2016 Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony

I stumbled upon this while reading some of David Icke's work... I'm very curious what you and the rest of the Higherside Chatters think of this, as I had never seen mention of it anywhere.
This ceremony was for the longest and most expensive tunnel project in history (Gotthard Base Tunnel), led by the Swiss, and it goes some 60 km through the Swiss Alps. 11 Billion Euros, 17 yrs to complete, 9 workers died during the construction. It was presented in front of European Leaders like Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President Francois Hollande of France and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, not to mention whoever else was in the crowd who didn't get the face/name recognition.
Not much else to say about it, other than you should check it out. It's pretty damn dark. If these crazies are willing to perform this on live television in several countries, what in the hell do we expect them to do in private....
Or am I just paranoid?

To be honest, doesn’t seem that provocative. Look at the pre Christian winter festivals of Alpine cultures in Europe. Plenty of horned, hairy beasts. I mean I am skeptical of the elites motives in general but this isn’t as weird as some of the super bowl half times or Olympic ceremonies of the past decade.
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