Bullshit Jobs

shamangineer wrote: Gave myself a tarot reading, and it came up pretty good. It basically says that I will be ok.
The spread:
1) me; the ace of cups. Healing, peace, and love.
2) something from the past; 6 of wands. Achievement through teamwork.
3) other important information; wheel of fortune. A change of fortune.
4) the present situation; 9 of wands. Making a last stand.
5) the main obstacle; ace of wands. Drive, will, enterprise.
6) the immediate future; 9 of pentacles. Wealth, security, independence.
7) the probable outcome; 10 of pentacles. Stability, security, balance.
That's so great to hear, man. Great move seeking divination for guidance too!
For once, their propaganda is right:

Well I had my meeting with HR and I am not on an improvement plan, but management review under a new manager. I think this is essentially because they must not have had enough verified information to proceed with an improvement plan. I was told if I get through that I would get a retroactive raise otherwise I would have to go on an improvement plan. It is the third day and already the heat is turning up. I'm thinking I should start looking, the whole atmosphere is so rotten. I also definitely get the impression that I have a target on my back from the VP.
The whole place frankly sounds like the wheels are about to come off, they have tied our performance for the next year to releasing half a dozen new products when typically this is a multi-year process.
With regards to my reading, I am not sure if I am meant to keep working here, I can't really see how there could be any real security here. But I did another and it came up saying I was in for security and wealth, so who knows what's going on at this point. When I have done readings related to work here before it's always a bit difficult to interpret in the moment, but has proven accurate in retrospect as black swans find their roost.

Long time listener/lurker, but for whatever reason, your professional travails have inspired me to emerge from the shadows @shamangineer . As a fellow bullshit job-haver, I must say that your experience resonates with me at a high vibrational energy level.
Engineering background, but in a more business role, had my first two "dream-ish" jobs upended by management dysfunction and Peter Principle Poster Children whose incompetence and ineffectiveness lead to a mass diaspora of talent. In corporate settings, as you've pointed out before, the crippling weight of unnecessary and ineffectual middle-management puts the individual contributor at risk since we bear all the responsibility for day-to-day results, making it only a matter of time until we are scapegoated by an opportunistic, dickheaded VP or Director.
Understood bullshit jobs put food on the table and make pondering the deeper questions in life possible, you owe nothing to your employer, as they certainly see you as an "at will" employee. It's time to get out of there, brother, as I can attest to the severe emotional drain felt when each day showing up to the same shitty office feels like borrowed time. Obviously you don't just up an resign, that's what they would prefer you to do, instead you should look at how you can extract as much value from your current employer to give you the time/money to properly search for the next job. What's to stop you from spending however many months left there looking for the next job while on the clock? Assuming your specialty isn't so narrow that opportunities are limited, this is one of the strongest job markets we've ever seen for technical types, so it could be a great opportunity for a slight cash windfall. Is it possible they would lay you off and give you severance? If they actually try to fire you under the dubious circumstances you mentioned, their may even be a discrimination lawsuit on your hands.
I can attest to how much greener grass is on the other side. Working for a small company in a similar role has been a liberating experience-- all the good stuff of the other jobs, none of the bullshit. If not for the misfortune of my previous jobs going South, I wouldn't have known what to seek out in the next role to make me happy, but sure enough I think I found it.
Anyways, just hoping to offer some encouragement as I know how shitty it is to be in your position, but how liberating it can be to make it through to the other side. Looking forward to some positive updates in the future, bud!
Also--Let me just say that the Aether Theory, Ancient Alchemy & Ormus episode is one of my all time favorites followed closely by the Engineered Abundance episodes. The densely researched and cited episodes are far preferred to a YouTuber talking out their ass for 2 hours, looking forward to the next one!

I have worked for several small companies in the past, but couldn't manage to find ones that lasted or could compete on pay. If you find the wrong one you can be micromanaged and harangued to a degree unfathomable in a larger company.
Thanks for your vote of confidence, I always try to provide the best information I can.

In defense of bullshit jobs, I've noticed that they can provide a legitimate target for hostile other-directed energies in the self -- and therefore in a broadened scope, a way of redirecting these bad energies and their associated emotions away from family and friends, and onto the assholes you work with. The dark side of this arrangement becomes clear after retirement -- if you manage to live that long. I've had friends who turned mean in their golden years because the old punching bag in their life, the hated job, was no longer theirs to whale on. Of course, if you suffer from an excess of hostile other-directed activity on a daily basis, you may wish to ask why, and deal with it, before rushing out to take a job you hate.

This video points out that the popularity of The Office is tied to the rise of bullshit jobs:

I think one reason why his stuff resonates is that due to the rise in bullshit jobs and corporate culture the total bullshit reserves are running at an all-time high. This leads to knock on bullshit in roles that have real functional aspects. Since shit flows downhill they become inundated with the bullshit decisions and most of their job becomes an effort in telling people what they want to hear. Coping with having terrible decision after terrible decision made about how you are to do your work means most people have to BS to one degree or another to keep their jobs. In this way many people end up becoming BS vendors even when they are tasked with objective work.

From the mouth of Trussell:

shamangineer wrote: Gave myself a tarot reading, and it came up pretty good. It basically says that I will be ok.
The spread:
1) me; the ace of cups. Healing, peace, and love.
2) something from the past; 6 of wands. Achievement through teamwork.
3) other important information; wheel of fortune. A change of fortune.
4) the present situation; 9 of wands. Making a last stand.
5) the main obstacle; ace of wands. Drive, will, enterprise.
6) the immediate future; 9 of pentacles. Wealth, security, independence.
7) the probable outcome; 10 of pentacles. Stability, security, balance.
Well with regard to my job I seem to have been cleared, but without closure. I am working in collaboration with the automation group at work with me likely being able to join them in a few months if I want to. I haven't had my review from last year closed or any back-pay for a raise as promised. I'll let that drag out a little longer until it is completely ridiculous before bringing it up. The hopes is they will be so embarrassed they will give me a decent raise to keep their pathetic negligence on the DL. Right now they seem to just hope ignoring things will mean they won't have to address anything or pay me. Typical corporate crap.

shamangineer wrote: Well with regard to my job I seem to have been cleared, but without closure. I am working in collaboration with the automation group at work with me likely being able to join them in a few months if I want to. I haven't had my review from last year closed or any back-pay for a raise as promised. I'll let that drag out a little longer until it is completely ridiculous before bringing it up. The hopes is they will be so embarrassed they will give me a decent raise to keep their pathetic negligence on the DL. Right now they seem to just hope ignoring things will mean they won't have to address anything or pay me. Typical corporate crap.
Stay vigilant, brother! From experience, personal advocacy is the way to truly get what you want. If they don't value your contributions and prefer you keep quiet, take every possible opportunity to advertise what it is that you've done/are doing to further the enterprise. Sure some tact is required, but it seems like you're playing into their hand by laying low and allowing them to believe no corrective action is necessary. Of course the rotating door of corporate middle management could present a regime change and a more favorable opportunity to revisit the topic.
Side note, I've also found Tarot especially effective and insightful when consulting on professional matters lately.
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