[Locked] Pssst, Gre...
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[Locked] Pssst, Greg, do you realize you're white?

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RE: The Ras Ben Podcast.

There was a healthy dose of White Guilt in this one, and Greg, buddy, you seem to be confused as to who your ancestors were VS the ancestors of the 'indigenous' peoples who were conquered by your ancestors.

Yes, illegal alien Mexican invaders (a tribe which you do NOT belong to) want a 'better life' for themselves...just like your ancestors who settled/colonized the American continent wanted a 'better life' for themselves--it didn't work out too well for the 'indigenous' peoples though, did it?

You'd do well to keep this straight in your hippy stoner head, bro...


Posted : September 7, 2019 11:36 PM
Posts: 102
Estimable Member

I don’t know, man. White guilt is something that is supposed to be felt by a person when confronted with the actions of their ancestors. It appears from your comment that it is an objective reality that must be acknowledged before conversation can begin.

I’m not disputing your points, which are valid, but I just don’t know that this podcast should be an avenue for polarizing political correctness.

I think the fact that Greg doesn’t openly laugh at a majority of his guests assertions is proof enough of his character and consideration.

Posted : September 11, 2019 9:43 PM
Posts: 273
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jack_daft wrote: I don’t know, man. White guilt is something that is supposed to be felt by a person when confronted with the actions of their ancestors. It appears from your comment that it is an objective reality that must be acknowledged before conversation can begin.

I’m not disputing your points, which are valid, but I just don’t know that this podcast should be an avenue for polarizing political correctness.

I think the fact that Greg doesn’t openly laugh at a majority of his guests assertions is proof enough of his character and consideration.

There seems to be a complete inability on the part of many younger white people to recognize that their interests & those of non-whites who want "payback" for perceived historical wrongs are NOT compatible.

See South Africa for a potential glimpse into a future where non-whites use political power to "get even" w/white folks.


Posted : September 13, 2019 12:37 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

The fucking lulz.

Posted : September 13, 2019 11:00 PM
Posts: 102
Estimable Member

hisich wrote: There seems to be a complete inability on the part of many younger white people to recognize that their interests & those of non-whites who want "payback" for perceived historical wrongs are NOT compatible.

See South Africa for a potential glimpse into a future where non-whites use political power to "get even" w/white folks.

Self interests are seldom compatible. I just don’t feel like the continuous debate of culpability and entitlement is working. Authentically, what we should expect from all involved is unconditional acknowledgement. Empathy, and creation of a path forward which may, or may not, include opening a lane for the disenfranchised to access in an effort to bypass countless generations of outright atrocity, or at the very least privileged indifference.

The finer points need to be hammered out by craftsman far more skilled than myself.

Successful resolution must involve the investment of all parties..as force, or coercion, is what got us in this problem to begin with.

Posted : September 19, 2019 10:47 PM
Posts: 1026
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Posted : September 20, 2019 12:39 AM
Posts: 16
Eminent Member

White guilt is a psyop from the powers that be.

Posted : October 5, 2019 10:41 PM