Shamangineer / Mapp...
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Shamangineer / Mapping the mind

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I really wanted to start a thread on this one as it has been, in my opinion, one of the best episodes of THC bar none!

So, hats off to both Shamangineer and Greg for putting this together. It must have been so challenging to cohere a 'super-topic' into a meaningful discussion. Thanks to both of you! You did a great job.

It's tricky to know where to start as you covered so much, I'm just going to drop a couple of observations to get things rolling.

Firstly, 'plasma beings' have been referenced so often in history, in literature and in science it becomes difficult to dismiss. I recall but can't find reference to an early (1920's Italian I think?) radio engineer who deeply regretted the impact of his work on the sylphs as he said that radio waves were sullying their environment.

I dropped a quote on sylphs from Alexander Pope's 'Rape of the Lock' on the comments page. That poem is interesting because, in the the preamble, Pope makes reference to the Rosicrucians, which sets off alarm bells that it's not just a bawdy poem.

[totally subjective hippy opinion]

In my own experience of the sylphs, I know that they are intelligent beings and they can interact with you given the right conditions and intentions. I think you guys nailed it when you said our atmosphere is kind of like an ocean. The sylphs in my area certainly behave like whales in pods. I think that that can also 'shapeshift' in a way. They can cohere in lots of different configurations, and they can also 'wear' atmospheric particulates like cloaks. This allows them to 'paint' images for us to see if we are able. In some way, they can draw from our conciousness to find culturally appropriate material. This might account for the 'same same but different' displays across various accounts.

I do chafe against Trevor James Constable's label of 'sky critters' for these magnificent beings, but that could also be because I'm an incorrigible hippy. : )

[/totally subjective hippy opinion]

Posted : February 8, 2019 12:34 AM
Posts: 1026
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I think that a portion of apparitions people see associated with hauntings are bioplasma manifesting from a disembodied entity. One reason why hauntings tend to be associated with night is that it is easier to see the light given off from the bioplasma in dim conditions. One way of thinking about this in the dimensionally projective sense is that these entities are like the apple in the video below projecting into a lower dimension.

I believe similar dynamics are at play with the plasma beings, albeit with some mix of gelatinous matter, metallic blood and plasma bodies based on the one encounter of the third kind I know of. This may also play into the gooey flesh rains that have been described by Charles Fort in a form of atmospheric beaching of a larger plasma being. Since these beings seem capable of modifying the local gravity field it would also stand to reason that there could be optical effects from this as well.
I'm pretty sure he smoked a big fattie before discussing this. 😉

Posted : February 8, 2019 2:45 AM
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Here is an interesting video related to above discussing imagining ten dimensions:
Makes one wonder about the symbolism of Dune. . .

Posted : February 8, 2019 3:01 AM
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Then there is Burkhard Heim, a former Nazi scientist who was nearly blind and deaf, and lost both hands in an explosion during the war working on still undisclosed experiments. He had a rare surgery performed to have some of his forearm muscle attached and skin grafted to give him tubular pincers from the remains of his forearm in order to give him some control and tactility.

In this condition he developed a 12 dimensional theory and was called Germany's Hawking. His theory closely aligns with the description from the 10 dimensional video as Heim stated that above the ninth dimension "only god knows". Heim never had any of his books translated from German, but I understand that there is a physicist who has picked up his work who publishes in English. Here is a little video about his theories. Enjoy!

Posted : February 8, 2019 3:22 AM
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Posted : February 8, 2019 3:27 AM
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The video on Heim just helps SO MUCH. Thank you! I'm an ex-game dev, so it's talking my language! It seems to give a good framework for stuff like channeling (accessing system files) and the non- linear nature of time.

Geeze. I have to admit I really struggle with the dimensionality beyond the 4D. I've been reading the Octavo in which Pete Carroll does a pretty good job describing the hypercube, but my B+ well-done-for-trying non-science brain just rebelled past a certain level of the maths he describes. I've been trying to fold my understanding of it into the way Steiner talks about the various ethers and the shapes they form by their nature. Is there a connection or am I totally on the wrong track?

Posted : February 10, 2019 12:30 AM
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Not at all, I want to look at Steiner's work in more detail myself, but have found related information a bit vague and difficult to parse the terminology. I think you might get more from Paul Laviolette's subquantum kinetics.

Posted : February 10, 2019 1:22 AM
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Does Heim's theory also support the notion of some kind of 'akashic record' or is that stretching the analogy?

I found a useful crib on Steiner's ether work in this Trevor James Constable book :

chapter 17 is an excerpt from another book called "The etheric formative forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man" by Guenther Wachsmuth. It's a really great summary.

The way everything interconnects and blends is a help and a hinder by turns. As soon as I start thinking I'm making sense of it, it slips off my tongue again. Like the connections between electromagnetism, plasma and the etheric body.

I'm also noodling around with a theory about red light / infrared / astral plane & etheric bodies, but I'm want to listen to the latest (synchronistic) THC on light before I advance my thoughts : )

Posted : February 10, 2019 3:57 AM
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Not a stretch at all.

Posted : February 11, 2019 3:46 AM
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I'm looking forward to checking out that LaViolette vid...

In the meantime, that crib from Steiner I mentioned states : Of 7 etheric forces, 4 reveal themselves in our space-and-time processes of our phenomenal world. Warmth ether, light ether, chemical (or sound ether) and life ether.

Warmth and light are expansive and act centrifugally. Chemical and life ether draw in, their action is suctional and centripetal. The polarity of these two groups is the ultimate elemental principle at the bottom of all natural phenomenon (according to Steiner)

The particular shapes that they form are - warmth - spherical, light (a transverse oscillation) describes the figure of a triangle. Chemical ether describes a half-moon shape. Life ether is the the most evolved ether, and in it's form building tendency, when it can exert it's effect unhindered in substance, leads to square shapes, expressed, for instance in crystalising salt.

Space is interpenetrated by waves produced by the chemical ether, which, in the manner of chladni dust figures, dissolve and unite substances.

Posted : February 11, 2019 11:47 PM
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Shamangineer - you mentioned that a lot of our organs have neuronic bundles... I also wanted to point out hair as an essential part of our sensory perception / consciousness. Many religions hold having long hair as a part of the faith (sikhs for example and the rishi knot). They view it as both a sensory and an energy collector.

The sampson and delilah story also points to hair as being a source of strength to the human organism. There are also apocryphal tales of the US military using indian trackers during WWII, who lost their powers after being forced into 'military haircuts'. It is also said that Genghis Khan forced the conquered Chinese to cut their hair and wear bangs as a sign of subjugation, and also to block sunlight to the pineal gland in order to make them more docile.

And finally... : )

Posted : February 14, 2019 11:59 PM
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When Roger Penrose was on the Joe Rogan some time ago, as was mentioned in the mapping the mind episode, he was talking about micro-tubules as the potential source for consciousness, or at least if I got it right, like an antennae for it.

For some reason, this reminded me of an anecdote mentioned during an interview Wilcock had with one of his closest insiders Pete Peterson, who is like Q in James Bond. Anyway, he mentioned how the fascia played in important role in how energy is networked through the body.

And that clicked with another article that made the scientific rounds in 2018 regarding how scientists found a new organ that was right under their nose the whole time. They termed it Interstitium, even though it already had a name (fascia is the word Pete used).

Now that I'm cooking fish, I guess it reminded me of the white lines between the red meat. And given the similarity with how mycelium evolves and transmits info & nutrients, it only brings up more questions :rolleyes:

PS: Unfortunately, I don't have Gaia anymore to share that episode with Pete, but it's actually on the show called Disclosure.

Posted : February 20, 2019 4:34 AM
Posts: 1026
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Quite interesting about the fascia, I will keep an eye out for that.

Posted : February 20, 2019 6:09 AM
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Scientists find neural tissues communicate wirelessly:

Posted : February 20, 2019 3:15 PM
Posts: 1354
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I guess we’re learning more about ourselves every day.

I found this paper which I think is very close to what Pete Peterson was talking in regards to the fascia being the medium thru which acupoints signals communicate.

Another memory that comes up about Pete’s testimony was the use of potassium injections (for its electric charge) to track down whether stimulation of acupoints actually target the organs outlined by TCM. And it did. Which, if true, would be an empirical validation of acupuncture that should be reproducible.

Edit: this Korean research seemed to confirm those results on a mouse.

Posted : February 20, 2019 6:13 PM
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