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Corey Goode Presentation - Secret Space Program Conference

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Hi all,
I wanted to share this presentation by Corey Goode from the Secret Space Program Conference (august 2016).
It's a relatively detailed summary of the SSP and Nazi-Draco Breakaway Civilization History. Corey has his show own show on GAIA TV called Cosmic Disclosure, which I highly recommend if you're into this whole antigravity-exo-technologies.

The history of the Secret Space Program Alliance is truly fascinating and disturbing but from what I get, we are edging on Disclosure closer than we may think.

PS: I've been following Corey for few months now, and he's been talking about Blue Avians and Sphere people. It was convincing enough, but NASA recently released images that seem to confirm what Corey's been talking about and I think this is exciting news, since these entities are higher-density (9th Density) benevolent entities.

Mysterious ‘sphere’ spotted in NASA’s Sun images not so bizarre after all (VIDEO)
GAIA TV - Cosmic Disclosure with Corey Goode & David Wilcock

Some images from the presentation

Research vessel Corey Goode was assigned to.

Posted : November 23, 2016 8:42 PM
Posts: 196
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Thanks for sharing, Enjoypolo 🙂

Posted : November 26, 2016 4:40 PM
Posts: 82
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I have heard a good amount of Corey's talks. Missed them recently.Thanks.

Posted : November 26, 2016 5:20 PM
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Here is the link for Part Two which just got posted couple hours ago.

Posted : November 28, 2016 9:41 PM
Posts: 204
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I lasted only an hour in the first video. I'm sorry, I just couldn't hang in there. If he is trying to help build the case for what Steven Greer is calling the false flag for a space war, then I can understand it. When he was so poorly informed about Viktor Schauberger, why was that even included in his presentation? So, yes, there was a Nazi interest in gravity generation technologies. It's good to start off any disinformation program with a couple grains of fact. Other than that, what have we to document the rest of story, which he may believe completely. Was he in MILAB, or MK Ultra?

Posted : November 29, 2016 1:18 AM
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From my understanding, Corey was one the MILABs on what he calls the "20&Back" program in the 80s 'til late 2000s (Twenty years in the SSP and then age-regressed at the end).
Also, a caveat is that while it's good thing to take Corey's story with a grain of salt, I really enjoyed watching Cosmic Disclosure (starting with the first episode to get some context) because David Wilcock does a pretty good job at interviewing him. David's got some pretty solid background on this info based on what I've come across so far, although I haven't read The Source-Field Investigations nor The Synchronicity Key.

Like anyone, it could be bullshit, but at this point, I feel Corey is at least consistent with a lot of the things he talks about.

Posted : November 29, 2016 2:50 AM
Posts: 204
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I have heard David Wilcock talk about being the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. It's funny and I have to wonder that in all my Cayce studies I never saw any reference to space alien influences on Earth. Cayce was asked in a trance reading in 1937 for information on how to build an electrically powered flying ship. Cayce, in trance, told the questioner that such information was not to be given, as it involved "the creative forces." That reading would lead one to understand that the questioner (if not the world) was not yet ready, or morally qualified, to receive such powerful knowledge.


The video said that Viktor Schauberger was kidnapped by the Nazis when the Nazis heard about his work. Schauberger had met face to face with Hitler in 1934 (if memory serves about the year in question) and told him that all the energy systems in use in Germany were destroying, were against, nature, and that he could create energy systems which would not be like those. The image that came up on the screen that Goode said wasn't supposed to be there was a photo from 1955 with V.S. posing with his "Domestic Power Station." It was a free energy generator which, while it did work, was said to have not been able to produce consistent results. I was once approached and offered "unlimited money," help, and shop space, to attempt the building of this very type of machine. I split from the city I was in at that time, and dropped out of sight for many years thereafter.

Schauberger was conscripted into the German army and given officer standing and sent to Italy after Austria was annexed in '36. He was called back to work in Germany a bit later on when they realized they had him in the wrong employ, commanding soldiers. To my knowledge, he never earned any doctorate, as was inferred in that video calling him, "Dr. Viktor Schauberger."

V.S. did actually suffer something akin to a kidnap in 1958, and it was most likely done by the CIA, though under the guise of a probably fictitious Colorado businessman's company. He and his son, Walter, were taken to the West Texas desert and put through an extreme physical ordeal, while their hosts extracted all the info they could get from Viktor about his devices and theories. They refused to let him return to Austria until he was forced to sign an English language contract which released all claim to any of his inventions, past and future, to the Colorado company. The weight of all this experience crushed the then old man. Once it was clear what had happened to him, he was distraught. He died just days after returning home.*

*The Schauberger references were from memory and from an early Turnstone Press edition of Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy, by Olof Alexandersonn. I no longer have that book, and the later editions had important details changed.

I wrote this just to elaborate why I have such doubts after an hour of that video. Too much story with no way to check it out.

Posted : November 29, 2016 3:57 AM
Posts: 204
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I have recently been put onto this pdf file on Schauberger. Let's see if it fits with the Wilcock/Goode presentations.

Posted : February 11, 2017 2:26 PM
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Thanks for posting this satyagraha! Looks like a great resource on energy and schauberger. I just started reading a fascinating book, with somewhat similar topics called Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber and it's fascinating how the understanding of energy transcends any one field. It's like putting together the epic mosaic of the cosmos.

Posted : February 12, 2017 10:20 PM
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

I knew Corey from another forum, since 2012 or so. Those interested in his material, beware, he is a total fraud. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you would be better off reading Richard Dolan, Peter Levenda, JP Farrell, etc.....

Posted : April 8, 2017 11:50 AM
Posts: 82
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PurpleLama wrote: I knew Corey from another forum, since 2012 or so. Those interested in his material, beware, he is a total fraud. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you would be better off reading Richard Dolan, Peter Levenda, JP Farrell, etc.....

Affirmati non neganti incumbit probatio.

Posted : April 8, 2017 6:28 PM
Posts: 204
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I have to say, the more I hear of Corey Goode, the more distrust there is. It's mostly from the gut, with a bit from the mind as well. I know it won't stand up in court, but that is it for this spectator. I will need more than his say-so on his say-so. Sorry. It all doesn't help me much with Edgar Cayce's reincarnation either.

Posted : April 9, 2017 3:25 AM
Posts: 474
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PurpleLama wrote: I knew Corey from another forum, since 2012 or so. Those interested in his material, beware, he is a total fraud. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you would be better off reading Richard Dolan, Peter Levenda, JP Farrell, etc.....

Can you give more details, which forum etc?

He's admittedly previously gone through some sort of mind control, but he claims it was secret soldiers type stuff! Well that's the cover story he was told.
Please have a listen to this a retired psychiatrist who worked with victims she speaks of her first hand experience of how deeply controlled along with screen memories victims have. And she casts doubt on secret soldiers claims

There could be nuggets of truth in what he says but there's so much dross to wade through those truths are probably easier to obtain from other sources

Posted : April 10, 2017 1:08 AM
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

The forum was Project Avalon....

Here is a recent thread that shows quite a bit in reference to Corey Goode.

Posted : April 10, 2017 6:24 PM
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

PurpleLama wrote: The forum was Project Avalon....

Here is a recent thread that shows quite a bit in reference to Corey Goode.

Apologies, the staff over there had made that thread members only. I will come across a better reference and post it when I do....

Posted : April 11, 2017 10:25 AM
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