Break up due to aquacure and vaccine

My girlfriend of several months just broke up with me because she says we have different risk tolerances. She cited my use of the aquacure device and not getting the vaccine (I still may get it but not until I've seen how everything plays out).
Your show has given me so much; My worldview is so much more rich from a spiritual perspective, and I'm overall much happier. However losing this relationship really hurts.
Should I begin to hide my higherside influenced self from people? Being honest about my vaccine status is making it increasingly difficult to date in my 'liberal' neck of the woods.
It feels like I'm going to have to make a choice between following my beliefs (making my own decisions about health/my body) and interacting with people in my peer group (mid 20s, college educated, living near DC).

Its important to have integrity and to be able to look yourself in the mirror. Its also important to be as honest as possible at the start of new relationships. I would be absolutely enraged if a man I started to see lied and told me he hadn't had the Vax when it fact he has. Its really fundamental in these times and shows you where a person is coming from.
I'm sorry that your relationship didn't work out. All I can say which may not be a comfort right now is, what is for you will not pass you.
I had a relationship dissolve recently due to religious difference and I'm still very upset. But I wouldn't say I believed something different just to stay in the relationship.

kmschum wrote:
My girlfriend of several months just broke up with me because she says we have different risk tolerances. She cited my use of the aquacure device and not getting the vaccine (I still may get it but not until I've seen how everything plays out).Your show has given me so much; My worldview is so much more rich from a spiritual perspective, and I'm overall much happier. However losing this relationship really hurts.
Should I begin to hide my higherside influenced self from people? Being honest about my vaccine status is making it increasingly difficult to date in my 'liberal' neck of the woods.
When a difference is as big as that, you don't want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect your position.
It feels like I'm going to have to make a choice between following my beliefs (making my own decisions about health/my body) and interacting with people in my peer group (mid 20s, college educated, living near DC).
I know the area (and that dating scene there) well... Unless you find a group that gives you a big personal eccentricity pass (honestly, not an easy find at this stage in the game, usually you'd have to have a history to get such a pass), you're probably going to find it very difficult. When at least 50% of the dating pool has Federal security clearances, a THC-type is going to have a rough time.
Edit: Also, she found the aquacure risky? I can see someone being skeptical that it is pointless, but its water vapor, does she not go outside when there's humidity? Or does she think Brown's gas is dangerous?

Should I begin to hide my higherside influenced self from people? Being honest about my vaccine status is making it increasingly difficult to date in my 'liberal' neck of the woods.
It feels like I'm going to have to make a choice between following my beliefs (making my own decisions about health/my body) and interacting with people in my peer group (mid 20s, college educated, living near DC).
First of all, I'm sorry this happened to you.
Personally, I find life to be much easier when I keep my THC-esque beliefs to myself. It's not ideal and feels lonely as heck sometimes, but it's less messy this way. (For me, at least.) To avoid the frustration that can accompany having to keep big parts of myself relatively secret, I often remind myself that personal magical practices tend to work better when we don't share what we're doing with other people. Outside energies/reactions to how you feel and what you're doing with your life can affect the results you see, so there is consolation in keeping stuff private. Perhaps you're using aquacure to stay healthy during the current pandemic situation? But if you're using it to heal other parts of yourself then you'll probably see better results if you're around people who support the healing modalities you choose - as opposed to someone who is putting it in your head that you're "taking risks."
As far as having to choose between following your beliefs and interacting with your peer group, I can relate.. as can many others here, and while it's not the easiest option, I always recommend staying true to yourself. I had to "retire" from playing live (something I've done my entire life) because I can't play vax only venues and I would have to explain that I'm unvaxxed to every promoter out there, so I just lied and said I love being in the studio sooo much that I'm never going to play live again. And my situation is not special or unique! It seems as if we're all going through this scenario in one form or another so hang in there!

kmschum wrote:
Should I begin to hide my higherside influenced self from people? Being honest about my vaccine status is making it increasingly difficult to date in my 'liberal' neck of the woods.It feels like I'm going to have to make a choice between following my beliefs (making my own decisions about health/my body) and interacting with people in my peer group (mid 20s, college educated, living near DC).
Sorry to hear, KM. I can definitely relate. Unfortunately, many of us here probably can, so you've come to the right place. I use these two questions with my buddies who "know that somethings not right" but don't/wont do anything to change:
1. How much do you know/how awake are you to the system?
2. What are you willing to do about it?
I was living in a very central, liberal city up until 2 years ago. I moved due to economic & family reason, but little did I know that the plandemic was about to happen and shift all my relationships around. I was already done giving my energy away to "friends" who were going nowhere and feeding the societal cycle, and now they were all willing to write me off as a health hazard. Needless to say, my answer to #2 changed drastically in a few months: I've gotten much more independent of the system, cut my circle down to two or three very close friends who share the same alternate perspective, and gotten comfortable with the idea of rural living. And I grew up in Vegas. So if I can do it, anyone can!
As painful as this all is, our allies are coming out of the wood works and this is our chance to create a network of people who truly understand where we are coming from. Again, I'm super sorry to hear about your break up. I just went through one myself. She was very Christian and I was super open to that. Even though I believe it to be yet another control tactic. But my reading into Sumer & research into Tarot was "darkness" to her, so we had to split. Very tough being with people who aren't aligned with you spiritually.
Anyway, take this as a blessing in disguise and perhaps pop back in from time to time. These forums have given me a lot of positive experience as I've hopped out of mainstream social media and my old social groups.
Peace be!

smaddy wrote:
I had a relationship dissolve recently due to religious difference and I'm still very upset. But I wouldn't say I believed something different just to stay in the relationship.
Same, smaddy. Hope you're getting along alright. I definitely am still licking my wounds about mine.

There has been a lot of heartbreak lately from people who don't respect others' choices. This manufactured fear is going to dissolve a lot of seemingly solid relationships. Unfortunately it's all fair. People have the right to choose who they want to be around, even if the premisces are faulty.
For the time being it will suck, but in the future where hindsight is 20/20 there may be a lot of guilty ex'es who will be crawling back, asking for forgiveness. In the meantime, give them their space 🙁
It's the people who think others don't deserve to have a choice who are in the wrong and must be stopped.

kmschum wrote:
My girlfriend of several months just broke up with me because she says we have different risk tolerances. She cited my use of the aquacure device and not getting the vaccine (I still may get it but not until I've seen how everything plays out).Your show has given me so much; My worldview is so much more rich from a spiritual perspective, and I'm overall much happier. However losing this relationship really hurts.
Should I begin to hide my higherside influenced self from people? Being honest about my vaccine status is making it increasingly difficult to date in my 'liberal' neck of the woods.
It feels like I'm going to have to make a choice between following my beliefs (making my own decisions about health/my body) and interacting with people in my peer group (mid 20s, college educated, living near DC).
My mom raised me saying one thing over and over: "Do not care about what people think about you" (not close friends or family… just "people") and it served me well.
This whole COVID thing has forced me to reevaluate a bunch of relationships… I actually broke up too. My GF was aware of all the dangers of mRNA gene therapy, but her job asked her if she was going to get jabbed or quit. She basically decided to get jabbed to keep her job and screamed at me when I told her it was insane. That was the end for me
Change is always uncomfortable, and sometimes pretty painful, but it's always positive in the long run. I'm old enough to know that from personal experience.
I'd say: stay true to yourself and get rid off the "friends" who don't actually see the real you… You will meet new people who accept you for who you are.
It will be harder in the short term, but you'll be able to look at yourself in the mirror and be happy at what you see when you're my age 😉

Man, mid 20’s? You guys break up for everything and anything. Smile Neo, you just dodged a bullet.
Don’t ever hide your convictions. Make them the reason people are drawn to you. And sure, some of the best people in your life may challenge you, but a challenge is not an ultimatum.
Nourishment and sun. Maybe some pruning and good soil. These things promote growth. Not living in a box placed on you by another.

Love how much action this post is getting!
jack_daft wrote:
Nourishment and sun. Maybe some pruning and good soil. These things promote growth.
I've always described the relationship as a garden. You gotta tend to that shit. And if you look at it from a permaculture POV, the goal should be to focus on putting good in. Not taking all the bad out and refusing its existence.
Gotta cultivate the right tools and maintain balance. Right on, Jack.

A.Lo wrote:
Love how much action this post is getting!
One way or another, almost all of us are in a similar situation. Glad to have people to commiserate with and a platform to do it on if nothing else.

Lol, we're all in some weird break up with the world.

A.Lo wrote:
Lol, we're all in some weird break up with the world.
Damn, that hits the nail on the head. Considering how much happier I ended up after my last breakup compared to how I was in the relationship--I think this is a positive sign.

A.Lo wrote:
Lol, we're all in some weird break up with the world.
Thats really a good way to describe things

Thanks for the advice everyone. I loved that breaking up with the world idea. It's funny that several people brought up religion, because she also wanted me to convert to islam. Probably a huge red flag. But a solid relationship is way more important to me than any religion.
Regarding her fear of the aquacure, she basically just thinks inhaling gas from a device you bought on the internet is sketchy. She has a degree in chemistry and actually read up on the device, so probably understands the technical details better than me.
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