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5G Technology: Information and Risks

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Hey THCs,

I've been hearing more frequently about the risks associated with 5G Cellphone networks lately. It's as if there's no shortage of things to worry about: Phones onwards will have facial scans, next they'll keep us in check via direct phone-brain interlink. But I digress.
I know Greg did an interview with Anthony Patch where they touched upon it. Personally, I don't know too much about it, but here's a few things that's been talked about: High-frequency EMF (30-300GHZ band) causes severe health risks, including but not limited to harming DNA processes in the body, as well psychotronic-like use for mind manipulation. Also, the logistics aspect, with the deployment of many, small cell towers that will be attached to buildings to relay the signal, seems quite disturbing.
Of course, the usual arguments in favour of this technology are the same as before: mainly, faster network speeds (in the gigabits per second range, or "ten times 4G speeds") and support for ubiquitous IoT (Internet of Things). (link)

I wanted to use this thread as a gathering place for information that can give us more clues on this technology, ultimately enabling us to get a clearer picture of what's in store. So feel free to post links and sources. Cheers!

I'm posting below a talk given by a Danish researcher Mads Wedel-Ibsen at the latest Open Mind Conference (2017) in Copenhagen. He sheds some light on 5G Technology.

Mads Wedel-Ibsen - 5G Technology


THC Interview with Anthony Patch (9/15/2017):

Something Greg alluded to in a previous episode: Federation of Scientists on the hazards of Wireless Tech. Gives me faith to the world.

EDIT: I don't check TED often, but every once in a while, there are gems. And although it may look unrelated, I'm posting it here.
Tristan Harris: How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds everyday.

Posted : September 28, 2017 11:16 PM
Posts: 37
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That TED presentation is very interesting and important. Thanks for sharing!

Posted : September 29, 2017 6:58 PM
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Awesome post enjoypolo! And great excerpts from Dr. Becker Shamangineer! It's pretty clear something has already been happening that will only amplify as time goes on. The biggest question is what can we do about it? The scientists for wired tech movement seems like a great start. Unplugging your router at night probably helps. But what else can we do? Maybe there are natural defenses we can strengthen that may help. Any thoughts?

Posted : September 30, 2017 12:38 AM
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Thanks Shamangineer for the link. It all seems to point towards an increase in cortisol levels when under EMF pulses. God knows what our environment looks like now if we could see those EMFs in the wild. From my personal experience, I can clearly say that I do get anxious and run on auto-pilot when browsing on my phone/laptop sometimes. But one thing strikes me, and that while these effects may control us unconsciously, we can, or may, overcome these symptoms by being consciously aware of our sensations in the body. It's my guess that, practices like meditation to bring back a state of calm within ourselves might be one way to de-entrain with the EMF smog, and harmonize with the natural environment. The other thing to do as mentioned is reducing exposure, which is easier said than done, especially if you live in a city.
One last thing I think I should mention, are these stickers that I've seen being sold at some craft fairs. there are many variants (orgonite stickers and such), I wonder if anyone has tried them. I may get one myself next time I see one. Peace.

Posted : October 5, 2017 5:32 PM
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Make your own orgonite, there are some good online guides on how to do so, my favorite combo is finding a good deal on brass leaf on ebay every now and again (it can be expensive otherwise) and mixing it with the brown epoxy from home depot, it gets nice and hard, add quartz crystal, various stones, copper, aluminum chips, ect. Look up what is used for different effects in guides. For instance pyrite is good for boosting effects and clearing stagnant orgone.


I've also bought pendants off etsy to mold orgonite onto. By making your own molds out of packing tape, the adhesive acts as a release agent and minitature landscapes can be made for pewter (lead free!) figurines, making a orgonite sculpture fairly easily. Large shells off Ebay work well if you find a stand to sit them on and fill it with orgonite, these marine sculptures have the added benefit of having the golden ratio built into their structure. I have had good luck with using silicone soap molds for small sculpted pieces of orgonite as well.


Posted : October 7, 2017 10:11 PM
Posts: 3
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Orgonite is great for the EMFs. What's important is that the orgonite doesn't change the electromagnetic radiation per se. Orgonite changes the underlying negative Orgone energy (Chi, Prana, Life Force, Deadly Orgone Radiation) that the electronic devices and wireless technology produce, into healthy Positive Orgone Radiation. If someone would like to dive into the subject I recently published a guide to orgonite here.

A few years back artist Nickolay Lamm released a series of illustrations how the US cities would look like if the EMFs would be visible to human eye. The below illustration is from here.

Here's a video of Barrie Trower. Probably not for the faint-hearted.


"RESONANCE - Beings of Frequency" - a good documentary about the man made wireless frequencies.


Here is a presentation by Jeromy Johnson at TEDxBerkeley


Posted : October 10, 2017 6:43 PM
Posts: 4
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great links and info, thanks for posting all this. i have gone totally wired and have my phone on airplane mode at home. use land line whenever possible. no bluetooth. one thing i did notice when i did all this, i started dreaming again. i went for many years (with wireless and cell phone on) not having a single dream i could remember. smart meters are an issue too. where i live in ny, analog meters are not allowed by the public safety commission or whatever they call themselves (war is peace!). there are ways to mitigate this, but no one can totally escape emf. it's safe to say, anything "smart" is dangerous.

Posted : October 20, 2017 12:22 AM
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Thanks for all the links! Great to see a recent episode on it on THC as well.
For all iPhone users, I noticed in their latest major update, iOS 11, airplane mode works a bit differently.
1) Where it used to disable all wireless signal (Cellular, Wifi & Bluetooth), Airplane Mode now disconnects Wifi & Bluetooth accessories, but does NOT disable neither. What's a little creepier still, both Wifi & Bluetooth will automatically toggle on at 5AM the next day.
Not surprinsigly, Apple's defense is justifying user-experience over any health concerns here. The post above by glenvet mentions dreams being enhanced, and I wonder if there might be a deeper agenda behind automatically toggling radio signals at 5AM.
Needless to say, this is one of the worst updates.

Posted : October 22, 2017 7:24 PM
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I digress a bit off-topic here, but it relates to the new safety guidelines issued by the california health department:

Amongst other things:
“When you sleep, you keep the cellphone at least arm’s length away from your body. And also, not carrying your cellphone in your pocket, having it either in your purse or not carrying it with you.The research suggests cellphones could increase our risk for brain cancer and tumors, low sperm count, headaches, as well as impaired memory, hearing, and sleep.

Dr. Joel Moskowitz at UC Berkeley said, “Currently we’re not doing a good job in regulating radiation from these devices. In fact, we’re doing an abysmal job.”

I'm not sure how it will unfold, or simply vanish in the shadowy alleys.

Posted : December 17, 2017 11:49 PM
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I was scrolling through the web, and I can't verify whether it's 100% accurate, but food for thought on the slow, but steady roll-out of 5G. This one at The Hague in the Netherlands:



Posted : November 11, 2018 8:19 PM
Posts: 318
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shamangineer wrote: Make your own orgonite

Hi Shamangineer,

would love to get your opinion on James DeMeo! Most orgonite devotees are strictly advocates, and get a bit huffy when challenged.

somehow I feel like there is a lot of nuance missing from the implementation / usage.

I've made orgonite in the past, and I can see it's definitely having an effect, and some weird shit too (icicles forming reaching UP to the orgonite on top of the fridge, for e.g.) . I just feel like half the manual is missing in terms of proper use of the stuff.

I still struggle with the idea that tossing a lil muffin of orgonite is going to have any effect on a freaking giant cell tower.

would really appreciate your thoughts!

Posted : November 15, 2018 2:21 AM
Posts: 1023
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Well I do have an opinion on Dr. DeMeo, I think he is an acolyte of Reich in that he seems to think that Reich is the end all and be all of etheric technology. While he has made valuable contributions in this respect, I believe he also holds himself back, and he can be a bit of an ass in some of his writings.

Case in point: I am a bit surprised that the orgonite people tend to be advocates of him as he certainly does not think much of them.

As far as orgonite goes and his opinion of it I have no idea why he is such a wet steel-wool blanket. Then again as far as the orgonite advocates research I have no idea how intensity or range of effect has been determined either. What I do know is that Reich (orgone box), Von Reichenbach (odic vats), and the Russian torsion researchers all found that alternating materials with metallic and organic bonds creates a flow of ether (however they wish to describe this) and that the metal attracts and then repels the ether with the organic portion acting as a buffer. So Reich's blankets and boxes and the orgonite both act on the same principles. Theoretically the orgonite would be more effecient per unit volume given the number of layers and it is definitely easier to construct, but the Reich versions tend to be larger. The difficulty with the Reich version is that it only concentrates the surrounding ether polarity so in today's etherically polluted environment it would probably make you sicker unless you were living in one of the sections of the Amazon that haven't been clear-cut yet. Orgonite's crystal content (especially quartz) is intended to change negative etheric polairty to positive etheric polarity and in the case of other crystals provide different "flavors" of etheric energy.

With regard to the intensity of the orgonite, I have a feeling that the advocates overstate the effect. In my experience it is probably somewhere between what they and Dr. DeMeo claim. The advocates say on the order of two miles for a muffin-sized bit and he would say two inches and that a well-timed fart has greater etheric potency. I want to make a orgonite chamber some day and see if I can get a glow as Riech did, as that would be a pretty good test.

Obviously I believe that orgonite is effective, but I tend to sit a bit more in the middle of the spectrum on how much it does, and I am more than willing to modify my stance with further evidence.

Posted : November 16, 2018 2:55 AM
Posts: 318
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Thank you for your reasoned reply!

Yeah, he comes across as a bit of a jerk, but he's also obviously very invested in his research. I was thinking specifically about his comments about leaving CB's running 24/7. (and only being operated by 'unarmoured' individuals. Good luck with that!)

I initially got really interesting results with my CB, and have pix of a very clear vortex forming, but then after a while, the effects seem to wane, or just get weird.

Posted : November 16, 2018 3:06 AM
Posts: 318
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I just realised I maybe sidetracking the original thread a bit too much, so wanted to add a few useful links.




I care a lot about this, as we now have 5g transmitters ALL OVER my local area. They have been lashed very poorly into the existing (aging) power pole infrastructure. I personally have 3 on the pole outside my house. The wiring is a hot mess. The sheer amount of cabling each box requires gives you an insight into the power / data that these suckers are receiving & transmitting.

Unlike the large cell towers, there was NO notification to local residents, nor consent sought. All we were told is that the power was going down for a day to install 'bushfire protection devices' and then boom, 5g mini cells EVERYWHERE.

It took a lot of digging to even work out what I was looking at, as these devices are unmarked.

Posted : November 16, 2018 3:27 AM
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