If Silicon Valley were to put a team of tech bros together on a project to merge computers and people, the lineup wouldn’t be complete without car and rocket man Elon Musk and the Valley’s most dubious robot, Mark Zuckerberg.
two people you def cant trust making mind control helmets it looks like.

with the way the cybertruck was built ( cheep to make, lighter and stronger) id want a cyber three wheel car. instead tesla is a luxury brand, who knows how tesla keeps going on. i guess its the 5g satellites that there in no profit.

how did this guy get a job, you dont stop ai by supporting one of the biggest ai companies. the other day grimes on her channel was talking about how much she likes singularity.
Elon Musk calls for regulations on artificial intelligence
Elon Musk is calling for regulation on organizations developing advanced artificial intelligence, including his companies.
The Tesla and SpaceX head tweeting earlier this week, “All orgs developing advanced AI should be regulated, including Tesla.”
Musk was, according to TechCrunch, “responding to a new MIT Technology Review profile of OpenAI, an organization founded in 2015 by Musk, along with Sam Altman, Ilya Sutskever, Greg Brockman, Wojciech Zaremba and John Schulman. … At the time of its founding in 2015, Musk posited that the group essentially arrived at the idea for OpenAI as an alternative to ‘sit[ting] on the sidelines’ or ‘encourag[ing] regulatory oversight’.”
Since 2015, Musk has distanced himself from OpenAI and openly criticized it. In a twitter conversation about the group last year, Musk tweeted, “Unfortunately, I must agree that these are reasonable concerns” when user @Smerity asked, “What is OpenAI? I don’t know anymore. A non-profit that leveraged goodwill whilst silently giving out equity for years prepping a shift to for-profit that is now seeking to license closed tech through a third party by segmenting tech under a banner of pre/post “AGI” technology?”
Musk has long raised the red flag about AI and robots, telling the National Governors Association in 2017: “The thing that is the most dangerous — and it is the hardest to … get your arms around because it is not a physical thing — is a deep intelligence in the (AI) network. … You say, ‘What harm can a deep intelligence in the network do?’ Well, it can start a war by doing fake news and spoofing email accounts and doing fake press releases and by manipulating information.”

That sounds like a convenient way of not saying I sold out to big money!
To the last point, regarding harm done by deep intelligence. We may already be living in that very scenario. Not a day goes by AI-something, including genetic/bacterial manipulations created by AI. Maybe this whole corona-mess is a by-product of that too.. or we'll never know..
Last but not least, I now come to feel as there is no such thing as "artificial" in AI anymore. Rather, it's cosmic intelligence, albeit looking like a ill-intentioned, low-vibration entity type of egregore. The machine is its body to actualise itself, just as our body is our soul's vehicle to manifest itself.
Reminds me of Animatrix

people are saying we are going into a new earth and things will be changing a lot. i dot even think the 5g thing will happen, its almost impossible 50k satellites and a million huge dishes on ground. unless those satellites are living, then they could last longer then five years. living satellites, thats probably going to happen though. maybe thats why this is a big deal.

tesla is still making cars, i think its the only car company making cars. i wonder if this virus will slow down what elon musk does. i doubt silicon vally will slow down much in advancing in weird brain computer tech. this could make 5g happen faster, who knows what will happen.

sirujux wrote: tesla is still making cars, i think its the only car company making cars. i wonder if this virus will slow down what elon musk does. i doubt silicon vally will slow down much in advancing in weird brain computer tech. this could make 5g happen faster, who knows what will happen.
I suspect that the Silicon Cabal are breaking their records in profits, with everyone staying home and using digital-everything. This is only going to make us more dependent on Amazon, social media and whatnot, not saying they're not useful in these times, but it's going to affect small biz even worse.
As you say, this will only accelerate the digital (mind) virus even more, and they will be announcing China-like surveillance methods using people's smartphones (I'd put my money on FB). As for 5G, Elon has already announced a larger-than-previously-thought fleet of satellites known as Starlink, to blast us with 5G from space.
I know Apple has allegedly been offering one ebook from its digital-store to US-residents so far. But for a goliath worth more than a $trillion, I say, Is that all you can do for people in times like this? Don't even get me started on the just-announced US 2 $trillion bail-out, with only a meager one-time $1,200 cheque to the people. the apex of greed and contempt right there (undoubtedly that was the plan all-along)

This website supposedly allows tracking of Starlink satellites in real-time. Seen pictures of them, it looks creepy as hell, like stars aligned straight in the sky, a real truman show!

sirujux wrote: this is old but pretty crazy
doesnt exist anymore. it was talking about how elon is a robot. every year it seem like its closer to be true. some day it will come out the closet.

I cringe just posting about it, but you can't make this up. Elon's shape-shifting cover is down and showing his true colours.
This dude is nothing but an uncharismatic charlatan (which is the least you could ask of a con-man), and I'm enjoying seeing his demise every step of the way 🙂
He also changed his profile pic on Twitter to Deus Ex, and while I have never played the original game, reading the story-line makes the hair on your back stand. You can't make this shit up! o_O:cool::D

often i hear about new thing getting sent off to space, why cant we have nice things on earth instead of losing money all the time?

Freshly out of the oven
I have not yet listened to it, but it's intriguing to say the least :D:cool:
Interesting discussions that insights into how this dude thinks, or seems to at least.
This article from RT pretty much sums it up. The whole thing about their newborn's name is a personal decision, but still, who names their kid after a classified CIA program, even as cool as the SR-71 blackbird.. weird..
But then it gets even weirder when he talks about the wickedly disturbing, Jose Delgado-style brain implants from his NeuralNet project. Joe did a great job at pointing out some of the (obvious) dangers of such a thing, and from what it looks, he doesn't seem too concerned (a poin to which I'll come back).
Then, talking Covid, we actually have agreements: the fatality rate is greatly exagerated; the lack of clear data and the importance of lifestyle for the immune system.
Thing is, if you've been wandering long enough, you stop judging someone from their words and from their actions instead. To me, Elon can't be ignored for the fact that he 1) launches them spacex starlink systems (which was not addressed by the way) and 2) plans to fuse human and AI "because it's inevitable". He kept bringing this latter argument, and all I could think was: the state of current AI can't even the most mundane tasks, and he's telling us that we're too dumb and "if you cant beat 'em, join 'em"? Now now buddy..
My 2 cents 😎

weird story about elon musk @ 21 min.
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