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This tech could be 30 years old or more... Why bother ?

There are signs of much advanced craft in Antarctica.

Posted : February 28, 2019 9:09 PM
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ttsoares wrote: This tech could be 30 years old or more... Why bother ?

There are signs of much advanced craft in Antarctica.

Speaking of the devil, this was published by Michael Salla today.

Posted : March 1, 2019 4:00 AM
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enjoypolo wrote: Speaking of the devil, this was published by Michael Salla today.

I am highly skeptical of all things Q.

Posted : March 1, 2019 4:34 AM
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shamangineer wrote: I am highly skeptical of all things Q.

Agreed. I’m still agnostic about Q, though its unapologetically a military intelligence, i.e., highly likely to be political.
But as far as I know, Linda Moulton Howe doesn’t mention Q specifically

I’m watching her latest video, where shes announcing her Antarctica insiders Spartan 1&2 will have 6parts series (4more by the summer). Curious to hear more about the black sun structures

Posted : March 1, 2019 5:19 AM
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Once i had hope about Qanon... But after quite some reading at the NESARA news site that hope faded away.
One example ?
Anyhow, still the fact that TR3B is old stuff. This is way it is not almost "main stream".

Posted : March 1, 2019 8:20 PM
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Not quite electrogravitics, but I know there are stories of Buddhist monks who could levitate rocks with sound, what if it was using a resonant form of this effect?

Posted : March 12, 2019 1:17 AM
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A bit of a treatise on Aether which includes accounts of sound levitation:

Posted : March 12, 2019 2:21 AM
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Newly appointed commander of the Space Force:

Posted : March 27, 2019 5:39 PM
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enjoypolo wrote: Newly appointed commander of the Space Force:

You have 4 pins with eagles on them, which is the bare minimum to be a Space Commander, but what do you think of someone who does the bare minimum?

Posted : March 28, 2019 1:45 AM
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Some new, juicy info courtesy of Michael Salla, from Linda Moulton Howe's two insiders Spartan 1 & Spartan 2:

Navy Insiders Confirm Multinational SSP with bases throughout Solar System & Beyond
Corroborates a lot of the intel we've been having from insiders like Corey, Tony Rodriguez, Tompkins, Cramer, etc. of a global MIC-run SSP with bases on the far side of the moon.

Posted : April 4, 2019 6:22 PM
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Recently i saw Corey criticizing those two "insiders" telling that they are just reproducing content he (Corey) said several years ago.
Anyhow i dropped LMH some time ago as, for me, she is just controlled dissent...

Posted : April 5, 2019 12:42 PM
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The Navy is now logging UFO sightings after increased reports from pilots:

Posted : April 25, 2019 4:41 AM
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shamangineer wrote: The Navy is now logging UFO sightings after increased reports from pilots:

How crazy to see more and more mainstream coverage taking place. The latest one courtesy of Exopolitics, from the Metro in the UK:

Meanwhile, the latest from CG / Edge of Wonder (I'm a sucker for it:rolleyes:):

Ps: the patent referenced in the article:
If you look up the author who submitted the patent, Salvatore Cezar Pais, he's got a couple more interesting patents under his name.

A couple years ago, I stumbled upon the research of this german guy, Hartmut Muller, if I remember correctly, he claimed to have invented a telephone that would work by using gravitational waves as means of communication, thereby having an 'interstellar phone' (using non-locality). Curiously enough, this guy got jailed in Brazil, and never been heard of ever since. Much of his softwares, websites and records have vanished (though with luck you can still find some on Youtube and elsewhere, probably in German).

It looks like someone's still caring after his stuff:
Here's a link to his book: Global Scaling: The fundamentals of interscalar cosmology (backup link)

I'm a big believer in the power of Li-Fi (Light Fidelity, or Data-through-Light) but it makes sense to me that even the next big thing after Light is naturally, gravity-based transmission.
Anyways, it's probably unrelated, but I thought I'd point it out.

PPS: I'm no mathematician by any means, but Euler's Number function is referenced in the book's content page. Robert Grant mentions this constant in his work on Phi ratios and Prime Numbers mathematics.

From the website:

Hartmut Muller - quick overview. Looks like he is out, and doing lot of work.
To much disapointment, almost all of the footage of him is either in German or Italian. But here's one in english I could find:
As far as I understand, using the Field as the carrier of messages?

Posted : April 28, 2019 4:12 AM
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I wanted to share with you my two cents on Global Scaling after finishing reading Hartmut Muller's most recent book, Global Scaling: the fundamentals of interscalar cosmology. It basically has to do with resonance, in particular, figuring out the non-resonance point of a system, in order to stabilize it. (Paradoxes are always a flag for me that something mysterious, and awesome is about to happen. But I digress.)

Caveat: this seems like quite a (sacred) math-based process, so at the risk of appearing foolish, especially coming from a guy who flunked/hated math throughout school, I'm probably not the most fit person to describe this process, If I may say so.
But, if you're interested, please bear with me, for the implications of this 'principle' could potentially be quite significant.
As such, I will try as best as I can to explain my understanding of this.

By any means, at 90-pages, this is a relatively short read to undertake, and the book explains the concepts much clearer for 'newbies' than the academic papers do (duh). More technically-minded people would probably get more than I would.

So what is global scaling about?

The most basic, simplified explanation I can think of, is that Global Scaling is a method by which, by taking a ratio (numbers) between two systems, and comparing them with the ratios of stable elements, in this case, the characteristics of proton-electron measurements, we can find the points of non-resonating (thus, stable) frequencies. It's kinda paradoxical, in that if a frequency is prone to resonance, it's prone to de-stabilization. (at least, that's what I understand)

From there, the process of finding what he calls Fractal Function (FF) which consists in fine-tuning the ratios so that they scale up to fit with the the proton or electron data, in logarithmic (exponential) terms.

And because those two elements (proton-electron) are the most basic, underlying, and stable structures at the atomic scales, they can in fact, be extrapolated from the Micro to the Macro scales.

Another thing that's mentioned by the author, is the use of the Planck units. If i'm not mistaken, the Planck scale is the smallest measurable unit we know of. Named after its original discoverer Max Planck in 1899, he had to say this about the unit:

“regardless of any particular bodies or substances, retain their importance for all times and for all cultures, including alien and non-human, and can therefore be called natural units of measurement”. (p.19)

It's quite a leap of faith, and forgive me, for even I myself still don't get but the tip of the iceberg.
But let's dive into some of the examples cited by the author in the book:

1) Planets velocity (hours in the day in takes to rotate around the Sun; Earth=24hrs) and how they match (almost) exactly with the Proton's P[67] attractor. Without going into detail what that means (and I wouldn't be able to explain it to you, nor myself), he is showing quite consistently, how all the planets in our solar system correspond precisely to these "nodes" of scale-relationship with the proton.

According to Muller, this inexorably shows that the proportions of the Planets in our Solar System (Macro) are guided by the same dynamics of of the proton and/or electron (Nano scale).
Now, that's not so much of a paradigm shift for me at this point (being familiar with this concept). But what's new, is that Hartmut Muller, through his concept of Global Scaling is able to put a precise number onto it.

And so, in true epic fashion, he starts to show many more examples of these correlations. For instance, he shows how the various stratas of the atmosphere on Earth, but also on other planets, correspond precisely with the proton's attractor points. He also shows that this applies to biological processes as well, such as average human heartbeats matching with the electron's E[-48] attractor points (Look at the attachments below for details).


It's hard for me to fathom the significance of this, much less the exact process. However, I feel that I have a somehwat foggy understanding of it. And basically, it seems sort of like a palm-reading, where you can look at someone's hands and get an idea of what this person may experience (a form of "fractal reading") but by using Nature's units (electron; proton; Planck constants; Speed of Light) as a benchmark.

For the purpose of ease (and conciseness) the author only looks at, Astronomy, Biology, Physical processes in this book. But, if this is indeed real, it would be applicable in literally, any, and every processes. I think this would especially be useful to engineers and scientists. And one thing I like, is that if you have such a crazy hypothesis, you can test it. And to truly prove your point, you should be able to predict a phenomena that we don't even know/or are aware of (right?).
And so, Muller makes exactly this point, by stating that the Earth's core may be more complex, and more stratified than we currently think of it, due to the limits of our current measurements (forget what page, but it's in the book).

So, once again, I apologize for such a lengthy, and confusing description. I still find it the apex of irony that me, out of everyone, is trying to describe a mathematical concept. It's like asking a clown to perform surgery, but hey, Life can be mysterious sometimes, right?:p
Also, sorry if this is not posted in the right thread, I thought however it may be related to the topic at hand.

By all means, if anyone wants to dive deeper, and post their feedback, it would be great.
One incredible thing that happened, is that I left a comment on one of Robert Grant's posts about Muller's work, and how he should look into it. Not expecting anything back, he actually replied to me, and after a few exchanges, seemed quite convinced to go find Muller and talk to him. I dunno what has (or will) ensue(d), but I can only dream.

By the way, on the website, there are instructions on how you can apply the math yourself, to any system you deem important.
Also a Facebook page you can join.
Although I've tried playing around with my birthdate (how long I've been existing here, in seconds) It's still daunting to me, and probably not even the right math..

EDIT: [Clarification] The thought-process being: Could I figure out the timescale of my Life, and compare them with the proton or electron's FF, and see if particularly important moments in my life correspond with the boundary layers of these elements. If so, holy shit.
Maybe someone can figure it out (and for god's sake, make an app out of it, haha:D)

As always, pictures are worth thousand words, so I'll be doing just that.

PS: I have so many questions that popped in my mind, couldn't begin to write them down. A few I can recall:
What difference does measuring against the Proton or the Electron have?
Is this what Geometry represents? That is, the non-resonant points in particular arrangements?
How can apply this to, say, the optimal growth of vegetables? Also, since Water contains protons and electrons, what insights can we get with this model, into say, fluid dynamics (i.e., on vortexing water)
[Regarding the gravito-phone] what is the theoretical bandwitdth of using gravity/the Field as a communications medium? (would assume it's mind boggling, or even better yet, infinite..)

PPS: What popped in my mind as I was reading the book were things like:
- It looks like the rings in a tree trunk (and shouldn't the lines theoretically correspond with proton-electron logarithms?)
- The visual expression (which is on the cover of the book) looks like a Torus viewed from above.

PPS: It actually makes sense to me, and it explains why Music is so incredible (based on harmonic ratios of sound/light). In fact, it makes it a whole lot more significant in ways I don't quite understand yet. It's another piece of the puzzle:eek::cool::rolleyes:

Posted : May 1, 2019 2:18 AM
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While debunking the EM drive and Mach effect thruster I think this guy ends up making a decent case that the electronics are creating a small electrogravitic effect, although it could just be magnetic.

Posted : May 9, 2019 5:36 AM
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