In his book Cambridge-educated, quantum physicist John E. Best (PhD),communicates with his "dead" fiancée Marjorie through a medium. Marjorie was also a physicist. She explains to him the nature of the Astral World that she is living in.
She says that the psyche (astral body) works through the electrical body (etheric body) which is a special intermediating nervous system. (p112/113)
The electrical body is made up of electrons and positrons. These are balanced through the influence of the psyche. The psychical presence binds the electrical body to the physical body. The electrical body is stable when the psyche is present (p203).
The electrical body is also called the electrical pattern body. It is an electrical flow system that is coupled to the physical nervous system and the psyche. Electrical current flows in closed loops through the electrical body like the closed path of the magnetic induction field (p215).
The magnetic fields encircle strategic nerve fibres fitting them like a glove. The system operates both ways –
1. The fourth dimensional psyche influences the physical nervous system.
2. The physical nervous system influences the psyche.
The main areas of flow are to the brain. The secondary areas of flow are to the solar plexus (p215). In the astral realm the psyche has 100 times more energy than the physical body (p217).
The electrical body gradually disappears at death and the person lives on in their psyche (astral body) (p208).

rani wrote: In his book Cambridge-educated, quantum physicist John E. Best (PhD),communicates with his "dead" fiancée Marjorie through a medium. Marjorie was also a physicist. She explains to him the nature of the Astral World that she is living in.
She says that the psyche (astral body) works through the electrical body (etheric body) which is a special intermediating nervous system. (p112/113)
The electrical body is made up of electrons and positrons. These are balanced through the influence of the psyche. The psychical presence binds the electrical body to the physical body. The electrical body is stable when the psyche is present (p203).
The electrical body is also called the electrical pattern body. It is an electrical flow system that is coupled to the physical nervous system and the psyche. Electrical current flows in closed loops through the electrical body like the closed path of the magnetic induction field (p215).
The magnetic fields encircle strategic nerve fibres fitting them like a glove. The system operates both ways –
1. The fourth dimensional psyche influences the physical nervous system.
2. The physical nervous system influences the psyche.
The main areas of flow are to the brain. The secondary areas of flow are to the solar plexus (p215). In the astral realm the psyche has 100 times more energy than the physical body (p217).The electrical body gradually disappears at death and the person lives on in their psyche (astral body) (p208).
Excellent find, I'm adding this to the bookshelf.

shamangineer wrote: Excellent find, I'm adding this to the bookshelf.
Yeah, I thought you'd like that. Nothing like a dead physicist to give you the straight skinny on the afterlife. : )
Marjorie must have been one steely-ass woman to be able to cohere and communicate across the veil so clearly. Especially considering I don't think she had much of a spiritual practice before death, and most teachers claim this is a non-negotiable in being able to retain your sense of self.
What she talks about is what the Eastern traditions describe in terms of various 'sheaths' to the body, each in even increasing frequencies and densities.
Some traditions actually take it up to about 14 sheaths, but maybe they are like the string theorists of the subtle body.
I also wanted to throw in the notion that the bio-plasma beings as described by Trevor constable et al are as much *down here* and around us as they are *up there*. For example - light orbs. I think some of them are just plankton level organisms, but I also contend that some could be disembodied entities as you suggest.

Not so sure about the biblical connotations, but interesting none the less.

shamangineer wrote: A War on Drugs, or War on the Mind?
snap! that is a super excellent share. thank you!
It said that entheogens work on the part of the brain that promotes novelty.
Toxoplasmosis is a brain parasite that I think works on that same part of the brain, but to turn it off. This gives you more of the 'looking for your keys while you are holding them' state of perception.
This dude has also written about how toxo promotes dangerous behaviour and can cause depression, suicides and car accidents.
(He also has an interesting theory called frozen evolution.)
Most bizarrely, climate warming is helping toxo to survive and infect.
"Higher temperatures increase the survival time of T. gondii.[160] More snowmelt and precipitation can increase the amount of T. gondii oocysts that are transported via river flow.[160] Shifts in bird, rodent, and insect populations and migration patterns can impact the distribution of T. gondii due to their role as reservoir and vector.[160] Urbanization and natural environmental degradation are also suggested to affect T. gondii transmission and increase risk of infection"

shamangineer wrote:
Those things look a lot like the things floating around in the video of the Nasa tether incident. 4:12 min

I have a question that I haven't been able to find the answer to. Perhaps I haven't asked the right questions while looking for answers either.
When I look into a blue sky for a while, I start seeing tiny little bright particles zooming around and it can get that busy it kinda like looking a TV channel where there is no signal.
What is it I'm seeing?? My explanation is.. its a hologram for sure but I don't really know.
I used to do this a lot but was I started to worry about how it might effect my eyesight so went back to earthing and meditating with my eyes closed.
After listening to the Power of Light, Sight and the art of living with Dr. Jacob Liberman I returned to watching the sky again and in the afternoon as he recommended due to the red spectrum light.
I started to observe some curious things and it's best that I don't tell everyday people about it, because it sounds a little nuts saying it and I really did regret it once I bought it up!
On one occasion I was observing the chemclouds (the long wispy ones) and I stated to notice patterns and they were like those kids painting where the paper is folded and so that a mirror image is on both sides. No kidding, I watched for a good hour as each chemcloud changed to form a shape that was symmetrical on either side and said... Right you have my attention now, thanks!
The next afternoon, I was watching the blue sky and it was filled with similar chemclouds. I started noticing straight edges and was scoffing to myself .. yeah so that's so natural to see right angles and is that a triangle?? So I then watched as shapes and symbols seem to form and define as they were above me and loose shape as they went past. I regretted not having my phone to take photos and I wonder what kind of message was I just wittiness to.
A couple of afternoons after that I was observing these long long chemclouds. The fine long wisps looked like fine hair blowing around or like how long hair moves in water. They were really high in the sky and I wasn't noticing much else when something caught my eye. One the edges of the clouds where they were thickest they were a much brighter white. My eyes fixated on a part of cloud that had a kinda tear drop hollow shape if it were turned on it's side or like a loop that didn't close at the end. Imagine looking at the space between your your thumb and forefinger if you bought them together but left a bit of a gap. So around the whole inside edge was brighter white and it was blue sky in the middle.
What caught my eye was a little squiggle of cloud coming out and reaching across to the edge of the cloud on the other side. What was so odd was the way it was moving, it moved like a worm or mosquito lava and I defiantly said out loud what the fuck?? Even stranger each time it got close to reaching the other side of the cloud, that part of the cloud would pull away from it. I'm thinking what the heck is this?? ..and this went on for some mins. I lost interest after a bit and let my mind and eyes wonder, till it caught my eye again. What I saw will just sound nuts but here goes nothing.
What caught my eye and I only had to turn my gaze slightly from where I was looking was.. that little squiggle go for it, it stretched out almost straight and it was like it pierced the other part of cloud, it then broke off and wiggled like mad until it had disappeared into the cloud on the other side. I mouthed WHAT THE FUCK.. cause nothing came out. I then started to question, what did I guess see??!! I saw that right??
And it wasn't like I just saw the last bit.. I watched it all what ever it was. I've since taken my phone out there with me, I don't like to when my intention is to get grounded and meditate. It's just awful for photos of things so fair away. If I do capture anything worth sharing I absolutely will.
Shamangineer, I just listened to your your mind mapping episode again and I got up the courage to ask what your thoughts might be?
I was going to put this in the thread re are people having synchronicities after pod casts but its more part of this thread I feel.
Has anyone else observed such things?

thwolf wrote: Righto,
I have a question that I haven't been able to find the answer to. Perhaps I haven't asked the right questions while looking for answers either.
When I look into a blue sky for a while, I start seeing tiny little bright particles zooming around and it can get that busy it kinda like looking a TV channel where there is no signal.
What is it I'm seeing?? My explanation is.. its a hologram for sure but I don't really know.I used to do this a lot but was I started to worry about how it might effect my eyesight so went back to earthing and meditating with my eyes closed.
After listening to the Power of Light, Sight and the art of living with Dr. Jacob Liberman I returned to watching the sky again and in the afternoon as he recommended due to the red spectrum light.
I started to observe some curious things and it's best that I don't tell everyday people about it, because it sounds a little nuts saying it and I really did regret it once I bought it up!
On one occasion I was observing the chemclouds (the long wispy ones) and I stated to notice patterns and they were like those kids painting where the paper is folded and so that a mirror image is on both sides. No kidding, I watched for a good hour as each chemcloud changed to form a shape that was symmetrical on either side and said... Right you have my attention now, thanks!
The next afternoon, I was watching the blue sky and it was filled with similar chemclouds. I started noticing straight edges and was scoffing to myself .. yeah so that's so natural to see right angles and is that a triangle?? So I then watched as shapes and symbols seem to form and define as they were above me and loose shape as they went past. I regretted not having my phone to take photos and I wonder what kind of message was I just wittiness to.
A couple of afternoons after that I was observing these long long chemclouds. The fine long wisps looked like fine hair blowing around or like how long hair moves in water. They were really high in the sky and I wasn't noticing much else when something caught my eye. One the edges of the clouds where they were thickest they were a much brighter white. My eyes fixated on a part of cloud that had a kinda tear drop hollow shape if it were turned on it's side or like a loop that didn't close at the end. Imagine looking at the space between your your thumb and forefinger if you bought them together but left a bit of a gap. So around the whole inside edge was brighter white and it was blue sky in the middle.
What caught my eye was a little squiggle of cloud coming out and reaching across to the edge of the cloud on the other side. What was so odd was the way it was moving, it moved like a worm or mosquito lava and I defiantly said out loud what the fuck?? Even stranger each time it got close to reaching the other side of the cloud, that part of the cloud would pull away from it. I'm thinking what the heck is this?? ..and this went on for some mins. I lost interest after a bit and let my mind and eyes wonder, till it caught my eye again. What I saw will just sound nuts but here goes nothing.
What caught my eye and I only had to turn my gaze slightly from where I was looking was.. that little squiggle go for it, it stretched out almost straight and it was like it pierced the other part of cloud, it then broke off and wiggled like mad until it had disappeared into the cloud on the other side. I mouthed WHAT THE FUCK.. cause nothing came out. I then started to question, what did I guess see??!! I saw that right??
And it wasn't like I just saw the last bit.. I watched it all what ever it was. I've since taken my phone out there with me, I don't like to when my intention is to get grounded and meditate. It's just awful for photos of things so fair away. If I do capture anything worth sharing I absolutely will.Shamangineer, I just listened to your your mind mapping episode again and I got up the courage to ask what your thoughts might be?
I was going to put this in the thread re are people having synchronicities after pod casts but its more part of this thread I feel.
Has anyone else observed such things?
Sorry, I'm not sure what this is.

thwolf wrote: Has anyone else observed such things?
I haven't seen exactly the same thing, but I'm definitely seeing some strange shit up in the sky recently. There is a whole ocean of life up there, from plankton to whales. I think they are fire / plasma beings that are being visually exposed by the chemtrails, and it's just a nasty by-product effect of the spray. It's like throwing ash into water and suddenly all these little fish and bugs can be seen moving around. Or maybe it's more how burning incense lets the spirit world cross the veil.
They also seem to 'eat' the chemtrails, maybe in the same way that sea birds eat plastic bags. THey either don't know it's junk, or they are trying to metabolise it to clean up.
If you really want to mess with your head, try out the visual ray experiments, and then let the implications of that sink in...

Thanks for your reply's 🙂
I hope everyone is fine and well.. I camped up at Tawonga and went to Falls Creek and Mount Hotham over the long weekend and the energy in those mountains is incredible!!
We drove to a section of the Great Alpine Rd just past Dinner Plain as clouds started drifting through the trees and across the road. We stopped and I got out and let the low clouds engulf me, it was great! and they had a smell which someone said was ozone. Made my day anyway 🙂
There's a orgonite maker that I know up near Byron Bay who was telling me about a Dreamtime (I guess that's a mediation type) session that he had with some Aboriginal elders, he was focusing his thoughts on clearing up the sky of contaminants. When they came out and looked up at the sky he saw a dragon looking cloud. He called it a syth I think... and said he'd noticed them pulling apart and dismantling chemtrails, just like your describing Rani.
I don't know why I didn't think to ask him about it but I will.

rani wrote: I haven't seen exactly the same thing, but I'm definitely seeing some strange shit up in the sky recently. There is a whole ocean of life up there, from plankton to whales. I think they are fire / plasma beings that are being visually exposed by the chemtrails, and it's just a nasty by-product effect of the spray. It's like throwing ash into water and suddenly all these little fish and bugs can be seen moving around. Or maybe it's more how burning incense lets the spirit world cross the veil.
They also seem to 'eat' the chemtrails, maybe in the same way that sea birds eat plastic bags. THey either don't know it's junk, or they are trying to metabolise it to clean up.
If you really want to mess with your head, try out the visual ray experiments, and then let the implications of that sink in...
Thanks for the links Rani!

this is exactly what I saw!! .. I was checking out KJ's banned videos and they look like
There are even better captures of it in "the Scariest movie ever made" ..
HUGE sigh of relief cause I dont feel so crazy now... ppphheewww!!

thwolf wrote: this is exactly what I saw!! .. I was checking out KJ's banned videos and they look like
http://www.whoiskjozborne.com/something-insane-is-happening-in-the-clouds-2018/There are even better captures of it in "the Scariest movie ever made" ..
HUGE sigh of relief cause I dont feel so crazy now... ppphheewww!!
Thanks for the video, not sure what to make of it, but it reminded me of plasma.
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