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5G Technology: Information and Risks

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The only options I have found are A) Faraday your bedroom B) Live underground or C) create orgonite. I have found the latter to be the easiest option. I wear a wafer sized bit on an amulet all day and there are bits near all the electronics around the house. I tend to use the hard brown resin from the local hardware store, quartz crystals or sand, and brass leaf for smaller items with aluminum shavings for larger ones. I made an uncle a sculpture and filled a large sea shell I got off ebay to lend shape-based flow by getting the resin in the curly bit. I made another one out of amber resin, semi-precious stones, and brass leaf with some younger amber pieces to help keep it from shattering, but it's still rather brittle. I might embed it in clear epoxy when I get around to it.

Posted : November 17, 2018 2:02 AM
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It seems as though this Huawei-US feud isn't stopping anytime soon. My question is, having read Elana Freeland's book on the Space-Fence program that details the use 5G for nefarious uses, why would the US-MIC reject the Chinese plans to basically do their deeds? Aren't they (PRC) doing the same as the US-MIC? It seems to me that there is an intrigue behind this. I guess it could all just be smokes-and-mirror as well.

Meanwhile, 5G is smoothly rolling out.

Posted : November 28, 2018 7:02 PM
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So I just finished wrapping up a review of a book on Li-Fi the other day, and explaining the (huge) benefits over any radio-wave-based technology. And once again, the synchronicity hits with RT America doing a segment on the dangers of 5G.
Very grateful, that this is getting more and more mainstream attention.


Posted : January 15, 2019 3:35 AM
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Posted : January 15, 2019 2:20 PM
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"...The National Toxicology Program (NTP) concluded there is clear evidence that male rats exposed to high levels of radio frequency radiation (RFR) like that used in 2G and 3G cell phones developed cancerous heart tumors, according to final reports released today. There was also some evidence of tumors in the brain and adrenal gland of exposed male rats. For female rats, and male and female mice, the evidence was equivocal as to whether cancers observed were associated with exposure to RFR. The final reports represent the consensus of NTP and a panel of external scientific experts who reviewed the studies in March after draft reports were issued in February."


Posted : January 17, 2019 12:01 PM
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PureLiFi will be announcing their new LiFi integrated phones at the WMC at the end of the month.
Very excited for this announcement, even though it'll be mostly technical proof-of-concept.
Much more exciting at least, than Samsung's two-phone-sandwich priced at $2K

EDIT: Seems like Mr Trump is already thinking about the "6G".. sighs.

Posted : February 21, 2019 10:52 PM
Posts: 9
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shamangineer wrote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2YbEKOjuu0

Here it's said that the Scalar (longitudal) waves are the damaging component of wireless communication yet it's said that Telsa used Scalar waves and they had a healing effect thus devices such as Telsa Shield etc of which I have no experience of. Can anyone shed any light on this or point me in the right direction to read more?

Posted : March 1, 2019 12:02 PM
Posts: 318
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dannix wrote: Here it's said that the Scalar (longitudal) waves are the damaging component of wireless communication yet it's said that Telsa used Scalar waves and they had a healing effect thus devices such as Telsa Shield etc of which I have no experience of. Can anyone shed any light on this or point me in the right direction to read more?

I'm in the middle of reading Susan Joy Rennisons book and she also mentions Scalar waves. She believes they are healing and can nullify the effects of the 5g waveforms. She also claims that you can entrain your personal electromagnetic body (the subtle / etheric body) to set up your own scalar waves to protect you from the incoming space weather.

I personally haven't come to a conclusion on any of this stuff, but a lot of people are saying scalar waves can be protective, but are hugely powerful, and misused, can be massively destructive.

Posted : March 1, 2019 10:29 PM
Posts: 9
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rani wrote: I'm in the middle of reading Susan Joy Rennisons book and she also mentions Scalar waves. She believes they are healing and can nullify the effects of the 5g waveforms. She also claims that you can entrain your personal electromagnetic body (the subtle / etheric body) to set up your own scalar waves to protect you from the incoming space weather.

I personally haven't come to a conclusion on any of this stuff, but a lot of people are saying scalar waves can be protective, but are hugely powerful, and misused, can be massively destructive.

If wave type alone isn't healing must be the frequency of scalar, if the body can be trained to perfom this too it suggests a low hundereds/thousands of Hz. Any numbers been seen? I've heard of shuman, then there are the crystals thats are said to be healing and happen to be another vibrating medium.

I've watched some of the vids above and now need to understand exactly what is pulsed waves. If you would recommend the book let us know.

Posted : March 2, 2019 11:29 AM
Posts: 1026
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dannix wrote: Here it's said that the Scalar (longitudal) waves are the damaging component of wireless communication yet it's said that Telsa used Scalar waves and they had a healing effect thus devices such as Telsa Shield etc of which I have no experience of. Can anyone shed any light on this or point me in the right direction to read more?

Rani and Dannix are right, it has to do with the type of signal in the waveform. Low frequencies 0-30hz are the most beneficial with PEMF, but I am unsure about specific frequencies of longitudinal scalar waves. I know Reich said there was POR and DOR or positive and negative orgone energy and cellphones (high frequency signals whose frequency are determined by carrier and phone) are said to emit DOR orgone energy. Reich said that the DOR condition was due to overexciting the ether which resulted in a loss of elasticity, like overworking a rubber band. How that quality translates into a quantity of pulses per second I do not know for sure. Prof. Meyl would probably be able to answer.

Posted : March 2, 2019 3:21 PM
Posts: 318
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I would 100% recommend Susan Rennison's book. It is a very thorough resource from a physics and a metaphysics perspective, so it should have something for everyone.

The way she talks about scalar waves is that two EM waves of the same magnitude but of OPPOSITE waveforms overlay each other to create a scalar wave. So the peak of one wave 'sits atop' the trough of another wave making one smooth flow. Essentially the ups and downs of the wave get smoothed out into a long tube (sorry, it would make more sense if I could draw a picture of it).

Mathmatically, the two waveforms 'cancel' each other out, which is why modern physics just ignores it to make simpler equations. The analogy Susan gives is two elephants going head to head, essentially the force of each 'cancels' the other one out, but you wouldn't want to be standing in between them.

From her explanation, I don't think the magnitude of the wave matters, just that both are equal. She claims shamans and healers are able to resonate with the frequency of the earth and are able to project this onto a client to stabilise their EM fields for healing effects.

She refers to Dr. Valerie Hunt, emeritus professor of Physiological Science at UCLA, as an expert in biofield healing.





Sing, be in nature, eat living food and get yourself a dog : )

Posted : March 10, 2019 10:16 PM
Posts: 318
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Hey shamangineer, check out the second video - about 4.30 in, the woman is meditating. The EM field she is radiating from her head looks A LOT like the kirilian photo of the bosnian pyramid that you posted.

Posted : March 10, 2019 10:22 PM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

Oh and check this out the teslar watch which claims to cancel out EMF fields, I guess by generating a scalar wave.

"TESLAR Watch, created using Teslar Technology, comes from an identified need to protect people from dangers of man-made electromagnetic fields that more and more emerge from electromagnetic-based technology."

Watch the video closely, and the tech inside is claimed ' ELF Nanotech technology made in the USA with Quantum technology'. All the links from the site bottom out to a defunct company that was listed in Florida, or a nothing webpage calling itself 'ELF cocoon'

But here's the kicker - according to Susan Rennison, the original Teslar watch was designed by Andreja Puharich

Posted : March 10, 2019 11:40 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

I like this guy's take on things.

Interesting bit on 5g, point clouds, electromagnetic mapping for cloaked things. Possible archon detection in real time.


Posted : March 11, 2019 2:30 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

So taking bets on what shady shit Ajit Pai would do if the FCC has to investigate 5G. . .


Posted : March 13, 2019 5:02 AM
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