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Just any mass spinning produces "anti-gravity". The gyroscope is an easy way to demonstrate that...


Posted : May 18, 2019 1:42 PM
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On a related note:

Posted : May 18, 2019 3:32 PM
Posts: 1354
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A few weeks ago, while reading Clarke's Childhood's End, I was reminded of a curious phenomenon: Time Dilation.
My understanding is that it refers to the difference in Time-perception between two points of observation, such that if you were to travel round-way from Earth to a distant star system, you in your craft would only experience the duration of the voyage, while on Earth, much more time would have elapsed by the time you're back.
A good representation of that is in the film Interstellar, and many other films.

The image that flashed in my mind, curiously, while I was pondering on that, was a memory of when I used an electrical mixer to stir milk in large pots at one of my kitchen work. I would try to create a nice vortex on the middle, and if you look carefully, the liquid closest to the centre spins faster than does the milk on the edge. Time Dilation?

It's probably not a good analogy (although as above, so below), but it stuck with me for whatever reason. It also makes you think twice about travelling off-planet.

Of course, it made me curious whether this would still apply if one were to travel through wormholes ("instantaneous", or point-to-point travel vs linear, mechanical motion).

PS: By the way, Dr Michael Salla's new book was just released a few days ago:

I've only read the third second installation of the series, involving US Navy, based mostly (but not exclusively) on William 'Bill' Tompkins testimony which was quite the investigation into the subject of German crafts; Navy involvement and subsequent formation of US-MIC SSP, including involvement of Navy military brass in the production of cultural icons like Star Trek, Outer Limits, Battlestar Galactica.

Posted : May 26, 2019 5:34 PM
Posts: 69
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Several subjects here !
1) The so called "time dilation" is a consequence of Einstein BS... So i do not care to think about it.
2) A spinning fluid is a remarkable environment, as demonstrated by Schauberger.
3) Michael Salla is figure that will be much remembered in the future...
4) Probably all modern SciFi has ties with the SSP. In the case of the Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry was two hops away from people inside the SSP.

Posted : May 26, 2019 9:15 PM
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shamangineer wrote: The Navy is now logging UFO sightings after increased reports from pilots:


I’ve noticed this article making the rounds on the Web, regarding a Navy pilot and his UFO encounters. Sems written by the same reporters who broke the Pentagon/AATIP story in Dec. 2017

It’s very bare, and feels to me like parents helping a toddler walk (aka slow-drip disclosure)..

The exception, being the description of a close mid-air encounter by the pilot looking like a “sphere enclosing a cube”.:cool:
There are also mentions of classified “drone” programs. A clue to the riddle, no doubt.

As usual, anything that involves Elizondo (Bigelow), or MIC characters should be taken with suspicion and backstage agendas.

PS: Dr Salla just posted an article along the same lines.

Posted : May 28, 2019 3:48 PM
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enjoypolo wrote:
It’s very bare, and feels to me like parents helping a toddler walk (aka slow-drip disclosure)..

The exception, being the description of a close mid-air encounter by the pilot looking like a “sphere enclosing a cube”.:cool:

Posted : June 1, 2019 2:12 AM
Posts: 1354
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Sensationalism or rabbit hole worth going?
Posted by Michael Salla, it’s definitely in my range of entertainment, though haven’t watched it yet:


PS: Trump & UFO flops:

Posted : June 16, 2019 3:35 PM
Posts: 1
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shamangineer wrote: anti-gravity goes mainstream:

Scientists funded by the European Space Agency have measured the gravitational equivalent of a magnetic field for the first time in a laboratory. Under certain special conditions the effect is much larger than expected from general relativity and could help physicists to make a significant step towards the long-sought-after quantum theory of gravity.

My people...I have finally found you......I just RE-read The Hunt for Zero Point (Nick Cook). There are a number of arguments against why UAP are not exotic tech, which I would like to discuss if anyone is interested?

Posted : June 18, 2019 6:34 PM
Posts: 1354
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tdsr wrote: My people...I have finally found you......I just RE-read The Hunt for Zero Point (Nick Cook). There are a number of arguments against why UAP are not exotic tech, which I would like to discuss if anyone is interested?

hey man, you're in the right crowd to talk about these things 😉

Posted : June 19, 2019 12:43 AM
Posts: 1354
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Historical podcast episode in my view:
Joe had Bob Lazar and Jeremy Corbell, director of the latest documentary on him.

This Wilson memo is also mentioned in the podcast, as published by exopolitics:

This is about secret access programs in the hands/control of MICs, rather then government/Pentagon officials, thus muddying the waters:


I’m listening to this for a second time, and I think what’s most interesting about this event, is that it’s really hitting the zeitgeist of UFO/Disclosure Narrative, and like Jeremy said, its paving the door wide open for other people to come forward.
I wonder if Bob is aware of the bigger picture surrounding this: SSP; off-Earth human colonies; Solar Warden, etc.

I also found a bit ironic that Bob, discussing Nikola Tesla, thinks we wouldn’t be able to have large scale computing and electronics had he succeeded with his wireless system, due to interferences.
I feel as though Bob, while having worked in this field, has his blind spots.

Posted : June 21, 2019 9:11 PM
Posts: 1354
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Trump is being asked by Tucker Carlson on UFOs, keeping it vague as usual, but hinting that anything is possible.
I find it interesting that it so cryptic still, even with the creation of Space Force and all. At the same time, the footage captured by pilots displayed on Fox are the same images being parroted elsewhere, courtesy of Tom Delonge's To The Space Academy (mentored by none other than Podesta/AATIP-MIC factions).
I don't think there's much to chew on, but I'm all ears anytime a sitting president's being asked that question 🙂

Posted : July 6, 2019 5:02 PM
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enjoypolo wrote:
Trump is being asked by Tucker Carlson on UFOs, keeping it vague as usual, but hinting that anything is possible.
I find it interesting that it so cryptic still, even with the creation of Space Force and all. At the same time, the footage captured by pilots displayed on Fox are the same images being parroted elsewhere, courtesy of Tom Delonge's To The Space Academy (mentored by none other than Podesta/AATIP-MIC factions).
I don't think there's much to chew on, but I'm all ears anytime a sitting president's being asked that question 🙂

Yeeeah, I don't think Trump was ever on the disclosure docket, nor any president since perhaps JFK has been. If Trump were told anything he would simplify it down to some low-level thing he could grasp and blurt it out while forgetting half of his own half-assed rationalization - leaving about 25% of the facts that he thought he understood for folks to decipher. Even the best case scenario on that front would be a pretty dry well.

Posted : July 7, 2019 4:00 PM
Posts: 1354
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And yet I wonder about the NYMZA-Trump relationship :rolleyes:
Funny thing, the Walter Bosley THC episode is reposted on none other than HoldMyArk, which a subsidiary of Nassim Haramein’s Resonance Foundation, referring to their Ark Crystal. But i digress.


Realistically though, I have to agree with you.
But as they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Posted : July 8, 2019 1:56 AM
Posts: 1354
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Who's in? :p:rolleyes:

Posted : July 12, 2019 6:04 PM
Posts: 638
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id do it if I could get down there yolo

Posted : July 12, 2019 7:04 PM
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