Transhumanism a la Elon Musk's Neuralink:
Losing faith in humanity? Has your girlfriend broken up with you? Have a huge industrial empire? Then technological arch-villany and destroying humanity for it's own good be right for you. . .

i think i already got that, seriously though some people have weird alien implants and who wants a alien implant?

Elon seems to be a master at refurbishing old secret techs and unveiling them as the next big thing..
Jose Delgado been on this for ages now..
I know some in the community, like Wilcock, think Elon may be handed (by members of the white hat Alliance) Zero-Point-Energy tech to use with his battery packs and rebuild the grid, and that may very well be the plan to be honest, but at the same time, I'm not so sure either.
Actions speak louder than words, right?

another cern.
5g everywhere... approval to SpaceX on March 29, 2018, to launch 4,425 satellites into low orbit around the Earth.

Boring company workers burning ground for the accelerator tunnel 😉

Oh, and Simpsons did it.

elon musk deep is making a tunnel to nowhere. oh shit you deep literally, thanks for that. we dont have enough holes in the earth. if only he knew how many holes are in the earth...

Elon sent an email at 1:20 a.m. telling employees to essentially forget about work-life balance, we are saving the world. Que rats.

This talk gives a pretty good breakdown of what is wrong with the myth of the billionaire philanthropist.

shamangineer wrote: This talk gives a pretty good breakdown of what is wrong with the myth of the billionaire philanthropist.
Just finished half of it and it's some good stuff so far. Thanks for sharing!

chukobyte wrote: Just finished half of it and it's some good stuff so far. Thanks for sharing!
Carnegie and Rockefeller had a lot to do with starting this. Unsurprisingly the capriciously rich were poorly regarded in the early 20th century due to decades of grinding wages in their works, Pinkerton and government suppression of strikes, and a complete disregard for worker's health. In order to combat this various philanthropic trusts and foundations were created to polish their tarnished images. Both were largely responsible for funding the current incarnation of the American school system based on the caste system (think school districts and housing prices) and indoctrination practices developed in the Prussian school system. This style of pedagogy (based on horse training methods) came out of Germany and was used to generate a highly regimented society for the purposes of having of obedient soldiers there. John Taylor Gatto has a wealth of information about this.
The Carnegie Library system was also deployed at this time and while egalitarian on the surface could also be used to control widespread access to information on sensitive topics and act as a willing outlet for propaganda given the foundational relationship. Rockefeller was more on the direct giving (and aping gospel of wealth platitudes) by handing out dimes to every fucking person who got too close and had a bag of dimes at hand on all times to do so.
From above:
"In the early 20th century the Rockefeller family business had an image problem. Everyone hated them.
They were widely seen as an evil empire of oil tycoon bankers whose tentacles reached across the U.S. and world economy, suffocating and crushing smaller businesses while exploiting their workers and customers. In April 1914 in Ludlow, Colorado the National Guard attacked a large family encampment of striking minors, killing more than 20 including women and children. Already disliked,the mining operations owner, John D Rockefeller was blamed by the public for the ‘Ludlow Massacre,’ making him arguably the most despised person in America.
Ivy Lee turned his image around. He convinced Rockefeller, who fiercely guarded his privacy, to meet with the miners families and listen to their concerns while using the mainstream media to relentlessly publicise their meetings as ‘news.’ He suggested that Rockefeller family use philanthropy to be ‘seen’ to do good works. The Rockefeller’s recognised that they could exploit their foundations and trusts to corner whole sectors of society and set about changing U.S. education and medicine in order to control these markets. Ivy Lee set up a series of publicity stunts where J.D. Rockefeller was seen handing out dimes to people, especially children, using the media to promote the stunt as a symbol of Rockefeller philanthropy. It worked, by the mid 1920s J.D was seen as a great social reformer and leading light of U.S. civil society, despite his responsibility for ordering the brutal murders of striking miners and their families. The Rockefeller brand was transformed and J.D always carried a bag of freshly minted dimes with him.
However, it was Bernays techniques of engineering mass consent that were of greater interest to the government, the military and the intelligence agencies, the Rockefeller’s and other globalists. During WWI Bernays was a leading member of the ‘Committee on Public Information’ who successfully turned a sceptical U.S. public towards supporting the war effort. He refined and perfected his techniques of psychological mass manipulation to develop the modern concept of propaganda. Bernays demonstrated he could manipulate entire nations using nothing more than information, orchestrated events and media manipulation."

shamangineer wrote: Carnegie and Rockefeller had a lot to do with starting this. Unsurprisingly the capriciously rich were poorly regarded in the early 20th century due to decades of grinding wages in their works, Pinkerton and government suppression of strikes, and a complete disregard for worker's health. In order to combat this various philanthropic trusts and foundations were created to polish their tarnished images. Both were largely responsible for funding the current incarnation of the American school system based on the caste system (think school districts and housing prices) and indoctrination practices developed in the Prussian school system. This style of pedagogy (based on horse training methods) came out of Germany and was used to generate a highly regimented society for the purposes of having of obedient soldiers there. John Taylor Gatto has a wealth of information about this.
The Carnegie Library system was also deployed at this time and while egalitarian on the surface could also be used to control widespread access to information on sensitive topics and act as a willing outlet for propaganda given the foundational relationship. Rockefeller was more on the direct giving (and aping gospel of wealth platitudes) by handing out dimes to every fucking person who got too close and had a bag of dimes at hand on all times to do so.
From above:
"In the early 20th century the Rockefeller family business had an image problem. Everyone hated them.They were widely seen as an evil empire of oil tycoon bankers whose tentacles reached across the U.S. and world economy, suffocating and crushing smaller businesses while exploiting their workers and customers. In April 1914 in Ludlow, Colorado the National Guard attacked a large family encampment of striking minors, killing more than 20 including women and children. Already disliked,the mining operations owner, John D Rockefeller was blamed by the public for the ‘Ludlow Massacre,’ making him arguably the most despised person in America.
Ivy Lee turned his image around. He convinced Rockefeller, who fiercely guarded his privacy, to meet with the miners families and listen to their concerns while using the mainstream media to relentlessly publicise their meetings as ‘news.’ He suggested that Rockefeller family use philanthropy to be ‘seen’ to do good works. The Rockefeller’s recognised that they could exploit their foundations and trusts to corner whole sectors of society and set about changing U.S. education and medicine in order to control these markets. Ivy Lee set up a series of publicity stunts where J.D. Rockefeller was seen handing out dimes to people, especially children, using the media to promote the stunt as a symbol of Rockefeller philanthropy. It worked, by the mid 1920s J.D was seen as a great social reformer and leading light of U.S. civil society, despite his responsibility for ordering the brutal murders of striking miners and their families. The Rockefeller brand was transformed and J.D always carried a bag of freshly minted dimes with him.
However, it was Bernays techniques of engineering mass consent that were of greater interest to the government, the military and the intelligence agencies, the Rockefeller’s and other globalists. During WWI Bernays was a leading member of the ‘Committee on Public Information’ who successfully turned a sceptical U.S. public towards supporting the war effort. He refined and perfected his techniques of psychological mass manipulation to develop the modern concept of propaganda. Bernays demonstrated he could manipulate entire nations using nothing more than information, orchestrated events and media manipulation."
Yes I'm definitely familiar with this thread of information with John Taylor Gattos (saw the video before ;)) and also also the Rockerfellers and Edward Bernays in regards to public relations. As far as the Prussian school system, wasn't it developed after the Prussian army's defeat by Napolean? I actually first became aware of this after reading "Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assilimilation". As far as the birth of PR, march of dimes facade, etc was brought on my radar by the excellent documentary "Century of the Self". I've also read bits of Edward Bernay's book "Propaganda".
“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”
― Edward Bernays
I'll look into the links you've sent and dig into them. Thanks again!

Thank you for giving me renewed hope for humanity, you are quite an astute observer. You are correct that the Prussian school system was developed after the Prussian army's defeat at Jena in 1806. It was decided that the battle had been lost because of soldiers thinking for themselves so an education system which required immediate obedience was developed.
Something interesting from above:
"The implimentation of the German educational nightmare in the United States met some initial resistence. In Carnegie’s home town of Gary, Indiana, the system was implemented between 1910 and 1916, mostly through the efforts of William Wirt, the school superintendent. It involved no academic endeavor whatsoever. It worked so well in supplying willing workers for the steel mills that it was decided by Carnegie to bring the system to New York City. In 1917, they initiated a program in New York in 12 schools, with the objective of enlarging the program to encompass 100 schools and eventually all the schools in New York. William Wirt came to supervise the transition.
Unfortunately for Carnegie, the population of the 12 schools was predominently composed of Jewish immigrants, who innately recognized what was being done and the nature of the new “educational system”. Three weeks of riots followed, and editorials in the New York Times were very critical of the plan. Over 200 Jewish school children were thrown in jail. The whole political structure of New York that had tried this scheme were then thrown out of office during the next election. A book describing this scenerio, The Great School Wars, was written by Diane Ravitch on the subject. Curiously, William Wirt was committed to an insane asylum around 1930, after going around making public speeches about his part in a large conspiracy to bring about a controlled state in the hands of certain people. He died two years later."

shamangineer wrote: Thank you for giving me renewed hope for humanity, you are quite an astute observer. You are correct that the Prussian school system was developed after the Prussian army's defeat at Jena in 1806. It was decided that the battle had been lost because of soldiers thinking for themselves so an education system which required immediate obedience was developed.
Something interesting from above:"The implimentation of the German educational nightmare in the United States met some initial resistence. In Carnegie’s home town of Gary, Indiana, the system was implemented between 1910 and 1916, mostly through the efforts of William Wirt, the school superintendent. It involved no academic endeavor whatsoever. It worked so well in supplying willing workers for the steel mills that it was decided by Carnegie to bring the system to New York City. In 1917, they initiated a program in New York in 12 schools, with the objective of enlarging the program to encompass 100 schools and eventually all the schools in New York. William Wirt came to supervise the transition.
Unfortunately for Carnegie, the population of the 12 schools was predominently composed of Jewish immigrants, who innately recognized what was being done and the nature of the new “educational system”. Three weeks of riots followed, and editorials in the New York Times were very critical of the plan. Over 200 Jewish school children were thrown in jail. The whole political structure of New York that had tried this scheme were then thrown out of office during the next election. A book describing this scenerio, The Great School Wars, was written by Diane Ravitch on the subject. Curiously, William Wirt was committed to an insane asylum around 1930, after going around making public speeches about his part in a large conspiracy to bring about a controlled state in the hands of certain people. He died two years later."
Years of conditioning during development, takes years of hard work to unpick & unlearn.
The built in barriers and peer pressure make it easy to allow limited growth so you can look back and say well done look I've turned my irons chains into a large prison like apartment.
The best prison guard is a happy prisoner.
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