Where do you usually hang out? Online/Offline

Greetings fellow THCs,
A recent episode of the Duncan Trussell podcast featured Paul Selig, a channeler (which I've posted elsewhere on the forum) that struck many chords with me.
One such moment was when Selig was asked whether he believed current events where orchestrated from the shadows (to blind us of all the wonder, quantum magic).
And paraphrasing him was that, although he could dig his way into this type of thinking, he would end up aligning himself to the level of consciousness that created the conspiracy.
For many reasons, that statement clicked with me, because I realized as of late how I just can't keep up with current events, incl. conspiracies (esp. The US which I'm not from/live, but pay a great deal of attention to) without feeling drained energetically.
And it's the reason that I've felt increasingly detached to seeking for information, or going to silo-ed communities where I had previously enjoyed the "co-miserating" of our fate. It's like evil at this point would not surprise me. So I've lost the ball in digging the latest Archonic-NWO/Darpa topic.
Instead, I would find it much more satisfying to have a place where we can share practical knowledge that was once veiled, that would allow us (the People) to create a momentum.
And I still value this THC Forum for this reason. But it's getting rarer, and rarer by the day. Or so it feels to me.
And maybe what I really need is a therapist (or a solid dose of mushroom-fuelled soul-searching in the darkness).
But in the meantime, where are some of your go-to hangout places, online or offline. Or perhaps in general, how do you cope with your daily life with all that you know (or don't)?
All this censorship has made the internet a boring place, and made me more aware of spending time with simple things, such as observing trees and rivers. Mundane, and yet still full of mystery.
Other hobbies I've picked up include cooking, or baking bread which gives me satisfaction.
I've also considered giving water vortex a serious thought in terms of a simple contraption to make dreams come true. Hardest part is always where the rubber meets the road.
As for the Internet, I mostly surf on English platforms such as:
Reddit: pretty much a booby-trapped co-opted site that's only occasionally worth spending time.
Social media, maybe with the exception of Instagram/Twitter, and even them, is just too much to keep up with.
OnStellar is an attempt at bringing the fringe community, but it's way too much on the "heal your chakra with crystals/ fight chemtrails" type of content.
And of course, this forum, where I can still find solace in interacting on interesting subjects.
Others such as NewEarth and EnergeticForum are more focused on Overunity and science but they've become uninhabited digital deserts.
Wordpress: Writing and posting content in general is something I've been pushing myself to write more. It helps me organize ideas better, while also feeling like I have something tangible (aka communication skills).
Ironically, gaming seems to be an uncharted territory ripe for such interaction. But I don't game anymore, so I'm missing out on that. Also, I already have addictive personality so there's that.
If you have suggestions please feel free to comment. Thankful to y'all, and wishing you a great day.

since im kinda new to this city bend, i like to go explore (ive lived in oregon my whole life and walking anywhere is kinda a fun thing most people do, not much els to do) but some of the reason because im a loner and i want to get away from people stopping by all the time, once in a while i find a anime or tv show (its always horror for some reason). music is a big thing on youtube or just watching anything on youtube. forums to spread info or learn things. thats been my life for 10 years pretty much.

I agree that a problem that the 'truth community' suffers from is there is now too much information, too many avenues to pursue. It becomes, as you say, energetically draining. It can become a bit depressing, but also, there is a lack of focus to actually DO anything useful other than collect factoids.
I don't have a lot of free time, so I try and avoid wasting too much on line. I like to focus on high quality / density information. One reason I like to listen to THC : )
I do highly recommend Gordon White's site. As well as great info in general, there is a nice community there. I haven't had the chance to do any of the courses yet, but I think they would be especially good if you could do them in real time with the other participants. It looks like they all have very lively discussions. Gordon does lots of live Q & A stuff. Additionally, it seems to be a group that are very happy to meet IRL. Lots of them in North America though (not where I live). The group intentions he runs are *excellent*. I have noticed a *marked difference* in my experiences since I have started participating.
One thing that we intend for is 'find the others'. I think it's really just meant to run during the intending sessions, so we are all 'holding hands' so to speak, but I have found that it seems to be 'on' ALL THE TIME. I have been meeting a lot more awake people synergisticaly lately. Definitely something to consider doing for yourself, even if you don't choose to participate in a group session. Just decide you want to find people... It will happen.
Also, I have been thinking about doing a website where you collect great examples of community building projects. These projects should be free / cheap, scaleable, build communities and educate / improve your neighborhood.
An example might be doing a community produce swap. In my town we get together once a month in the park and swap whatever we have in our gardens. It has been great to meet the neighbours and build up local, analogue networks. It has also been for me, as a surprise side effect, a beautiful lesson in abundance! I go with a few tomatoes and always come back with so much more.
I am luck enough to live in the countryside and have a little garden, but there is no reason this couldn't work in an apartment building! You can grow so much on a balcony, or even in a car park. And as Gordon White says, you reel them in with the tomatoes and then sound them about electro-grav craft : )
And just for laughs, sometimes I cruise you tube for stuff that makes me smile
As for exploring the 'Other Realms', that would be something I would only feel comfortable talking about in DM's 😉
Stay positive, my friends!

I'm mostly either straight hermit or with one or two friends. I go to a lot of metal and punk shows as well. 100s just in the past few years. Nowadays I mostly just work and lounge at the house or drive around blasting music. Awhile back I was a drug addict and around that time you could catch me just about anywhere but when that got left behind things have wound down quite a bit.

Love the comments, thanks for sharing! Indeed, it's very much an ebb-and-flow dynamic. Just a few days ago, I let my THC+ membership slip by, and it's a weird feeling, sort of like "shedding" the past in some ways. But also opening myself to new avenues.
Rani, I'm glad you mentioned Gordon White's community, and their intention works. That's awesome, and lots of synchronicities happened to me lately as well.
And also the community work with the garden swaps. In fact, that's where I'm trying to focus my attention onwards as well. At this point in my life, I just want to DO the things I align with. And since food has always been something I revolve around (thanks Mom), as is waste (always loved dumpster diving), maybe combining the two is my nexus point.
Been working on a food truck for the past couple years doing all sort of events, including caterings, fares, and even air shows sponsored by the Military-Industrial-Complex.
But one thing I realized over time, is that food brings people of all sorts together: the good, the bad, and the uglies. And I remember thinking, if there was ever a way to spread the "love", food is the way. After all, we all depend on it.
Speaking of food waste, I watched Wasted! Story of Food Waste (2017) produced by Anthony Bourdain with fascinating initiatives taken by people from all over the world. Highly recommend it for those of you that can watch it.
Anyhow, the more we can let our inner light shine, the better we'll all be.
PS: this sounds stupid, but growing oyster mycelium at home brought me lots of insight about how Nature works. For instance, stress and mayhem somehow makes the mycelium more resilient, and encourage new growth. This insight can be extrapolated to humans as well. So while we may be in shaky-times, the resulting stimulus is growth. (Unless of course, it all goes kaboom.. 😉 )

enjoypolo wrote: stress and mayhem somehow makes the mycelium more resilient, and encourage new growth. This insight can be extrapolated to humans as well. So while we may be in shaky-times, the resulting stimulus is growth. (Unless of course, it all goes kaboom.. 😉 )
And what an amazing observation about the mycelium! I love it! It's all about the mushrooms!
I completely agree that food brings people together!
Food production is also an area where the artistic soul and the scientific mind can find a useful nexus to support each other and create in the most meaningful way possible. For example, these lovely people :
"And since food has always been something I revolve around (thanks Mom), as is waste (always loved dumpster diving), maybe combining the two is my nexus point."
Yes! Follow your intuition! I love it. Such an important area and ripe for exploitation. Think how many people you could feed off the waste we mindlessly chuck in the bin!

oh yeah, and there's this sweet little coffee ground waste / mushroom biz that is totally replicable, and I think would have pretty low start up costs.

rani wrote: oh yeah, and there's this sweet little coffee ground waste / mushroom biz that is totally replicable, and I think would have pretty low start up costs.
Great resource, thank you Rani. I actually subscribed to Grocycle's newsletter a few weeks ago, and it's great.
There so many others one as well. Another great one pointed out by Shamangineer is Ecovative, and their Grow-It-Yourself (GIY) mycelium-based packaging that I am experimenting with. I'd always wished to have a 3D Printer (and use CAD), now I can grow mycelium to do just that! Although I have yet to see concrete results.
I am planning on writing an extensive blog article about mycelium, including how it can help clean radioactive, contamined soil like at Tchernobyl, or the on-going Fukushima crisis.
For more projects like that, I encourage anyone to check the thread on Blue Economy which features many similar projects, with ground-breaking implications. I watched the other night the 2017 documentary produced by A. Bourdain Wasted: Story of Food Waste, and one of the company featured was Toast Ale, a UK Beer brewery that uses left-over waste bread from bakeries to brew their beer (for the yeast). The resulting waste goes to feed pigs and cattle. Or it could be used to grow mushrooms too. Endless cycle.
And I appreciate the encouragements as well. I've since then applied to volunteer for a few local urban gardens to learn more about gardening, and many synchronicities come out of it, which I think is generally a good sign 🙂 So cheers

enjoypolo wrote: I've since then applied to volunteer for a few local urban gardens to learn more about gardening, and many synchronicities come out of it, which I think is generally a good sign 🙂 So cheers
I'm so glad to hear that! You seem like a very active, smart and motivated person. I'm so happy to hear that you are able to channel your energy in a positive way for both yourself and your community.
It's so easy to get bogged down in the depressing news / distractions of the current times. Let's all keep each other reaching up!
I have been planning to start a thread on positive mental & physical health steps we can all take to support ourselves at this difficult time. I was going to start with Hypericum / st johns wort. Very easy to grow. I have a lot on my property, and I just eat a handful of the fresh flowers straight off the plant when they are in bloom. Maybe you could grow some in your community garden or window sill?

rani wrote:
I have been planning to start a thread on positive mental & physical health steps we can all take to support ourselves at this difficult time. I was going to start with Hypericum / st johns wort. Very easy to grow. I have a lot on my property, and I just eat a handful of the fresh flowers straight off the plant when they are in bloom. Maybe you could grow some in your community garden or window sill?https://www.eclecticherb.com/blog//harvesting-and-using-st-johns-wort
I did not know of St Johns Wort, thanks for passing on the information. I currently live in a apartment building, so it's definitely an extra-challenge to have a grow operation going. Having said that, I've started keeping fruit peels (oranges, citrus), which I keep in a jar with vinegar and some sugar for fermentation. The idea is to make natural soap and detergents from fruit waste 🙂 I have yet to try the finished product, though.
But yeah, let's keep the exchange on these ideas, I'm sure we can all contribute to this!

enjoypolo wrote: I currently live in a apartment building, so it's definitely an extra-challenge to have a grow operation going.
But I jest : )
I sometimes forget how lucky I am to live out in the bush.
You could always try some guerrilla gardening if you don't have a yard of your own
I have SO MUCH SEED available for free if you are interested. Perhaps The Carlwood can act as a hub for a seed exchange. Let's start seed bombing to creating free horticultural pharmacopoeia in our cities 'dead spaces'. *dreams*

Love the bag Rani, that stuff is wicked:D:cool:
I accidentally went frozen-mushroom picking at the local park right before the cold winds came too.
I recently finished reading Paul Stamet's book Mycelium Running with incredible resources for myco-remediation, and in my case, myco-forestation at the park I'm fortunate to live right next door. Saprophytes derive their growth thru logs and wood chips, and end up strenghtening the whole ecosystem (and growing mushrooms).
My guerilla tactic would be the Starbucks Coffee cup with its cardboard sleeve that I use to innoculate spawns 🙂 😀

I work and live between two worlds!!
The reason is we live in an industrial shed which is our business, but luckily our business includes many road trips to almost every state in Australia as we are real life parts pickers. We love nothing more than setting up a swag under the stars or camping in our panelvan.
The shed life is the best as we have no real neighbours and I couldn't do the suburban thing again... Not ever!!
Plus there is no house work in a shed !! and we are surrounded in an abundance of car parts and man cave wall art spanning 6m x 18m!!
Among them are the posters of Dylan Monro mapping the Death Cult of Baal and the Deep State, some UFO stuff just as conversation starters!!
We dwell in a loft with all the comforts of a home and have a self contained caravan for guests and a couple of swags for extra visitors.
Behind us is a narrow stip of grass that we let grow wild that backs onto horse paddocks & that's where we go have a few coldies or Hotties .. wink wink and it's where get grounded, cause earthing is essential to our lifestyle.
The down side is both of our factories had smart meters installed a few years ago and both have been upgraded to 5G.
I've made aluminium wire mesh boxes for both smart meters as they are on the inside of our sheds .. which is so bad.
We have a big power board beside one in our main shed and when we got a digital radio (cause our one from the 90's died) the ipad would go bonkers if near the Smart meter but function normally when you walked away with it. Considering that ipads & smart phones all have an electromagnetic field as do us humans this was a huge concern!!
I was struggling with inflammation and looking for a solution and bought a number of orgone generators, earthing sheets and mats & made the smart meter cover. I no longer am on any pain meds and reluctantly went to a Dr who scoffed that I would claim to have arthritis buy be on no meds.. yes well the x-rays showed a different picture.
It was 2 years ago that we travelled to the underground town of Cobber Pedy is search of old Holden wrecks but what we found was absolute bliss while staying in the underground dwellings. This is our goal to live either underground or in an earthship or similar type tiny home, with the outback as our backyard. Everytime we come back from the desert or any country or remote areas we both feeling the effects of the dense electromagnetic smog of the urban suburbs and cities.. Yucko!!
US Earthing after a day painting cars.
Crocodile Harry's Dug out at Cobber Pedy South Australia.
Kata Tjuta or known as the Olgas -

Kudos to you thwolf, it certainly looks like quite the adventure you got.
It actually reminds me a lot of the novel series Sub-Rosa America by Elena Freeland, a prophetic story about wanderers in the end times.

I’m mostly outside. With work and free time. I pop online when I wake up around mindnight after falling asleep putting my little one to bed lol. I’ve worked music festivals for the past 8 years across America. I have wanderlust real bad. Ever since I was little all I wanted in life was to be happy and travel. Def got the traveling down. Traveling reinvigorates my spirit but it is hard to build something with so much flux. I’m currently trying to find the balance and slow down on traveling so much...even though it’s extremely hard for my spirit, but she wants something else even more now. I’m looking forward to taking a permaculture design course at the end of the month.
It seems I every few months I’ll go down a rabbit hole on some subject for about a week or two, then I back off and retreat again for the balance of details vs being. I have my own vague personal knowing that I sit with and find it fun to search for the details but I don’t let it consume me, at least not too much. I dream of futures kayaking in rivers and swimming in warm waters :). That’s my focus now. Hope you find yours...I’m sure you will.
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