Any suggestions for Android users?

Good afternoon
Are there any recommendations to listen downloaded mp3 files? Or any other apps?
Thank you for the great content, and all the hard work you are putting in to this.

pocket casts is my favorite podcast player.
any standalone mp3 player will play a downloaded mp3 file, though...

brngrc wrote: pocket casts is my favorite podcast player.
any standalone mp3 player will play a downloaded mp3 file, though...
Thank you. I was hoping to get one that could help me keep track of them, and that it wouldn't save play progress; all that I've try reset if I close the app. Oh well, at worst I get to enjoy it the episode all over again hehehe

well, I would say that pocket casts is your app, then. Did you try that? It will download all the new episodes when available, show you a full list, and keep track of where you stopped listening.
Also, I use it on speed (1.3 times faster), and trim silence, so a 2 hour episode of THC will last for less than an hour maybe (yes, it is amazing)

Huh, yes that's what I've been using for the past few episodes yesterday, not like I am hooked or anything LOL; darn you Greg, JK.
I wonder if just Goggle keeps F#@$&g with my pixel, and I have to wiped and start fresh. Apps have just been "stop working" for few months now, and I have not done a factory reset because my mind it's all ready being pull in a million ways. I'm gonna bite the bullet this weekend and do a factory reset.
Thank you @brngrc for your feedback, and I'll let you know how it goes. Oh oh oh did you used the pay version of pocket cast? Not sure if is worth it or not.
Thank you again, and wish you an awesome day

Hi @zimzum83
I did have the paid version in the past, but with the changes they recently added, I really dont care for the paid version, it works great as it is.
BTW, factory resets are easy, most of the stuff is online anyway, go for it!

HI @brngrc
I just finish with the factory reset last night and is working great, thank you. I am not wondering if with pocket cast, I can play directly plus episodes by just subscribing to the podcast? I've been downloading them, and sorting them out to create a play list for the week. Not that I like to over complicate things, but I am now wondering if I should tie each podcast to cover art..... I think I am going to get a sneaker bar and come to my senses LOL.
Thank you so much for the tips, now I am more excited than usual for the work week.
Hope you have a great day
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