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enjoypolo wrote: https://www.rt.com/usa/463975-area-51-incursion-facebook-aliens/

Who's in? :p:rolleyes:

Good thing they are keeping the Karens away from the Crack Heads or things might get ugly. If one makes it to the interior fence I would be surprised.

Posted : July 13, 2019 10:44 PM
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Hate to beat a dead horse again, and yet I can't help but be curious to see this in the news so much.
It's as if they wanted us to somehow be affected by it? Maybe this is an intended psy-op for a grand finale disclosure à-la-independence day?
I mean even the US Air Force PR department is making public announcements at this point.
Does it take a bunch of fools to storm a military base to get an official answer on covert technologies?

I do think the best spot would be on the peaks, telescope in hand, smoking a joint, a view on the whole theatre.

Posted : July 15, 2019 4:20 PM
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I saw that in the news section almost a week ago in google when I typed in aliens and I was like that's cool whatever and ignored it. now its huge and funny how small things grow, I could have been a snowball effect like how everything on the internet works, if its something good it doesn't get many views but the stupid things just get bigger and bigger. maybe it was area 51 that posted that lol. or a guy that actually knows facts about the place.

it does sound something like it was planned to do something, they would know people are poor these days and only some people could afford to go there. they would need some electric motorcycles to sneak up close, bullet proof vests, shields ect maybe rocket launchers. but if people had all that you know its not regular people and its staged.

Posted : July 15, 2019 6:13 PM
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Professor Simon Holland on antigravity:

Posted : July 29, 2019 7:38 PM
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A paper published by German Astrophysicist Hartmut Muller titled: Cosmological significance of Superluminality.
Although its a scientific paper published in a journal with all the technical jargon, its quite legible.

In short, its about how speeds exceeding the speed of light (c) are quite common on macro scales (galaxies, stars, quasars), but most interestingly, even within our human scale dimension.
Also, speed of light as a constant is a postulate rather than derived by data, and thus, it may well change depending on the area of the universe it finds itself in, where some places with different density, light travels faster or slower. This makes sense, same as if a song from a speaker traverses through air and then water, speeds will vary according to the medium, or so I think?

The paper mentions basic experiments on signal transmission using AM send/receivers where they “tunnel” songs from A to B and got speeds faster than c.

The other thing this paper ties into is Global Scaling using certain mathematical constants like Euler’s number, as well as “stable perodical processes” like the proton-electron lifespan (which is said to never decay, thus makes for stable benchmark).
I’ve mentioned Muller’s theory and his fascinating book on this thread before, and I still don’t quite know how it fits concretely with other perspectives. I will say though, its very similar to what Robert Edward Grant talks about in his Russelian-Musical (Sacred) Harmonic Universe model

However, there’s no doubt in my mind of the significance of this research, since it seems scale invarient (or theory of fractal chain links that work across all scales)

It’s like a hydrogen bomb dropping at distance, where I see the clouds forming, but the sound waves havent quite reached my ears yet.

Posted : August 8, 2019 4:35 PM
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Great paper, thanks for the link enjoypolo. Ludicrous speed is not so ludicrous.

Posted : August 10, 2019 1:48 PM
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An excellent presentation by Paul A Laviolette on electrogravitics, dynamic ether theory, subquantum kinetics, evidence of T.T. Brown working on classified electrogravitic craft, B2 bomber electrogravitics, a gravity pulse generator that can knock a 4" hole in a cinder block at any distance when pulsed with 10 megavolts(it looks an awful lot like the "barrels wrapped with wire" apparatus that the Sonora Aero Club was said to be using), ether wind, superliminal gravity beams and superliminal travel, microwave propulsion, and metamaterials.


Posted : August 15, 2019 3:40 AM
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Some updates on gravity-control/Tesla shield patents by Salvatore Cezar Pais with endorsements by the US Navy, courtesy of Michael Salla via exopolitics:

Posted : August 16, 2019 8:44 PM
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enjoypolo wrote: Some updates on gravity-control/Tesla shield patents by Salvatore Cezar Pais with endorsements by the US Navy, courtesy of Michael Salla via exopolitics:

And they are talking about the bubble that surrounds the craft, a very important point that I think Laviolette misses in his talk. Patent application links like this are gold.

Posted : August 17, 2019 2:16 PM
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Latest David Wilcock video goes in-depth about the recent US Navy drip-disclosure attempts, including the release of Salvatore Cezar Pais' patents on TR-3B, zero-point-energy generators, room temperature superconductors. Also talks about the work of Ken Shoulders, and last but not last, Pete Peterson's last interview before his passing away in July of this year.
Great stuff! And also synchronicity with the latest episode of Sol 🙂

More news regarding declassifying "secretive space programs" undergoing. Interesting developments:
One step closer to Independence Day II type scenario towards Space Force

PS: I didn't know that some DMT users also experienced seeing/communicating with Mantis beings. That is very interesting!

Posted : December 14, 2019 5:01 PM
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Interesting way to recrute for the new US Space Force branch.

Things are moving fast!

PS: Michael Salla's take on these events: https://www.exopolitics.org/trump-signs-space-force-act/

Posted : December 22, 2019 8:01 PM
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The Drive published some new material regarding Salvatore Cezar Pais' details in a rare email exchange.
Not a lot of details, and the whole thing is still shrouded in secrecy, but I have to say, it's an interesting development.

Posted : January 23, 2020 7:18 PM
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Things are getting tense for sure! Lots of mysterious ops behind the covid smokes-and-mirrors..

Posted : May 14, 2020 7:30 AM
Posts: 1354
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Drip drip. Buckle up for some (well-known) disclosures coming soon:


Posted : July 24, 2020 4:33 PM
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