Request for u Greg

I listened to the podcast where u have your reasons for switching to “friggin”, and I get it. I really do.
I propose a solution, IF possible:
*Please record it with “fuckin” for the higherside chat plus listeners.
*It’s sentimental for me really. It may seem strange, but it takes me back to when I first stumbled across your podcast. Which, btw is THE BEST HANDS DOWN!!! I feel like we are all learning these things together. You further enlighten us with your intreging interviews, and allow us to be a part of your journey. Don’t change a thing, Greg!
….. Except friggin to fuckin, lol

Who's with me?
No body?

I am 100% with you. When I hear Greg say "your fuckin' move" it energizes me because he shows us he is claiming his freedom.

Although not THAT important - I agree. Sometimes it just feels good, vindicating, encouraging, releasing, loving and appropriate to say fucking! Friggin' just sounds/feels pent up. Either way, it's all good though! Thank you for doing what you do!

GREG YOU ROCK!!! Thanx so much!!! One happy podcaster here!!! 😉

It's Greg fuckin'move?

Oops I mean ☺

Greg i would really like to know if you you were going to the free your mind this year?
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