Elon Musk: Coming o...
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Elon Musk: Coming out of the closet?

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I'm sure most people have noticed Elon Musk's numerous headlines across the media. His recent interview on the Joe Rogan podcast was, dare I say, quite the historical moment for Podcasting. They discussed for 2-and-half-hours about existential questions: AI, Transhumanism & social media addiction while drinking a few rounds of whiskey, and gotta give creds to Joe, even shared a toke from his blunt. Of course, mainstream media being mainstream media, the only thing they focused on was how getting high affected Tesla's stock. So much for journalism.
But I think it was a rare insight into this man. But I digress.

The reason I'm posting this today, is if you recall a couple months ago, Musk got involved in trying to save the young soccer football team that got stuck in a cave in Thailand. Eventually, all the boys got rescued safely, albeit one Thai Marines diver drowned trying to rescue them. Now here's the spicy part: A cave-explorer and British expat in Thailand named Vernon Unsworth, who allegedly helped with the rescue mocked Elon's baseless attempts as nothing but a PR stunt. To which Elon replied in a tweet that captured a lot of people's attention, stating:
"Sorry pedo guy, but you really did asked for it".

Well it turns out that today, Vernon Unsworth has finally filed a lawsuit against Elon for defamation and libel (Source: Guardian UK).
This is very interesting for a number of reasons:

1) Elon Musk doesn't strike me as a clueless idiot who would call someone a pedo out of mere outrage.
2) The whole operation involved a kids football team. And it's in Thailand. I don't think anyone's surprised to learn that this area of the world is very poor, and there's lots of human trafficking going on (especially when there are massive casualties, like the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, or say Haiti) that attract the worst, most deplorable kind of people (aka wolves hiding in sheeps clothes).
3) Elon was quite adamant about his claim even after he got some flak for his daring accusations, going as far as to "bet a signed dollar" on it, and claiming "I fucking hope he sues me."

This sort of reminds me how Wolfgang Halbig was getting sued by Leonard Pozner for speaking out on Sandy Hook, and when it got to court, Pozner ultimately retracted his case. Showing clearly that the move was nothing but to pressure Wolfgang in the first place. And this is exactly how I feel about this, and which would explain why Elon stated what he did.

Now with all this said, I agree this may seem as pretty trivial news. But in light of all the child trafficking atrocities being committed systemically by the so-called elites, I was pretty stoked that Musk had the balls to call him out on that (and again, I dunno that Vernon is a pedo, but he certainly didn't the make the case for himself that he isn't one).
There are many things that were left answered: why did no news outlet investigate how the boys are doing afterwards? Why does Tesla and Elon increasingly get beaten in the media as a helpless case, after all the glory and admiration as the real iron-man until now?

Until recently, Elon was not much more than a guy chosen to bring out some of the Deep State suppressed technologies, things like SpaceX, electric cars (though nothing compared to what Nikola Tesla had in vision a century ago) or his Boring company digging underground tunnels, which is how DUMBs are connected across continents.

As usual, more questions than answers. Still, I found it compelling enough to write all about it here.
Have a peaceful day y'all.

Posted : September 18, 2018 12:08 AM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

No, I totally wouldn't put it past Musk. Most people see Tony Stark, but I see a pre-scar/moniker Bond villain. The sort of chap who wants to take over the world to save it from itself. Muhahaha.

I've always considered that since his money comes from Paypal it makes him a bit more JP Morgan than Tesla. I've talked to engineers who worked for him and his places are meatgrinders.

Posted : September 18, 2018 1:50 AM
Posts: 638
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i wish he would bring back more old inventions. its like he picked the worst ones on purpose. rockets and hyperloop? i dont dont trust him that much. we will never know his ideas he was saying he has, he hides everything. he even lied he doesnt smoke weed. a text from grimes shows they smoke.

Posted : September 18, 2018 2:07 AM
Posts: 638
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i havent looked very much through this site, but i like this train. it goes fast enough, you can have stops unlike the hyperloop. driverless cars wont even work in some places because 5g wont work if its real wet like by the ocean in the pnw. rockets kill the ozone layer or whatever. space ships could happen some day. regular people know this stuff, hes much smarter then me. it doesnt add up, im not good at math thats why and im crazy

Posted : September 18, 2018 2:34 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

I watched this and followed the story of the Thai boys cave rescue. I am currently living in Thailand and it was huge news here the whole country was following it daily, and there was a joint feeling of empathy, care and then joy in the air for the boys. After the event I saw posters in memorial to the Diver who died and a special service day for him. Western media moved on to other things.

There is huge prejudice in the western world towards Thailand as being poor where it has quite a high standard of living, a strong currency and an influx of immigration from surrounding countries and westerners who choose to live here. I chose to live here to get away from narrow minded attitudes like yours.

Elon is quoted as saying
He's an old, single white guy from England who's been traveling to or living in Thailand for 30 to 40 years, mostly Pattaya Beach, until moving to Chiang Rai. There's only one reason people go to Pattaya Beach. It isn't where you go for caves, but it is where you'd go for something else."

There is an unjustified assumption that westerners would only live here if they were pedo's - this is a fiction told to the people to make them feel better about where they live and is akin to the the many other mind sets westerners have been led to believe and held for a number of years such as racist, homophobic, misogynistic, western privilege, these are given by the propagandists to keep the plebs in their place.

Your comments reek of prejudice, a haughty attitude and probably projecting your own shadow accusing others of being a "pedo" just because he didn't deny it. I suggest Unsworth had the wherewithal not to lower himself to a mud slinging match or to "save face" as they call it in Thailand.

1. Elon does smack me as an American idiot with a lot of money to burn and could easily pay off the claim out of pocket change.
2. WTF sort of argument is that. A rescue diver has nothing to do with the people he went to rescue.
3. Lawyers for Unsworth wrote to Musk threatening to sue on 6 August, though Musk publicly claimed about two weeks later that no such action had been taken. “You don’t think it’s strange he hasn’t sued me? “ he tweeted in response to another user. From the article you linked
American idiots think the only recourse is fighting either in the school yard or in court - this is not the Thai way and Unsworth being with his 40 year old Thai girlfriend for 7 years will in no doubt have adjusted his mind set away from the toxic western attitudes towards Buddhist attitudes.

Elon did apologies saying they were unjustified article dated 18 July 2018

Elon seemed to have been anointed by the previous Deep State administration to keep the rocket tech machine slowly churning away and his fortunes have changed with the new direction towards a Space Force by the new administration and bring many of the new technologies back into the hands of the military out of and away from private companies.

Have you lived or even visited a non-western country? as your post suggests otherwise.


Posted : September 18, 2018 8:03 AM
Posts: 1354
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nickzeptepi wrote: I watched this and followed the story of the Thai boys cave rescue. I am currently living in Thailand and it was huge news here the whole country was following it daily, and there was a joint feeling of empathy, care and then joy in the air for the boys. After the event I saw posters in memorial to the Diver who died and a special service day for him. Western media moved on to other things.

There is huge prejudice in the western world towards Thailand as being poor where it has quite a high standard of living, a strong currency and an influx of immigration from surrounding countries and westerners who choose to live here. I chose to live here to get away from narrow minded attitudes like yours.

Elon is quoted as saying
He's an old, single white guy from England who's been traveling to or living in Thailand for 30 to 40 years, mostly Pattaya Beach, until moving to Chiang Rai. There's only one reason people go to Pattaya Beach. It isn't where you go for caves, but it is where you'd go for something else."

There is an unjustified assumption that westerners would only live here if they were pedo's - this is a fiction told to the people to make them feel better about where they live and is akin to the the many other mind sets westerners have been led to believe and held for a number of years such as racist, homophobic, misogynistic, western privilege, these are given by the propagandists to keep the plebs in their place.

Your comments reek of prejudice, a haughty attitude and probably projecting your own shadow accusing others of being a "pedo" just because he didn't deny it. I suggest Unsworth had the wherewithal not to lower himself to a mud slinging match or to "save face" as they call it in Thailand.

1. Elon does smack me as an American idiot with a lot of money to burn and could easily pay off the claim out of pocket change.
2. WTF sort of argument is that. A rescue diver has nothing to do with the people he went to rescue.
3. Lawyers for Unsworth wrote to Musk threatening to sue on 6 August, though Musk publicly claimed about two weeks later that no such action had been taken. “You don’t think it’s strange he hasn’t sued me? “ he tweeted in response to another user. From the article you linked
3.1 American idiots think the only recourse is fighting either in the school yard or in court - this is not the Thai way and Unsworth being with his 40 year old Thai girlfriend for 7 years will in no doubt have adjusted his mind set away from the toxic western attitudes towards Buddhist attitudes.

Elon did apologies saying they were unjustified article dated 18 July 2018

Elon seemed to have been anointed by the previous Deep State administration to keep the rocket tech machine slowly churning away and his fortunes have changed with the new direction towards a Space Force by the new administration and bring many of the new technologies back into the hands of the military out of and away from private companies.

Have you lived or even visited a non-western country? as your post suggests otherwise.


Nickzeptepi, I appreciate your comment, and do apologize for what was probably a rushed, shallow and insensitive analysis of the situation. I'm actually from Japan, but have been to Thailand many times, in fact my earliest childhood memories are from family vacations spent in Pukhet and Phi Phi Islands.

More recently, I've visited the country again with friends, and I have great admiration for their culture, and their respect for people in general, it felt very open, dynamic and welcoming to foreigners. And I'm sure that's in part what attracted you and other foreigners to live there.
Having said that, I've been to Pataya as well, and I've seen/experienced the stuff that attracts low-vibrations from all over the world, including but not limited to cheap sex tourism. A gal I met there told me how a lot of workers working in those clubs come from small villages in search for money to support their kids.
I'm sure you've witnessed it too. And this farang-can-do-it-all attitude is common almost anywhere, including Japan.

And you're right also, that I don't have a clue about the British expat and his motives. What I stated in the beginning (and perhaps I should've emphasized) was my poor speculation at best.
Elon offering his public apologies doesn't confirm, nor deny anything about this case.

I'm glad to hear that the case gathered people together, as is often the case when tragedies strike communities, and that it all ended on a good note (except for that one Marine diver).

As for Elon and his expertise, I know that his background of engineering and physics, but there's hardly any mention beyond classical modern physics. Joe Rogan actually asked him about the validity of UFO, Bob Lazar type propulsion systems, to which Elon very plainly dismissed it as being not possible. Joe even mentioned about his dream where there were a million Nikola Teslas around the world innovating at great pace.
I still give him benefit of the doubt whether he's really that clueless about electrogravitics, ETs, or he's paid to keep his mouth shut.

Posted : September 18, 2018 9:12 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

he kept saying his friends want him to not use cuss worrds, maybe thats elon saying he has to do as they say. all of his speaches are the same except some people got him to talk about aliens one time. he was saying ya i guess the ai could be the aliens and then it switched to him saying there could be aliens and then they were talking about hybreds. sorta like he knew something about it them. but time will tell. interesting times

Posted : September 18, 2018 10:32 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

Exhibit A:

How do you take your martini Mr. Bond? I prefer a 50 year old scotch with chilled moonrocks in the glass.

Posted : September 19, 2018 3:31 AM
Posts: 1026
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Exhibit B:

Posted : September 19, 2018 3:41 AM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

theres nothing evil about it. everyone is the monsters. dont listen to it, do listen to it. both listen to it now we fucked

Posted : September 19, 2018 8:30 PM
Posts: 1026
Noble Member

sirujux wrote: theres nothing evil about it. everyone is the monsters. dont listen to it, do listen to it. both listen to it now we fucked

Waaay off topic, but that reminded me of this song:

Posted : September 20, 2018 3:37 AM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

dam i was kinda drunk. but in society you get the most boring jobs like what elon musk has. humans cant have just one job, we arnt robots. thats all elon has done his whole llife. he was probably glad he was on this show. thats good, but it would have been a better show if he said what his ideas are and that he smokes weed.

Posted : September 20, 2018 8:25 AM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

now i got sleep and what i was getting at is theres a reason thhese people are so rich is theve been programmed to follow the rules maybe. or thats just who he is, anyways im not sure what im saying

Posted : September 20, 2018 3:49 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

i think i just found a clue that elon musk is very smart. he was talking about the plane that goes straight up into where the air is very thin. i didnt get that because in thin air the motor would have to work harder, but i think hes always wanting to go real fast and i think he wants to leave earth because the time is slow, the botom of the ocean and the top of a mountain the time is a little different. i think, who really knows. look at the pyramid thats all over, the top is where they want to be.

Posted : September 30, 2018 4:28 PM
Posts: 1026
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