Spiders "balooning" flight uses electrical lift:

shamangineer wrote: Spiders "balooning" flight uses electrical lift:
I saw that this morning as well, and was astonished at the implications of the article. I was always curious how spiders achieved this stunt.
It sounds a lot like those EM drives talked about in this topic. This attract-repelling thing also reminds me of some of John Worrell Keely's ideas and inventions about flying (levitating) gyroscopes. As usual, nature already has all the answers.

One thing the spider silk reminds me of is the NASA electrodynamic tether tests:

Curious about Fourth-Phase Water, I recently watched a presentation from Gerald Pollack from the annual Water Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria (2017) where he's talking about charge repulsion and how it may be the "propulsion system" of birds and cloud formations, allowing them to glide in the air.
Feel to me like a significant puzzle piece worth investigating.
I've since downloaded and uploaded the video at the link below.

Absolutely Enjoypolo, that's a great find.

Here is a rather high-level paper discussing ether and gravitation:

I know it's anathema to many to post anything by David Wilcock, but this recent episode of Wisdom Teachings called "Natural Torsion fields and Antigravity (levity) delves deep in the science and fringe literature, including that of John W. Keely's works, O. Ed Wagner and others.
The part about how trees communicate, and how sap flows reminds of me Schauberger's whole chapters dedicated to the subject as well (and Gerald Pollack)

Haha, I know I've been a bit negative on Wilcock in the past, but I want to be clear: I find Wilcock to be one of the best researchers in alternative science right now, his breadth and depth is remarkable and we share many sources of inspiration and data. I have read the Source Field Investigations and found it quite excellent. Where I pull the cord to get off is with the blue avians, which frankly seems to be due to him getting fed bad info from various sources (I believe deliberately to discredit his other work).
I have O. Ed Wagners book on my shelf and started reading it early on in my research, but set it aside for a later date due to the highly technical and specialized nature of the material. At that point I didn't have a larger framework to help interpret the material in a larger context, but at this point in my research and due to this video bringing it back to the forefront I'm putting it near the front of my reading list again.
Be sure to check out Dale Pond and Theo Pajimans on John Worrel Keely if you want to run down that rabbit hole.
From the sound of things at the end expect him to move to Grebennikov and Schauberger shortly and start to put things into context with the cosmic orgone/chi/torsion flows and the shift our planet is experiencing due to the change in "cosmic weather" in this respect taking place due to the earth's motion relative to the rest of the galaxy. I will be touching on this in the mind episode which will be coming in several months due to personal reasons.
Thanks for sharing the video and if anyone else is interested in watching this, do it tonight as the link expires tomorrow morning.

David Wilcock discusses gravity from Keely's etheric perspective (though he uses the alternate Aether spelling which according to Dale Pond was more the mind than energy realm).
Keely’s biggest contributions to our “consciousness unit ” theories relate to how the aether creates and maintains a CU. The first principle is that within each CU or luminous sphere of aether, there are three forces — the contracting force that we call gravity, an out-pressing force that we might call “levity” or anti-gravity and the stabilizing force that balances out the first two.
These ideas are simply the end products of studying and observing the behaviors of vibration. So, if you picture a spherical balloon that is constantly inflating and deflating with air, you can see this in action:
- Each contraction or shrinking of the balloon would be what Keely called the “tractor” force, akin to gravity. Outside air pressure contracts the balloon towards the center.
- Each expansion of the balloon would be the “pressor” force, where the center pushes outward against the surrounding air pressure, akin to “levity ” or anti-gravity.
- A stabilizing force not unlike the balloon skin itself, which balances out and equalizes the vibrations, would be called the “dominant.”

With the departure of David Wilcock from the platform, I've decided to share my access to GAIA's platform, since I'm not using it that much. There's lots of old goodies available. Maybe it would benefit curious minds out there. Enjoy
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key: Highersidechats333

I saw an ion-lifter make the headlines today. It sure is painfully slow to disclose these techs to the large public..
PS: It's laughable they just dismissed T-Townsend Brown's research as crackpot. Shameless.

enjoypolo wrote: I saw an ion-lifter make the headlines today. It sure is painfully slow to disclose these techs to the large public..
PS: It's laughable they just dismissed T-Townsend Brown's research as crackpot. Shameless.
I saw that shit. Electron transfer from nitrogen my ass. Works in a vacuum, with no ablation of the electrode - 'nuff said.

Purely theoretical but according to the above some 90% of the protons mass is due to motion of subatomic particles and vaguely referenced "quantum effects" rather than the mass of the quarks themselves. Just one more instance of mainstream theory tiptoeing closer to electrogravitics.

I would love to have Nassim Haramein be on THC one day. Him particularly, but not limited to.
Slowly, but surely.

Have you guys seen this:
It's a scientific paper written by ROBERT L. FORWARD about how there is a gravitational analogy to Maxwell's equations of electricity and magnetism. He talks about the gravitational equivalent of the magnetic field in the paper. It's not like gravity; rather, it deflects mass proportional to the relative velocity of the mass, and it's created by a circulating mass current just like a magnetic field is created by a circulating electric current. If the circulating mass is bent into a toroid it creates a gravitational dipole though which could be used for a spaceship drive.
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