Dark Internet / Deep Web / Tor Browser

I'm guessing you're familiar with the Dark Web subject or whatever people wanna call it. Was wondering if you've done a show on the subject and I'm just missing it in the archives or if I need to make a request for such a show. Given your stance on the preservation of a free Internet, I thought maybe you had already touched on the subject. I'm fairly new to it myself but I think it's a subject a lot of listeners would be intrigued by. The idea of using the Tor Browser to remain anonymous for whistle blowing purposes or to converse with others on subjects you normally wouldn't on the regular internet. Or how readily available drugs have become thanks to websites such as silk road and others. I don't know who a good guest would be for the topic, but would love to hear an expert in that area explain the do's and don'ts and how safe it actually is. Also if that's something the people could keep going in the event that the Internet is shut down or restricted any more than it already is. Would Love to hear your thoughts on the topic and if you ever have or will do a show about it. THANKS GREG FOR ALL YOU DO, YOUR WORK IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Oops, guess I missed episode 101 with Conrad Jaeger.

I logged on to the deep web after that episode. Nothing too exciting but there are some useful sites. Finding the sites is another story

nateg wrote: I logged on to the deep web after that episode. Nothing too exciting but there are some useful sites. Finding the sites is another story
Finding useful sites is very difficult on the deep web. Perhaps we should start a resource thread. Allow THC users to post links to onion sites they find useful. I've always tried to find conspiracy stuff but never managed to succeed.

Deep web is definitely something I'm more familiar with.
For starters, Tor itself isn't entirely secure as the nodes used could be compromised themselves. By coupling Tor with a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and/or distributed operating system like Tails, you can better ensure your anonymity. There are plenty of choices for software, but those keywords will get the curious where they want to go.
As for particular sites themselves, a typical 101 resource has been "The Hidden Wiki": https://thehiddenwiki.org/
Be aware, while some deep web traffic happens on .onion sites and the like, a great deal of it happens in IRC and encrypted chat rooms which may be impossible to access without being given proper keys.
Be safe, careful, and remember nothing is truly secure and anonymous in this day and age with enough effort and resources, but you can get infinitely closer by being smart and cautious.

Hi there. There is a great documentary that came out in the last two years on this subject. The film's website is: http://www.deepwebthemovie.com/#land . I highly recommend it.
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