materialistic capitalism production models to regenerative holistic capitalism, one where free-market still exists but works within a synergistic framework of putting people and environment before profits, where co-operation instead of competition is the rule of the game, so that we can live off the interests of Nature’s bounty.
It seems cliché or maybe even impossible to achieve, but actually, more and more people are already involved in this new “underground” economy (the other thread on Blue Economy is a testament to this).

Once, and only once, we’ll have achieved this degree of shift in perception, where people would find motivation to collaborate, then I believe we can propose a UBI-like framework to kickstart the creativity process, not as an end, but as a “bridge” to get from here to there.

Short of a full out revolution/uprising, perhaps the way to get from here to there is to create pockets of communities everywhere that practice the values of putting people and environment before profits. These communities have to be role models for everyone else to see that their way of living is of higher quality. We can use the law of attraction. It’s a tall order to shift the mindset from our me/mine competitive culture that is breeding an increased population of people with narcissistic personality disorder to one of cooperation and collaboration. But it’s possible if enough passionate, like minded people can be brought together to deliberately launch such a movement.

We saw something like this happen with the communes of the sixties. It would be interesting to research that to see what worked and what didn’t and use those lessons in rebuilding our lost communities.

Posted : July 28, 2019 3:31 PM
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Great video shows 4 US citizens receiving a $1,000 per month by Andrew Yang. Their stories are a microcosm of the many too (or at least make for inspiring PR).
hats off 🙂 :rolleyes:

Posted : November 18, 2019 3:41 PM
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Scott shared this article on Twitter about a family who received the Freedom Dividend-$1,000/month- for a year (since 2018), and reflecting on how it affected them.

some notable excerpts:

“Of the $12,000 the Fassi family received, $10,000 went to pay the daughter’s college college tuition fees. That’s money Janelle now won’t have to borrow in loans.”

The article gives plenty of insights into how even $1,000 a month a household can alleviate a lot of stress and anxiety for people who are facing difficulty living. Probably even ends up saving Public health care costs.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out, and the actual policy would give each eligible person $1,000 (opt-in).

As the saying goes:
A stitch in time saves nine.

Posted : January 8, 2020 5:44 PM
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Yang Gang giving away $1k to people in Harlem

This video made my day! It doesn't get any better than this!! The look on their faces.
"Yang Gang Baby!!"

Posted : January 30, 2020 5:36 PM
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