Gosford Glyphs Aust...
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Gosford Glyphs Australia

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A year ago a went on a road trip to find a site known as the Gosford Glyphs. There are divided opinions on this site and a THC guests, Steven Strong, Gordon White & Laird Scranton have mentioned this location. It was a little hard to find as there were no signs and I'd almost given up but decided to ask a member of the rural fire brigade whose described which dirt walking track to follow and from there I used my ipad to watch a megalithomania video of them visiting to the site.

The first view is of the grubbyment which had debunked this site as nothing more than vandalism or a hoax created by Uni students in the 80's

The seconds view is of Egyptologist, Archaeologist and renowned Egyptian Khemitologist, Abd’el Hakim Awyan. I find his translation of the Gylphs very compelling, so much so I just had to see them in person.




Here's are Steven Strong's videos and his take on the Gosford Gyhphs, the main difference being the interpretation for example, the over turned boats to be UPO's. I think Steve has relies heavily on the handed down verbal story from the First Aboriginal people, which is important and shouldn't be dismissed. Australia has a long documented history of UFO sightings plus the cave paintings of alien grey type characters and Dream time stories of alien type or animal spirit type experiences and also many people have also seen the mysterious Min Min lights in the desert (Aboriginal for swap gas??)




Thanks to the Megalithomania video, without it I wouldn't have found my way.



Posted : January 26, 2019 6:40 AM
Posts: 318
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thanks thwolf!

So, what was your own personal opinion of the site having viewed it first hand?

Posted : February 2, 2019 10:43 PM
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rani wrote: thanks thwolf!

So, what was your own personal opinion of the site having viewed it first hand?

Seeing the glyphs and walking up the narrow paths between the huge limestone rocks surrounding them I was able to overlook the landscape to the ocean. I sat on a rocky outcrop and just closed my eyes and while earthing. I thought about how much more interesting history lessons in school would have been if it had included the included a link to ancient Egypt and the seamen and traders who traveled here. I wondered what other sites were unknown to us or we’re known by the government and deliberately hidden from us elsewhere here in Australia.

The Glyphs are a beauty to see and touch and seemed authentic to me but I only have my intuition as a guide and have since learnt that Klaus Dono had located a narrow sloping perfect rectangular shaft that lead to a larger square area, which sound like the same kind of chambers found elsewhere in Egypt. This discovery would indeed change the history of Australia and open up many more cans of worms that’s for sure.

Seeing this site for myself was also a bit of a affirmation for me as I’d had a story come to me while earthing/meditating about 4 years earlier. What came to me was the idea of an early colonial surveyor and his Aboriginal guide finding a underground cave system near where Pine Gap is today, with Glyphs and symbols as well.
I was further blown away to discover, after going to the local library that according to an article on a Australian Freemanson website, early attempts by the British to communicate with the indigenous people described an account that they were able to be using Freemason hand signals.

I then found that the famous explorer and surveyor John McDouall Stuart, whom we all learn about in school history lessons here in Australia, (and to give a brief backstory on Stuart, I’ll go onto say) that he was responsible for the midland Telegraph line after being the first settler to survey and transverse Australia from the coastal city of Adelaide in the south, right through to the Northern coast and town of Darwin in the Northern Territory. This is now know as the Stuart Highway and passes close by Uluru or Ayers Rock and Pine Gap.

It’s important to add that he did so with the help of his aboriginal guide who he remained friends with for many years. There are accounts in Stuart’s own hand written diary of he too using Freemason hand signals to communicate with native Aboriginals. This really makes me wonder about the origins of these hand signals

Stuart was also a Scottish Freemason and my Conspiracy mind wonders if he was sent out to Australia in the first place to survey the outback in search of ancient sites, artifacts and knowledge as his reports were sent back to Englands Elite.
Now when I travel Australia, both my partner and I wonder what lays undiscovered or hidden by time or by the government in this vast land and we enjoy the opportunity to take guide tours of as many sacred sites in our travels.

Posted : February 4, 2019 9:29 PM
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Oh, that was lovely. Thanks for sharing!

We actually have *lots* of out of place artifacts to support the GG's being genuine.

For a start, there are full on pyramids here. There is an existing one up in QLD that is clearly visible from the highway as you drive up towards Beerwah. It's called Walsh's pyramid. I've seen that one myself.

There was also a pyramid in Victoria - the Gympie pyramid - but that was dismantled and artifacts scattered to discredit the place.

A bunch of info on both here:

Sylvie from megaliths.org has a spreadsheet you can download of tons of sites in Aus that you could check out if you are interested. It's a little bit tricky to use, because it's all based on lat / longitude so you have to engage the brain a bit to work out what is where.

The tyranny of distance is always an issue. I've found lots of sites I want to see for myself but none anywhere near me (central vic).

Posted : February 7, 2019 11:28 PM
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Hi Rani,

Thanks so much for that info!! Wow!!
I’m actually on a road trip right now and coming back from Qld to Geelong amd have heard of the Gympie and Walsh’s pyramids.
I’m hoping to make to to see them in September when we drive back up to the Sunshine Coast.

I’m very fortunate that traveling is a part of our job and we I’ve been wanting to try syncronistic travel, where by you use your intuition and have no actual planned routes or accommodation booked and only a destination to make our way home to.We really have had an extraordinary trip, mainly in regards to people that we have met and what we come across.

We ended up taking a route through the Guy Fawks National Park and visited some amazing waterfalls at Ebor. It was in the Warumbungle shire that I spotted these curious pointy mountains. I can’t wait to look for them on google earth and check your source for the longitude & latitudes.

I’ve tried to upload 2 photos but the internet is not real good here so will add them in a few days when home.

Posted : February 8, 2019 3:34 PM
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thwolf wrote: It was in the Warumbungle shire that I spotted these curious pointy mountains. I can’t wait to look for them on google earth and check your source for the longitude & latitudes.

I’ve tried to upload 2 photos but the internet is not real good here so will add them in a few days when home.

oh yeah, love to see those photos! I'm sure there are tons of amazing unlisted wonders to find on this beautiful continent of ours!

If you are on your way back down to Geelong why not swing by our own local legend... anti-gravity hill : )


Posted : February 9, 2019 11:49 PM
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Here are the photos I mentioned.

This is in the Warranbungle Shire New South Wales.
That's the view heading South on the opposite side of the Highway to the Siding Spring observatory.

Posted : February 10, 2019 9:54 AM
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rani wrote: oh yeah, love to see those photos! I'm sure there are tons of amazing unlisted wonders to find on this beautiful continent of ours!

If you are on your way back down to Geelong why not swing by our own local legend... anti-gravity hill : )


yeah I've heard about the Gravity hill there 🙂

Having trouble up loading photos again..

Here's a google map link, scroll out and have a look.

https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/31%C2%B01 8'50.2%22S+149%C2%B003'39.6%22E/@-31.313942,149.0587973,483m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d-31.3139423!4d149.060986?hl=en

Posted : February 10, 2019 10:04 AM
Posts: 318
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Great photos! thanks for taking the trouble to upload them.

Lots of interesting data! the terrain looks quite flat in the photos, but on the google maps it looks like some hills, maybe part of the great dividing range behind? I tried to pull up a terrain map for that area, but I couldn't. How flat was the surrounding area?

The presence of an observatory is also *very interesting*. Looks like many cultures have determined that is a good spot for star gazing : )

The spacing of the 3 main 'mounds' immediately calls to mind Giza. The first photo it could almost be 5 or 6 distinct peaks? Again, it's hard to tell from the google maps, but it would be fascinating to be able to map the area to see the spacial relationship more clearly.

great find, thwolf!

Posted : February 10, 2019 10:30 PM
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Hey Rani,

your welcome!! It's sooo good being about to chat with a like minded person!!

I thought the same thing re the spacing of the moulds and it is very flat between them which looks odd.
The stuck out like dogs you know what-its lol

When I zoomed in I could see square looking bases but like you said it's so hard to tell on Google maps.
I think we need to look using Google earth and see if the orient in a the same way the Giza pyramids do.

On the other side of the Highway, so on the same side as the Observatory is the Warrumbungles range see below.
As you can see the terrain is very different.

Posted : February 11, 2019 2:25 AM
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You made a good point about the terrain so I just pulled up the maps over lunch with my partner and he remembered them being before Coonabarbran not after.

I think I found them here.

https://www.google.com/maps/place/31%C2%B01 2'55.1%22S+149%C2%B046'22.3%22E/@-31.2153064,149.7706713,989m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d-31.2153112!4d149.7728604

Posted : February 11, 2019 2:45 AM
Posts: 318
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thwolf wrote:

What I see in this photo is an ancient crumbling observatory complete with pyramids and domes in the background. In the foreground is a poor, primitive cluster of white buildings fumblingly attempting to recreate the knowledge potential of the former complex. 😉

The aussie landscape always makes it tricky to draw inferences. There are so many geographical anomalies it makes it hard to separate the naturally formed weirdness from the deliberately built weirdness.

Posted : February 13, 2019 1:10 AM
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I hear ya Rani,

I have some photos of the Gosford Glyphs here

Posted : February 13, 2019 3:03 AM
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Posted : February 13, 2019 3:04 AM
Posts: 318
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Those photos are amazing! Thanks again for sharing. The 'cover stories' that they are just some kind of student prank are so shit.

I skimmed those videos you posted, enough to get the sense that those two egyptian guys clearly find the glyphs significant, and that the symbols and grammar are legit.

Could you give me a quick read on what they think the glyphs say?


Posted : February 14, 2019 11:34 PM
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