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Old Cascade Tunnel near Leavenworth, WA

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Close to the site of the worst train disaster in American history.
About a decade ago I got bored and trekked through the western portal to where it terminates. At the far end (after about a mile walk through the dark tunnel) there was what looked to be an abandoned makeshift equipment setup that I was told was for UW laser testing projects. There were also several candles in a circle, recently used. I was intrigued but suddenly felt more of a desire to start the long walk back to my car than investigate any further.
Posted : March 19, 2021 10:44 PM

Creepy. I lived in NV for a long time and wandered through ghost towns occasionally. Very odd seeing those mixtures of decaying architecture & recent habitation.
Posted : March 30, 2021 7:07 PM
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