Oh geez, Elon is claiming the Tesla 3 will be " fully autonomous" when it isn't, again. Time for another round of Darwin awards for people who take him seriously.

Boring company, proposing another car ferry:

i wonder if he has a secret about a flying tesla. he probably cant release it yet and is doing stuff like space x and tunneling for money. soon ufos and flying cars will be for everyone to know about? but maybe he really thinks hyperloop and car ferries are a good idea.

I didn't know (or had forgotten) about Rockefeller and his bag of dimes. If true, that is an oddly horrifying detail. It seems to belong to the "uncanny valley" of charity -- in the way combines contempt (or at least an unthinkable amount of unconscious condescension) for the recipient, with what is almost surely a puzzled desire to do good, in spite of an essentially vicious nature. A fitting habit of a human monster.

greatshakes wrote: I didn't know (or had forgotten) about Rockefeller and his bag of dimes. If true, that is an oddly horrifying detail. It seems to belong to the "uncanny valley" of charity -- in the way combines contempt (or at least an unthinkable amount of unconscious condescension) for the recipient, with what is almost surely a puzzled desire to do good, in spite of an essentially vicious nature. A fitting habit of a human monster.
How quaint, he even cared about the negro children. Bless his shriveled atrophied heart.

A US Navy scientist named Salvatore Cezar Pais has filed a patent for an unusual flying craft that employs an "inertial mass reduction device" to attain "extreme speeds", and which looks like something straight out of conspiracy theories about military testing UFO-style flying machines, Metro reports.
According to the newspaper, the patent describes methods of reducing an aircraft’s mass via methods which include the generation of gravity waves, and that the craft’s design would allow it to create a vacuum around itself and, thus allowing it to move at high speeds in air, water, or even in space.
Time is up for solid fuel rockets & Space X
Is this the start of the drip drip release of black military tech? If the patent hasn't been classified as Military sensitive it must mean they already have it, used it, no longer need it, and it is now time for the public release. and who better to keep the technology origins secret but a high level Navy guy, (probably given the roll to relase and take the profits if he keeps the secret he has been keeping all these years)
Remember the SR-71 Blackbird that was declassified a few years ago was first flown in 1964 and in development since 1958!!! if you show that picture to anyone and ask how old is the technology most will say in the last 10 years. not from 50 years ago!!

nickzeptepi wrote: https://sputniknews.com/science/201904191074294575-ufo-craft-navy-patent-reveal/
A US Navy scientist named Salvatore Cezar Pais has filed a patent for an unusual flying craft that employs an "inertial mass reduction device" to attain "extreme speeds", and which looks like something straight out of conspiracy theories about military testing UFO-style flying machines, Metro reports.
According to the newspaper, the patent describes methods of reducing an aircraft’s mass via methods which include the generation of gravity waves, and that the craft’s design would allow it to create a vacuum around itself and, thus allowing it to move at high speeds in air, water, or even in space.
Time is up for solid fuel rockets & Space X
Is this the start of the drip drip release of black military tech? If the patent hasn't been classified as Military sensitive it must mean they already have it, used it, no longer need it, and it is now time for the public release. and who better to keep the technology origins secret but a high level Navy guy, (probably given the roll to relase and take the profits if he keeps the secret he has been keeping all these years)
Remember the SR-71 Blackbird that was declassified a few years ago was first flown in 1964 and in development since 1958!!! if you show that picture to anyone and ask how old is the technology most will say in the last 10 years. not from 50 years ago!!
Links to relevant patents:
It looks like both are essentially using the the same mechanism as the "impossible" EM drive.

"Safe-ish" autopilot with "Mad Max" mode being developed.
So is the next Tesla going to have half a VW bug welded on the back? Musk must be huffing his own farts if he thinks this is a good idea.

ive been thinking shouldnt there be a invention for a free energy machine that you could put in the middle of the city and power most of it at least. if we can make ufo's and quantum computers lol

Sharing Tesla’s electric cars will soon be a lot more convenient, with the company set to roll out a feature that allows saved driver profiles to be tied to a specific phone key. With such a system in place, Tesla’s electric cars will be capable of adjusting its settings according to a user’s preferences, even before it is used by another driver.
The upcoming feature was confirmed by Elon Musk, who was responding to a request from a Model 3 owner who shares the electric sedan with his wife. According to the Tesla owner, he usually ends up cramped in the Model 3 if he forgets to swap driver profiles on the vehicle. Musk responded, noting that automatic tie-ins to driver profiles will definitely be coming in the future.
so in the future we will have computers that fit in our pocket (a phone that's just as good as a home pc) and cars that are computers and they will link up? scary stuff

Tesla's lane changing lags behind human drivers:

Musk abandons rail-based vacuum tubes of tomorrow at hundreds of miles per hour for one-lane car tunnels with cars going 130 mph.

I’m all about blaming ‘Mericans for shit, but Shamangineer is correct, the man is South African by origin and holds citizenship there, in Canada, and in the US.
I’m all about aggressive business. I don’t criticize Musk for much when it comes to holding his employees to the fire, hell, SpaceX is now the NASA that I grew up with. I prefer the man in charge of a company that places America in space to be a bit on the side of a dictator.
Now about this Thailand fiasco. I think I have it figured. Elon is a textbook dork. Suddenly people are calling him Tony Stark, a moniker which epitomizes a dork’s wet dream. He sends a Mark XXIV submersible to aid in the rescue of children and some dude with a snorkel says it’s a PR stunt.
Embarrassed, Musk doubles down and follows stereotypical logic and calls the man a Pedo. Then a year or so later gets caught smoking weed for the first time with the most famous Alternative Jock we know.
Musk, emotionally, is still in high school. I don’t think there is any more to it.

Very interesting, I recently just finished working as a Development manager at Dyson Appliances and its astounding what goes on. They now have over 3,600 engineers working, they spend $3.6m pounds per week on RND, own a University and bought an ex-military complex complete with 4 run ways and DUMB's.
Some of the last emails i got from James Dyson was advising that the new blueprint contained Space, AI, Robotics and Solid state battery technology. Anyways this got me thinking about the vast amounts of research he is compiling and for whom? Being knighted doesn't make me think hes to be trusted and in a way i think Elon is the same. Its almost like as soon as they reach a level of elitism they are privileged to information that changes their world views and values.
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