Just reading up on Leonhard Euler now. I want to see how he came to his conclusions. Never heard of him until that video, which didn't tell much. But thanks anyway, for that.

I found this PDF which suggests that Euler too follows Newton's assumption that mass alone is responsible for the generation of gravity. If I am correct in my assumption that gravity is the electric field generated in the ether vortex of Earth (and other celestial spheres and various moving chunks of matter being accelerated by electrogravitational fields) then we might leave our present basic faulty assumption out of any new equations.

As I understood Lamprecht's assumptions, electric forces mentioned within the Earth are due to electric currents, i.e., those of amperes and electromagnetism.
While I would not totally reject the idea that electric currents would be there within conducting mediums very possibly existing inside the planetary interior, the fact that fluid vortices generate E charges (to be measured in volts) within their centripetal whorls and sustain without any conductive transferences happening to carry them away in the form of electric currents, through, or across, laminar strata, both could be the case, but only one of these is creating an attractive force involving any and all forms of matter. The voltages in question develop to their maximums within the most motional flows of the centripetal part of the vortex. Do not the concentric laminar orbital speeds in fluid vortices come close to the relationship of the orbital speeds within the solar system?
As to the idea that the interior is homogeneous, I might postulate that it is stratified between outer and inner crusts, and that the stratifications create varied densities, i.e., laminar flows, which affect seismic wave speeds and vectors, creating both tunneling, deflecting, and refracting, of wave transmissions through and across various materials of various densities.
Beyond this, it is quite surprising to see someone stand up and publicly propose the hollow Earth. Reading the comments on the video page show the standard mindsets.
I would suppose much less mass for the planet than any of Lamprecht's drawings, as it is certainly unneeded when we look for generation of the gravity field, freed as I am from any need of mass in gravity's creation. My term for Earth's structure would be, "a crusty bubble."
Conductors moving within magnetic fields, and vice versa, can answer why there could be a terrestrial magnet. A vortex answers how there can be gravity, whether there is a magnetic field there or not.
I would propose an experiment (best done in deep space) to create a strong static charge on a globe and allow that charge to accelerate a visible fluid toward it, observing to see if the fluid shows a tendency to spiral or meander toward the charged globe. This will tell us that our charge is acting as Earth's gravity does here on the planetary surface, where a fluid accelerated by falling takes a spiral path toward the Earth.
I submit that there is a reciprocal relationship between ether motion and electric charge. If we produce an electric charge, we will produce ether vortex motions. If we produce ether vortex motions, we will thereby produce electric charge. I believe this to be key in such phenomena as Searl's and Schauberger's reported levitation results, as well as that old bumblebee. It's how we will be able to build the peoples' flying saucers. So, where do we want to go with this?

Now this little adventure into the interior of my imagined Earth is weighted heavily by way of Velikovskian influences. Of course he was not a hollow Earther, but he was the first Electric Universalist I ever encountered. Velikovsky found pretty compelling evidence for a recent (in historical terms) axis shift, the north terrestrial pole of which moved from the area of the Davis Straight west of Greenland to where it is at present. The US and Canadian Great Lakes (glacial lakes of the Canadian Shield's glacially excavated granite) trace the arc of the previous Arctic Circle. Ice in Northeastern North America and Northeastern Europe became ice in Siberia overnight, flash freezing mammoths with temperate plants in their teeth. (Ice age, or axis shift?)
Using this as a model, I envisioned the molten portions within the laminar strata, rotating with, but not in complete unison with, the inner and outer crusts. My feeling is that the sub-crustal molten circum-planetary channels were running fairly parallel to the terrestrial crust before the most recent axis shift, thereby making magnetic north near to true north at the time. When the axis was shifted by planetary near collision with Mars, it was mainly a crustal slippage, in a time of continents breaking up, rising, and subsiding, sea-floor spreading zones activated the world around, and most every earthquake fault and volcanic vent being activated. But the crust's moving did not overcome the gyroscopic flows within the magmas which continued in their channels.
Within such a cosmic catastrophe, the crust has to simply go along with the fluid vortex structural nature or our hollow spheroid, and this would include possibly any needed rearranging of the polar holes' locations. But holes aside, any electrically conducting internal lava belts would not likely reach to the high Arctic and Antarctic latitudes, where they must solidify for any idea of holes to have an chance of being. So, what I see is that the magnetic poles point to such a lava belt being tilted out of line with the new motions of the crust.
I see now, the movement of the north magnetic pole, tracing a line that would indicate that the magma belt is slowly eroding its way back into alignment with true north. If one projects the movements back in time, one might notice that it is spiraling away from the old Davis Straight area, creeping west and north, headed to eventually relax back at true north (if true north stays where it is now for long enough).
In 1986 I wrote a paper I called, A Mechanism Accounting For the Subsidence of the Waters of the Great Flood. In that paper I stated that much of the sea-floor spreading zones were fairly new upwelled basaltic lavas and were caused by the centrifugal forces pulling outward on the crust by a huge deposition of extraterrestrial waters. By way of scripture, these waters rose for 150 days and subsided for 150 days. When the crust gave up its battle to stay together, the oceans quenched the molten basalts of the spreading zones as they widened. The continents traveled away from each other. The Eastern Pacific seabed spread west with a flow of basalt being extruded from under the Sierra Nevada (this is one large exception to the standard spreading zones that are centered on a ridge of basalt volcanoes -- The Sierra Nevada are metamorphic granite, produced by the melting through the continental crusts by the deeper basalts that did not escape to the west as the Easter Pacific Abysmal Plane). These sea-floor spreading zones are Earthly stretch marks. The planet is quite larger than it was before the extraterrestrial waters of the Great Flood arrived.
I made no suggestion at the time I was writing of where such waters in space might have originated, but it was while I was typing out that lengthy piece on a manual typewriter, I discovered previously unpublished notes from Velikovsky suggesting that Earth had been in orbit around Saturn when it had novaed, forever rearranging the solar system, no longer a binary star system. There just wasn't enough White-Out to redo all those typed pages and I never quite finished, or got back to, that writing.
I believe that in the four to six cosmic catastrophes of the past three and a half millennia, written of by Velikovsky, each probably widened oceans and dropped sea levels by triggering smaller sea-floor spreading events than that engendered by the waters of the Great Flood. But again in these events, sea levels lowered, and the event of the axis shift/Mars encounter, dropped them again. This fifty foot drop (a total for these four to six events) was noted as a mystery within "The Secrets of the Lost Red Paint People (12/15/1987 NOVA program)." A seafaring race of people of the North Atlantic who mysteriously left shell piles miles from the ocean at fifty feet above sea level. They were called the Red Paint People because they were found in various burials with iron oxide, something Velikovsky associated with the first of the cosmic catastrophes in Worlds In Collision. Something I am pretty sure Velikovsky did not know about at the time of his writing.
Okay, friends and neighbors, that's all for this night. Us old farts gotz to get our rest.

Something I remembered after that post about black triangle sightings and that report on a website. That report included a map of the lower 48 with the AF bases and the lines, and the points where the sightings took place. After thirty years, it took a while to remember that.
A note on that last post: a couple years after my attempt to write that 'flood waters' paper, I started a 13 year house sitting period in a house that contained a very extensive collection of National Geographic magazines. A whole wall of the living room was yellow, fading back to white in the oldest copies. The collector/owner had the habit of removing the inserted maps from copies for which he no longer had in their original mailing sleeves. Those maps were in a couple shoe boxes on one of the shelves. Many of those Nat. Geo. maps of the oceans had great renderings of ocean bottom topography which I would spend hours studying.
While science of the Uniformitarian bent will always stretch geological history into millions of years, I of course will disagree. I dismiss the time lines on the linked map, but post the link to point to two things: the positions of Atlantis and Lemuria. Lemuria has been said to have included Australia. I place the rest of that continent to the east of Australia, as what is seen in its topography is not the typical stretch marks of the sea-floor spreading zones. Atlantis, from the recorded words of Plato and the trance channeling of Edgar Cayce, was apparently split in two by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
I find it interesting that while the magnetic north pole has made its trace westward, trending north, a few thousand miles to the southwest, the Hawaiian Islands hot spot has its trace moving somewhat parallel and opposite, eastward, trending south. Is not the Yellowstone Caldera hot spot also moving eastward? I can envisage a hot current in the magma belts at work on the thin crust, and see that this too describes a similar arc to the glacial Great Lakes of the US and Canada, pointing to that old terrestrial polar location. Could these help us to find the current polar hole locations, if they are not precisely aligned with the planet's rotational axis? I would suspect they would not be so aligned.
Anyway, it's fun to think about this stuff.

Just going to bump this thread and see what happens.

Shamangineer, I noticed that your image of Tesla that I quoted from has disappeared.

The aetherforce.com website went down, hopefully it will come back up again soon it was an inspiration and part of what got me on the path I've been on with research.
His twitter page is still up:

What practical devices or DIY experiments might be available to demonstrate EU principles over Newton's laws?
Thanks good people for the digest and links on this important nexus.

I take the T.T. Brown experiments with lifting bodies to be a pretty good indication. Beginning on page 27 of the linked PDF below is a discussion of Thomas Townsend Brown's work. On page 49 is a drawing of a simple experiment showing a lifter that could easily be built and tested if you have a strong source of DC voltage.
Here's an experiment I devised once when a friend loaned me his Van de Graph generator:
I placed the VDG generator on a table and placed a thin round stick, centered under, and across its base. I energized it and found that by placing any substantial piece of matter, whether a plate of steel, a chunk of firewood, or my hand, near to the charged globe, perpendicular to the the axis of the stick under the base, that the attractive force of the charged dome would cause the whole apparatus to rock over the stick, pulled by its electrostatic force toward the nearby mass. I rocked it back and forth by changing on which side of the stick the nearby mass was placed. Here I had a demonstration to my own sensibility that here there is a force that is attractive to mass. Brown's experiments show this force to be repulsive to Earth's "gravity" when the negative charge faces down. So, I see that a negatively charged body attracts a body of mass unless the mass carries a like charge, such as Earth's upper layers. YouTube has any number of videos showing Biefeld Brown lifters in operation.
Vortices have been shown to generate negative electric charge in their centripetal whorls. I believe Earth is such a vortex, and its so-called gravity could just as well be called its moto-electric charge. This charge, while unmeasurable in any practical way, seems to me to be what sticks us here. If all the planets are of like charge, then the forces holding them in their orbits will likely be of the ethers which I fully suspect to be where their motive forces have arisen. I do not accept any model of the universe as entropic. I view it as dynamic. Some may call it the "torsion field," I simply call it, the "motion field." I say that matter is not necessary for motion to exist. Motion is prior to matter, to which it owes its very existence.
For me, the mass model of Newton has failed. I choose the dynamic ether vortex electrostatic model. I see these forces as a much more plausible explanation, especially in light of the descriptions of interplanetary catastrophes described by the ancients and recognized as such by Velikovsky, and after him, the Thunderbolts folks. I give more credence to Wal Thornhill than I do David Talbot, though. I think Velikovsky's scenario was pretty tight on its own, and Talbot's is on shakier, if more antiquated, ground. Velikovsky also saw Saturn as the previous Helios (in fact, originated this view in modern times and picked up on by Talbot), but all that history presented by Talbot is mostly to be derived from a few petroglyphs. In either case, it's hard for me to imagine any of it happening in a mass equals gravity physical environment.
Here I go, ramblin again.

shamangineer wrote:
I accept the ether but I find it next to impossible to explain away solid planetary objects inside the ether. They rule each other out. It’s one or the other.
Any particular reason for this stance?
Ah, I just noticed I left your question unanswered. Sorry to revive this dead post but no, I do not have a particular reason as to why I think this. Maybe I do not understand the ether exactly.
I only imagined something like a basketball doing circles in a pool underwater. 3rd law of motion, When a body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and in opposite direction of the first body. With the ether, I suppose, the planetary gravity is enough to overcome the resistance of the liquid state of the ether it is passing through. Or possibly, the electric charge of a planet creates a bubble around itself, and pushes the ether out of the way, like a mini force field. So technically, the planet never comes into contact with the ether, and that allows an unresisted path for the body of mass to travel through.
What about a planet that is revolving around the sun, like Neptune or Pluto, that spends most of its time way out in space. It may travel in an ovel or egg shaped path around the sun. As it is traveling further away from the sun, why does it not slow down. When it is returning, why does it not increase speed? Or maybe a comet that passes by every hundred years on its irregular, non circular path? I just find it curious that the speed of the planets and satellites

I just find it curious that the motion of the planets and their satellites are constant. I figured there would be a flux in the speed they travel.

naphtha wrote: I just find it curious that the motion of the planets and their satellites are constant. I figured there would be a flux in the speed they travel.
Curious indeed.

Scientists detect Neutrino emissions coming from the interior of the earth.
This combined with increases in earthquake, geyser, and volcanic activity worldwide (including the arctic) over the last year may indicate something big is brewing under our feet.

I hope I'm not interrupting the flow of the discussion here. But I had a curious insight some time ago and it could be total BS. But here it is:
Through some channelled texts like The Law of One, and perhaps other sources which I can't remember clearly, there is a mention of a certain density that we are presently in. An octave of evolution if you will, and according to these texts, our present human incarnation is in the Third Density. And it hit me that Earth is the third planet away from the Sun. Is there a relationship there? I don't know.
Thus I thought, could it be that in this next transition to the Fourth Density (which is said to be correlated with a massive Solar sneeze, aka ascension) a fourth planet will be spewed out by the Sun, and will knock all our system's planets by one note (changing orbits, etc.)?
That would effectively make Venus, the next "Earth". It's curious also that these beings (who refer themselves as a collective, Ra) mention Venus being at one point in the past, their original habitat. I think Tesla also had alleged contact with beings from Venus.
Anyways, it's probably a rubbish thought, I just thought I'd put it in the aether. 😀
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