Break up due to aquacure and vaccine

kmschum wrote:
My girlfriend of several months just broke up with me because she says we have different risk tolerances. She cited my use of the aquacure device and not getting the vaccine (I still may get it but not until I've seen how everything plays out).Your show has given me so much; My worldview is so much more rich from a spiritual perspective, and I'm overall much happier. However losing this relationship really hurts.
Should I begin to hide my higherside influenced self from people? Being honest about my vaccine status is making it increasingly difficult to date in my 'liberal' neck of the woods.
It feels like I'm going to have to make a choice between following my beliefs (making my own decisions about health/my body) and interacting with people in my peer group (mid 20s, college educated, living near DC).
A wise counselor once told me that in a relationship it is most important for the people to have the same values. I think you have to follow your own belief and values and honor yourself. To me, its about so much more than just hanging out with friends, its about who you want to be and how you want to live your life. If you are headed down a path where you are exploring your spirituality, looking after your own health, wouldn't it be better to make friends who are also on that path, rather than friends who only want to hang out with you if you've had an experimental vaccines?
I completely resonate with the pain you're going through..
I am going through a similar situation with my boyfriend.. we are still together but we've been going out for 2.5 yrs and ever since he got his shots I've started to feel more and more dissociated from him. Part of it is that its off-putting that he buys into the MSN so much, but also part of it is a deep worry in me of how can we ever have a life together if he believes so wholy in vaccines and especially the covid one? If we had a kid would he want to force the experimental shot on the kid too?

1heirophant wrote:
Part of it is that its off-putting that he buys into the MSN so much, but also part of it is a deep worry in me of how can we ever have a life together if he believes so wholy in vaccines and especially the covid one?
Ya I've seen a lot of relationships become stressed over the past year. Despite the pain, it can be a blessing in disguise knowing that all the truth has bubbled to the surface.
Until now, it's been very easy to coast along in relations that serve a surface level purpose. But with this major shift & division in health sovereignty, some people see it and some people don't. Which makes for a very turbulent experience.

Best thread on the boards, man.
So I got a little lawyer blood money from my crumbled relationship. I wanna throw a party for the people in this forum. Seems like resources directed toward enabling my allies.
Rent a venue where we could dance, dj and hang out. Maybe rent a few rooms for people who ain't got alotta money...
How much would somethin like that cost? Would fuckers come?
If ya were gonna do that, where would ya throw it? Need an event planner...
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote:
Km,Best thread on the boards, man.
So I got a little lawyer blood money from my crumbled relationship. I wanna throw a party for the people in this forum. Seems like resources directed toward enabling my allies.Rent a venue where we could dance, dj and hang out. Maybe rent a few rooms for people who ain't got alotta money...
How much would somethin like that cost? Would fuckers come?
If ya were gonna do that, where would ya throw it? Need an event planner...
Its a good idea. I'd go if I were in the same location as you guys...
No idea on costs though

kmschum wrote:
My girlfriend of several months just broke up with me because she says we have different risk tolerances. She cited my use of the aquacure device and not getting the vaccine (I still may get it but not until I've seen how everything plays out).Your show has given me so much; My worldview is so much more rich from a spiritual perspective, and I'm overall much happier. However losing this relationship really hurts.
Should I begin to hide my higherside influenced self from people? Being honest about my vaccine status is making it increasingly difficult to date in my 'liberal' neck of the woods.
It feels like I'm going to have to make a choice between following my beliefs (making my own decisions about health/my body) and interacting with people in my peer group (mid 20s, college educated, living near DC).
I'm sorry to hear about all of that. If it makes you feel better, I was in the same boat last year and decided to move my life to a completely new state where people are relatively more live and let live. Best thing that could've ever happened to me, but it didn't feel that way at the time.

Like many others, I'm going through exactly the same thing.
I've been with my wife for 12 years now, we have kids and previously a great relationship. She always ignored some of my more 'eccentric' habits, such as introducing a water distiller into the house. Based on what I'd listened to on THC, and other things I read, I laid out the roadmap to my wife as to what was going to happen right at the start of the plandemic. She told me I was reading too much Conspiracy Theory at the time, and that it was messing with my mind. As it started to come true and I referenced the conversations, she started saying things like 'everybody knew that was going to happen'. Interesting how the cognitive dissonance kicks in, even with someone you love as much as a spouse. Anyway, I've had her family all start making comments at me about vaccines, it has become a running argument that is difficult to avoid. I think they all think I am a nutcase now, my wife may not be all that far from a similar view. I'm still sticking to my beliefs, but Australia is slowly going to force the unvaccinated into a corner, the next big argument we're having is what am I going to do if I am forced out of work for my beliefs?
Anyway, stay with it people. Don't let them put the mark of the beast on you.
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

AlienneSlam wrote:
First of all, I'm sorry this happened to you.Personally, I find life to be much easier when I keep my THC-esque beliefs to myself. It's not ideal and feels lonely as heck sometimes, but it's less messy this way. (For me, at least.) To avoid the frustration that can accompany having to keep big parts of myself relatively secret, I often remind myself that personal magical practices tend to work better when we don't share what we're doing with other people. Outside energies/reactions to how you feel and what you're doing with your life can affect the results you see, so there is consolation in keeping stuff private. Perhaps you're using aquacure to stay healthy during the current pandemic situation? But if you're using it to heal other parts of yourself then you'll probably see better results if you're around people who support the healing modalities you choose - as opposed to someone who is putting it in your head that you're "taking risks."
As far as having to choose between following your beliefs and interacting with your peer group, I can relate.. as can many others here, and while it's not the easiest option, I always recommend staying true to yourself. I had to "retire" from playing live (something I've done my entire life) because I can't play vax only venues and I would have to explain that I'm unvaxxed to every promoter out there, so I just lied and said I love being in the studio sooo much that I'm never going to play live again. And my situation is not special or unique! It seems as if we're all going through this scenario in one form or another so hang in there!
I also keep my THC esque beliefs to myself... i have tried the 'rigorous honesty' approach you say, it is 'messy'. i have a tier system of things i share with people. meaning, i share 'some' of my beliefs with varying degrees. for example, i may tell one person i practice magic...but not disclose i believe in ETs.... one person i may disclose i believe "UFOs are 'possible'"... but not fully disclose my hardcore scifi new age world view.
i've taken the same approach to the j@b.... i've only told a select few that i havent taken it. i'm just not going to allow this shitshow to tear me apart from friends and family. but i could possibly save them? unlikely.... people have already made up their minds. little i could say would have any effect.
for some friends i tell that i had two ja@bs but won't get the boosters. i found that people are more open to hear my 'anti- booster' thoughts if they think i have had the first 2 j@bs. i also blew a dudes mind the other day when i told him i got the chinese j@b... to him, a true believer of the RNA j@bs....having the china j@b was like having no j@b.... imagine if i told him the truth...that i had no jab!

i think the vaxxers are the crazy ones, always saying they hope antivaxxers die. some people these days are really dark.

Joining the pile-on to send you some love, man.
Let me tell you what, this is the time to double down on your weird, not try to blend in. We are in this shit, and I don't envy those of our beliefs in the dating scene, but when you do find someone you jive with they are going to be on your apocalypse team.
If you're really doubtful as to whether or not to embrace the weird, I would look into Gordon White's THC episodes (and maybe his other work... his *best* apocalypse tech is in the member section). He's a little highfaluten at times, but the point is this is an attempted takeover of spirit, and what it means to be human. We can find our refuge in what it really means to be human, as beings of spirit in a community of the more than human.
Hold your head high and move on... you'll heal from this relationship. It'll sting for a while but you'll be alright. But don't give up and forget who you are for the benefit of these fucking zombies.
Now, you don't want to "spook" the zombies either. It's a good idea to hold your weird cards close enough to your chest to avoid having to have pointless debates all the time. But keep the cards in your hand. Find a corner of your life where you can be ALL the things you are, and keep that flame burning.
For me, when I was trying to figure this stuff out for myself, it was Podcasts. I knew that I didn't want to lose touch with that part of myself. Listening to Gordon or Greg while mussing through my job in the Sleeping World helped me do that. And eventually I found some IRL weirdos who were hip as well, but that took some time.
As you can see, there's a lot of support out there. We're here for you man!

On CRROW777 Podcast #393 “Goodbye Germ Theory” William TREBING said:
“This is a genocide event. They want a few 1,000 in control with a total global population of about 500,000 (maybe 750,000). There will then be automaton slaves who will serve them in a pyramid hierarchy that you see on the back of every dollar bill with the All Seeing Eye up top. And with everybody else; all the managers below, then the managers below, then the managers below. Then we have the Hunger Games population, then we have the serfdom population... That's their end game and their end goal...
To discount them as stupid is the biggest mistake anybody can make. This is a war - dark against light. One of the biggest errors you can make, which is right out of the Art of War from Lao Tzu, is to underestimate your enemy. “Never underestimate your enemy's power and then at the same time understand that your power surpasses theirs, especially when their power is dark and your power is light.”
We are beckoned at this point to persistently be in that space of God consciousness of light; more, and more, and more, to the point where you really can't even forget it if you want to survive. And you will survive if you have that light around you. But you have to reinforce it constantly with everything that's going on.
So much of what we are experiencing has to be (us) coming together as a community that God brings together - that the Infinite brings together for us. And we are all being corralled together for that purpose - to eliminate this darkness. But the only way that it's really going to work is if people come together under that consciousness, understanding that this is a battle - light versus dark.”
Stand fast in your beliefs.

So I've been almost obsessively listening to podcasts on various cults.
Currently listening to a show started by a couple who left the nxim cult. They interview people who have left cults and talk about things which have culty aspects but are not necessarily cults.
This episode made me think of people in this thread who have difference in belief from their partners/exes.
This woman talks about how her relationship with her boyfriend, how her desire to be with him lead her to join something she didn't believe in deep down. Its very interesting, because she would not challenge the things he was saying but at the same time she says in her head she wasn't on board with it. And then eventually I guess she became extremely involved..., I'm only half way through and I never heard of her before
The podcast is called 'a little bit culty' and the episode is called the breakup
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