The Contagion Myth

I'm looking forward to the live streaming with Sally Fallon Morell.
I pre-ordered the "The Contagion Myth" Kindle on Amazon.
Yesterday, I got an email from Amazon notifying me the my order was canceled, but I could see the Hard Cover format still available. "The release of the item in the order below has been canceled by the publisher and we have canceled your pre-order."
Today, the book is completely missing from Amazon.
I was able to find the ebook available from another publisher.
What's going on?
Amazon censorship?

Yes, Amazon censorship. I've pre-ordered mine on Barnes & Noble. So far, so good.

Hey guys. New to the forum. When and where will we be able to listen to the live Q&A with Sally Fallon Morell? Thanks.

geosurfer wrote: Hey guys. New to the forum. When and where will we be able to listen to the live Q&A with Sally Fallon Morell? Thanks.
Go to main site PLUS / THC+ bonus content / scroll down to : Plus Only Interviews w/ Greg Carlwood / last of 4

If anyone is attending the Wise Traditions conference in Atlanta and is interested in sharing an Air Bnb near the conference center, please reach out to me. One other higersider and myself are already getting one together and wanted to see if anyone else was interested. Text me at 70757271zero2

I'm halfway in the book, and I'm blown away by what the content and the way it makes its case.
Some of the highlights for me was:
- Addressing the contradictions of the germ-theory in multiple researches (in effect exposing the "contagion" myth), including the recent story of Dr Stefan Lanka who won by appeal at the Supreme Court for his "I'll give you 100,000€ if you can prove the measles virus exists" challenge.
- Exosomes theory: making the case that what we call viruses that spread out to others, are actually cellular processes emerging to fight against environmental toxins, technicians of cells that are beneficial and alerting other cells of toxins.
- The proper ways of separating, and categorizing viruses and cell materials. Authors do a great job at illustrating how viral analysis is done (or is supposed to be done), and how Koch's postulates are basically ignored by the whole field of research (in other words, it's a cult). The manipulation of cycles in covid PCR tests basically allows you to define the "resolution" of the test, so you can manipulate rates of infection.
Last but not least, the PCR test detects toxins, and not the actual virus, which result from many factors, including poor diet, lack of sleep, stress, EMF radiation.
- EZ Water: I love any reference the Dr Gerald Pollack's research on EZ Water, aka Fourth State of Water. Authors reference research that WiFi affects the EZ (exclusion zone) of water, diminishing the latter by 15%. Since EZ is what makes the cell a battery, this points to a drainage of our body's batteries due to microwave interferences (which are likely to be even more affected by the 5G microwave spectrum)
It also mentioned something about lipids (fats) protecting against radiations, acting as a sort of buffer. I wondered if that's a "plus" for my extra layers:p
- The vegetable oil theory: This ones comes a bit synchronistically, as I've heard of multiple sources about the ills of vegetable oils in our modern diets. I was not familiar with it and I need to look into it more closely (I'm a sucker for oils!)
Anyways, the book is highly recommended, and there's tons of fascinating parts that would be too long to write here. The book's available at a few places. Do check out their Youtube Page as well 😉
PS: links/sources are mine and not from the books necessarily

idefix wrote: Go to main site PLUS / THC+ bonus content / scroll down to : Plus Only Interviews w/ Greg Carlwood / last of 4
Hey, I'm looking for this also but it's not there. Perhaps somewhere else or removed?

about this i have a question not sure if it comes up in the book or no. i had a apifiny this friday from nowhere
vaccine's have poisens in them to start a war with you'r body when injecting them. The vaccine makers says its to start the immunal respons to the virus.
So they know if u just put the virus in u nothing happens? and thats why vaccine couses problem becouse u need poisens to make them work with the virus, so its not the virus making people sick its the poisens.
but then again there is reports of people getting polio of the live polio vaccine in africa. i have not lookt in to that if they also have one or more poisons in that vaccin to kick start the immunal respons
if this is the case, they know if u put just the virus in to a person nothing happens, therefore u need one or more poisens to get a respons and make antibodys. so virus it self don't do shit

A little off topic but not by much: Clearly there is something to be said about electrification and radiation of the planet. We all know (assuming) that satellites from SpaceX and Amazon’s networks are continuously being thrown into orbit. Does anyone know if there is a way to track satellite activity, such as, which ones are active, and where satellites are currently positioned to see if there is a correlation with the rise of Covid cases? Or track the launches or a chronological record of when the satellites are turning on/sending/receiving data? Is there an organization that tracks everything in earth’s orbit? Frustrating to see the collective masses not pay any attention to the harm of electricity from all current communication technologies but listen to the government’s/cabal’s bs.
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