Moon Landing
Alright. I guess I'll throw a question or two out here for you, Greg. What's your take on man landing on the moon? Have we or haven't we? It seems everyone has their own pet theory on the Apollo missions: we went exactly as shown to us by NASA, we went but not the way NASA says, etc. BTW, I thought Chris Knowles' joint Soviet-US one-time moon trip theory was pretty interesting, I'd definitely not heard that one before. Did he happen to say what he thought they might have found when they got there (assuming he thinks they managed to get there)?
Editing to add a remark about Marcus Allen. Not the former running back, but the British fellow who's got several YouTube interviews out there about why he thinks the NASA moon photos are faked. He's a bit dry as an interviewee, but his info is pretty interesting. According to Allen, the Hasselblad cameras the astronauts used didn't have a viewfinder so the astronauts would have had to focus "blind" essentially (not to mention having to set exposure manually too). If what Allen says it true, that pretty much nails it for me that, at the very least, the moon photos were faked.
Sweet, I'll talk about the moon landings...but you totally jogged my memory about a THC I pretty much had forgotten about, Markus Allen!
Hah! Nice! Thanks, man!
Edit: I guess there's two Markus (Marcus) Allens out there in the "alt" world. The one I mentioned is the guy here: (I grabbed a random video; there are quite a few to choose from.) But I haven't heard the Markus Allen you interviewed, so I'm having a listen now. Thanks!
This is a great video trying to explain the final moon landing, return to earth. The presenter is called 'Paul SHILLito'
although i can't quite tell if He is joking/ being sarcastic.?
I think it's plausible that we went to the moon, but pretaped all the video and audio in case 1, there were others up there that they thought needed to be kept secret. And 2, in case of mission failure, they would be able to have the superiority they were racing for. At least for that first landing. I haven't really looked all that deeply into some of the higher resolution footage of the manned rover.
TheCarlwood wrote: Sweet, I'll talk about the moon landings...but you totally jogged my memory about a THC I pretty much had forgotten about, Markus Allen!
My opinion is that Dave McGowan's 'Wagging the Moondoggie' series was the best refutation of the Apollo program.
For anyone who studies it in detail, particularly if you have a strong background in physics or optics, you soon learn that the Apollo moon landings were a complete and utter hoax. The astronauts were put into low earth orbit well below the start of the Van Allen belts. This is not the place to build a case for it. However, in my opinion, the USA and possibly other countries had gone to the moon using electrogravitic propulsion with alien reproduction vehicles, probably as early as the 1950's and definitely well before the first Apollo "mission." This could not be disclosed publicly for a variety of reasons, not the least of which would have been the destruction of the fossil fuel monopolies run by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. From my research the moon is a very busy place with bases, both active and ancient of many galactic species. While it was originally a natural body in a different star system, it was converted ages ago into an interstellar ship and parked in orbit. There are several very ancient legends which start "many years ago before the Moon was in the sky..........."
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