Even when its spelled out its hard to follow. Man they are good at obscuring this stuff.
House of Lippe in 1916 as its last sovereign = the last royal German.
Married a princess and became the "Prince Consort" in 37.
Fought as a pilot, both fighter and bomber, against the Nazis... as a King or as close as can be... in WW2 (war lasted from 39-45).
And of course many decorations followed.
Am I off cause...
Sounds legit to me.

Israel's fascist education system:

A pan-European nationalist organization is being proposed by Italy's Deputy Prime Minister.

Danish "ghetto laws" being proposed.

Here is an excellent video about the Nazis and fascists involved in establishing the EU in post WWII Europe.

On this epsode shamangineer said in areas of siberia solar storms make people take their close off and go nuts, Maybe explains the dyatlov pass incident. I know the ural mountain are not technically Siberia but it's in the ballpark.
Just a thought

dwrex wrote: On this epsode shamangineer said in areas of siberia solar storms make people take their close off and go nuts, Maybe explains the dyatlov pass incident. I know the ural mountain are not technically Siberia but it's in the ballpark.
Just a thought
Strap in and sorry for the awful translation in this Russian documentary about Kozyrev mirrors, but there is little English information available about Kozyrev.
Related points to the mind episode from the above:
1.The visible luminous symbols that appeared and were drawn by the Russian scientists remind me of petroglyphs which may tie into some of the interpretations of the Thunderbolts Project. This part starts at around 20 minutes in.
2. I was referencing "polar hysteria" (This is discussed around 33:30) as an example of mass induced trance, which I think will probably be a side effect of the solar activity. As with the activity of the Northern lights, scalar energy is streaming through the poles and both activities could increase. Kozyrev had a theory that "time" shifted and changed course around the 73 degrees latitude in the arctic circle (36:00) which seems to influence this behavior. This would especially be the case during a magnetic reversal, of which we may be in the early stages. This would cause a great deal of solar radiation to hit the surface of the Earth.
It seems I mis-remembered about people removing their clothing being discussed in the documentary, but the other stuff they discuss happening during the trance state is even better.
3. Just about everything in this video is about consciousness and the mind, so oodles. Nostradamus' psychotroic egg chair (reminiscent of a orgone accumulator) is on the docket.
I don't know much about the dyatlov pass incident, I just checked out the Wikipedia page but it doesn't really sound like polar hysteria to me. Then again little is known about what happened based on what I read and there are a lot of unfortunate possibilities.
Some other links about Russian research into mental abilities:
CIA scan of a Sublte Engergies magazine article about Russian research.
A research paper about the history of Russian Psychotronics research:
Material related to magnetic pole reversal:
Observations that may indicate reversal.
Navigation updates are being requested by the military ahead of schedule to account for above-average shifting magnetic field lines.
Now back to the regularly scheduled fascism.

Posting to remind myself to watch. Cheers

Shamangineer, bravo, and thank you once again for those links, and another great chat with Greg on the last episode.
Really enjoyed the various topics discussed, including the space weather forecasting, which has been the base for several dedicated seasons entirely on it, on David Wilcock's shows.
One of those I was taken by was the work of a Russian scientist, Aleksey Dmitriev, from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Siberia and published in 1997, called Planeto-Physical State of the Earth and Life, which reported the on-going movement of our Solar System, affecting not only the climate of all the planets (incl. us), but the biosphere, and even the laws (or principles) of physics as we currently experience.
As a personal anecdote, I have been experiencing more tinnitus-like ringings in my ears, as if to indicate a sudden change in pressure. While I can't be sure, it's not out of the realms, considering how fast we are moving through in space.
There are also numerous NASA studies that state the same phenomena happening, and so as a result, I do think films like Interstellar were/are being seeded into the mass consciousness for a reason. Which ties in with what was mentioned on that episode regarding Birdbox.
Looking forward to more of these discussions. Cheers
EDIT: Dr Michael Salla from Exopolitics just published this timely article:
Come to think of it, cosmic rays triggering neutral matter release from Earth’s core seems analogous to sono-luminescence experiments, using sound to trigger implosion, which triggers massive flash & energy release. Just a thought.

Great info about post-war Nazi organizations and their escape:

How billionaires brainwashed America and created libertarianism and the tea party.

shamangineer wrote: How billionaires brainwashed America and created libertarianism and the tea party.
You need to talk less about libertarianism & apologize for your 'white privilege' more, LOL...

shamangineer wrote: Great info about post-war Nazi organizations and their escape:
Never forget that "Nazi" stood for "National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party"...you know, folks who believed in 'free' HC & hated capitalism...?

hisich wrote: Never forget that "Nazi" stood for "National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party"...you know, folks who believed in 'free' HC & hated capitalism...?
That's complete BS. Hitler's takeover of the party resulted in the1932 splintering with Gregor Strasser who was the leader of the "anti-capitalist" portion of the party. Strasser was later killed during the night of the long knives along with the brown shirts.

shamangineer wrote: That's complete BS. Hitler's takeover of the party resulted in the1932 splintering with Gregor Strasser who was the leader of the "anti-capitalist" portion of the party. Strasser was later killed during the night of the long knives along with the brown shirts.
"National SOCIALIST German Workers Party" 😉
To you (as w/all Lefties) the words "socialism" & "democracy" have simply become synonyms for "good" and "capitalism" one for "bad". In your minds capitalism & fascism are one & the same...as if they're not different words that describe different systems. Also, y'all seem to forget the State/Govt. side of fascism & focus one "da' corporations, maaaaan"...as if I should fear Whole Foods & Amazon but embrace the militarily-aggressive, thieving, scheming, corrupt, nuclear-armed USGovt. as "my democratically-elected representative", LOL.
IMO the worst thing about Lefties like you is your dishonest and/or ignorant attacks on libertarianism (which you either don't understand or dishonestly mischaracterize)... to hear you clowns talk we live in a system dominated by libertarianism, which comes as a shock to actual libertarians who see the reality that the USA is the biggest govt. in world history. It really speaks, IMO, to the authoritarian mentality Leftists have which sees freedom as dangerous & evil.
Most ironically is that you idolize FDR who (building upon the legacies of Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, and Wilson) helped ushered in American Fascism w/his horrific 'new deal' & lusting into WWII.
Socialists and Fascists Have Always Been Kissing Cousins
Three New Deals: Why the Nazis and Fascists Loved FDR
Hey, FDR Was a Fascist Too!
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