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Greetings,All -
Thanks for clicking on this thread. My name is Jamie Espy & I'd like to share with you my "THC Entrepreneur " story about how I LITERALLY created something from absolutely nothing in the middle of no-where & how YOU CAN TOO!

First off, I'm not selling you anything.

Although the topic of this thread is my business,
this is NOT an info-mercial for my product.

Let's take a break from the cyber car salesman for a sec & forego any hidden agenda here.K?

Secondly, a little bio info - Male,30's (now 40) ,Gen Xer, Nature-Worshiper, gay, married, Ordained in The Church of The Latter-Day Dude & a life-long knack for creating resources from the Ether.

Lastly, It is important to know the whole story. So,if you are ready for a read,let's go-

This story begins at the end of Summer 2014 when I decided to stop TALKING ABOUT doing something and actually START DOING SOMETHING. I had grown very frustrated by the dissatisfaction of unfulfilled dreams/passions & absolutely could not TALK ABOUT IT one more f$#8cking stoned word.

My condo lease expired the next week & instead of renewing, I moved everything I owned into a storage unit & hit the road with a pocket full of cash & a determination to FIND LAND to begin whatever the hell was about to manifest.

So, you've watched Tiny House Nation & think homesteading is easy-peasy, do ya? Aaah, ya'll, it is no where near as simple as the television makes it look.

Simply finding the right land proved to be a 2 1/2 month road trip between three States - looking at property after property after property- day in and day out- city after city after city...until only finally, after feeling absolutely defeated & dejected, I began the drive of shame back home to Phoenix.

Screaming & crying & lamenting to the Universe down the I-40 for hours, I eventually stopped in Flagstaff out of sheer exhaustion AND,more importantly, to roll a giant blunt & commiserate with Puscifer &/or NIN.

Not long after sparking the tip of the RAW paper on my GIANT TAMPON of a hooter, I found myself accessing the hotel wifi to check out properties in the area. Maybe there would be something decent?

Low & Behold,
one property stood out like a pink elephant in a room of blue donkeys. Everything about it met the criteria with certain lil' personal validators (that probably wouldn't make any sense to anyone else like the lot numbers & such) let me know right then & there, my search had come to an end, but the journey JUST BEGUN! I had found MY patch of land.

Now,the driving factor behind all of this was the exact same question you are probably asking right now-

I was soooooo burned out on all the "Tony Robbins" seminars & late-night motivators & shelves of books, that a cynical malaise had begun to develop around making money or starting a business and I began to wonder if it was even possible if you didn't already have a silver spoon wedged up your ass.

It's easy to feel that way. Especially, if you do not have the benefit of an Earthly mentor.

The answer is YES, YES,YES you can if you are REAL-LY ready to get off your ass and MAKE IT HAPPEN! Is your Vision Strong Enough? IS the desire burning?
Are you ready to sacrifice boredom? Are you ready to stop being lazy? Are you tired on your current level of existence & the unsatisfactory level of your reality?

No,no,no - I'm not about to sell you on my next seminar at the Convention Center - I'm asking YOU because those were the kinds of questions I was asking/being asked at the time. THOSE are the kinds of questions that spark action. response. cause & effect. Everywhere!


After many,many tireless months of working shit jobs to buy building materials and tools AND after almost all my friends & family (quite vocally) failing to see my VISION, Green Leaf Canyon Camping Grounds
( ) began to take shape....

...1000 lbs of sand manually hauled into 16 wood-framed campsites complete with flagstone fire pits, a shower room & loft built, 1000's of hours of website design & registering with all the "Big Boys" has turned
2 acres of raw,yet well-positioned land into a $57k a season venture,so far, with last May blowing the charts up at $12,375.62!!! Stick a needle in my eye, yo!

(Update:That wasn't funny witchy bitches! And on my birthday,no less. Don't you worry. I've got you & your Lukewarm-asS ringleader right here. Keep it up & we will drown you TTwo.)

All it took was some vision, a metric-shitton of elbow grease & a regional tourist industry into the $$$billions$$$$ & waa-lah : Out of the rat race & into something...else.

Thanks for your attention. Cheers! <3, J.E.

Posted : April 12, 2018 3:00 PM
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ADDENDUM: The Biggest secret & greatest advantage of starting this (and your) business is when you incorporate, practically everything (biz-related) becomes TAX DEDUCTIBLE! Which might not sound like crap right now but just wait until you start ticking those revenue digits into the 6 figures and discover how your tax liability swells. Uncle Sam is a str8-up THUG,yo!

Fortunately, my THC+ subscription is solely for campground use;)

Posted : April 16, 2018 10:06 PM
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To give you an example of what we do around here, you can check this out,if you'd like, to laugh & hear THE HIGHERSIDE CHATS/GREG CARLWOOD shout out at 8:02 :
PART 2 & PART 3 are also available,if you're into it.

( **I confess, I am a bit PTSD about posting something I'm "not suppose to" on a public forum I enjoy & can't help but repeat this disclaimer over & over & over. Head Honchos Of Higherside, please remove this posting if it's an issue. Thank you kindly. I know you don't need me to keep telling you that, BUT, it makes me feel better somehow.=) )

Posted : April 24, 2018 5:08 PM
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The aforementioned ANDREA BARNES.

Posted : April 25, 2018 4:10 AM
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Here is a WORTHWHILE article entitled (especially #1 on his list) :

The Uncomfortable Truth About Entrepreneurship That Nobody Wants Talk About by Thomas Kouloupoulos

------------> right here .

Posted : April 25, 2018 8:35 AM
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"......Fifth: I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I will induce others to serve me, because of my willingness to serve others. I will actively eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them, and in myself."

Posted : April 29, 2018 10:15 PM
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Posted : May 5, 2018 3:38 PM
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Very #real & MY yolk-breaking.

See, why the hell would I need to steal YOURS,when I have one of my own.

*since we're now having a pissing contest,it appears.

Making 3x as much in 1/3 the time with 3/4 the effort,no less.

Just Silliness on your part,Good Sir.
Lucky for you, I play the Long Game.

Don't worry,though.
Count on me to set the record straight.

Posted : August 9, 2018 7:54 PM
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Good Luck.

Posted : August 14, 2018 4:05 PM